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The Best Flowers and Plants for Your Home This Christmas
Christmas is around the corner! However, we are in the middle of the pandemic that has caused a lot of stress. . read more...
By Joseph Delarge | Dec-14-2020

Young Christian Fellowship Groups Offer Volunteer and Leadership Opportunities
When young people go away to college they may feel lost until they can find some friends or some activities to join. Whether one goes to college in one’s hometown or far away, the college years are a period of adjustment. read more...
By Jeff Schultz | May-16-2013

Trinity Church Kirkwood Open House
Trinity Church has restored the historical landmark Osage Hills School Building and invites the community to an Open House with free food and music read more...
By Chris Polski | Apr-14-2012

Sermon Illustrations How to Enhance Your Sermons
Sermons are a wonderful way to educate, motivate, and encourage people on their journey in life. Plenty of sermons have been delivered that have helped multitudes to grow personally and spiritually. Whether you are delivering a series on biblical ways to take control of your emotions or delving into the meat of the Old Testament and its history, sermons are certainly necessary for lectures or corporate gatherings. read more...
By Camilla Devreut | Feb-20-2012

Use Illustrated Sermons to Keep Your Congregation's Interest on Sunday
You know that you put in a lot of preparation for your sermons. You don’t just download them from the internet and then deliver them in a monotone to your congregation. But do your parishioners or congregation realize the effort you have put into it? Are you certain your story or your theme is getting through to them? read more...
By Camilla Devreut | Jan-07-2012

449 The Historical Development of the Trinity
The trinity is followed from it's conception until to it's full acceptance into Christianity. The lovers of truth will enjoy this article. While others may not. However, you alone must ultimately decide whether to believe it or not. This is a very revealing article. read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-04-2011

899 Deliverance
Some people need to delivered from a habit, thought or demon spirit. The latter will require either a total dedication of your to Jesus Christ, or a expert. God is able to do all things if we believe in Him. It is that simple. Sometimes people are delivered automatically while others only in time, but they are delivered if they seek God with their all. Here are what the experts say on the subject. Any child of God is given the power to deliver others when they walk in fellowship with Christ. read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-03-2011

1226 Less Known Bible facts
Here are some lesser known "facts" from the Bible. The following are responses made by children from different bible schools. They have not been corrected. The incorrect spelling has been left in. It's okay to laugh at them. "In the first book of the bible, Guinessis. God got tired of creating the world so he took the sabbath off. Adam and Eve were created from an Apple tree. Noah's wife was called Joan of Ark. Noah built an ark and the animals came on in pears." read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-03-2011

933 God Reveals His Secrets
Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets. (Amos 3:7) And now I have told you before it come to pass, that when it is come to pass, ye might believe. (John 14:29) The two quotations above confirm that God's plans are made known to men and women in advance, and that when prophecy is fulfilled, it encourages the faith of those who have received the prophecies. Bible prophecies are given to reveal the true God, the future and to motivate people. read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-03-2011

743 Appointed Feasts
Jesus fulfilled the Jewish feasts (appointed times). The seven annual feasts of Israel were spread over seven months of the Jewish calendar, and at set times appointed by God. The first four of the seven feasts occur during the springtime (Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, and Weeks) and they all have already been fulfilled literally on the actual feast days by Christ in the New Testament. The final three holidays (Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles) occur during the fall. read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-03-2011

341 America Our Christian Nation
"What students would learn in American schools above all is the religion of Jesus Christ." (George Washington) The truth is that America is a Christian, though many liars will tell you otherwise. Nearly all the founding fathers have said that America was founded upon Christian ideas, and the word of God. Read their words for yourself. read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-03-2011

390 Athet's Story
The story that follows is simply a translation of a taped testimony from a man with a life-changing story. Athet was a devout Buddist monk who died, and was almost cremated. However, after three days God had other plans, and brought him back. Because of his testimony many have come to believe in Jesus Christ. His current whereabouts are uncertain, but some believe him to be dead while others believe him to be preaching in parts unknown. read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-03-2011

344 The Thief on the Cross
Those who oppose baptism use faulty arguments. If a person tries to say that the thief on the cross proves that baptism for the remission of sins is not necessary for salvation, point out the following four things: We do not know that the thief was not baptized. The thief lived under the law of Moses, not the law of Christ. Jesus had the power to forgive sins while on earth. They are trying to use a specific instance during the former dispensational period to make a general application today. read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-03-2011

481 God Speaks to His People
God speaks to his people in many ways. Through the Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16, Psalm 119:11, 105) This is the most clear and effective way of God’s communication with his people. If you want to know how things works perfectly, you need to read the manual. The scriptures are God’s manual for his people. Through the inner still, small voice of Holy Spirit. (Acts 11:12, Acts 13:2, Acts 16:6-7, 1 Kings 19:12, Isaiah 30:19-21) Through the advice and counsel of men and women of God. (Provebs 12:15) read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-02-2011

363 The 46 Prophecies the Antichrist Fulfills
The Antichrist will fulfill many prophecies in the bible. Here are but a few of them. The antichrist will be a man - Daniel 7:24-25 He will confirm a covenant for 7 years - Daniel 9:27 read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-02-2011

1267 Guidance and Light
The Koran (Qur'an) itself calls the New Testament Gospel of Jesus, "Guidance and Light." The biggest threat to Islam is without a doubt the teachings of the true "Prophet of Peace" Jesus Christ. Islamic leaders go to extraordinary means to hide the Gospel of Jesus from Muslims. read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-02-2011

1133 Early Church History
The history of the early church is given from 34 A.D. to 400 A.D. This article has information within it that has not been disclosed by many of the churches today. Learn what really happened in history. read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-01-2011

535 The Right Hand of God
The phrase "the right hand of God" appears in both the old and new Testament and being a strong graphic image, it communicates strong and certain attributes of God. Since the image is clearly designed to provide insight into some attributes of God, let's undertake an exhaustive coverage of the meaning and usage of this phrase. read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-01-2011

576 The King of Kings
My King was born King. The Bible says He's a Seven Way King. He's the King of righteousness. He's the King of the ages. He's the King of Heaven. He's the King of glory. He's the King of kings and He is the Lord of lords. Now that's my King. Well, I wonder if you know Him. Do you know Him? Don't try to mislead me. Do you know my King? Jesus is found by placing His name everywhere in your heart and life without exceptions. If He's your Lord, then His spirit abides within you. If not, your not His. read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-01-2011

580 Why Astrology Fails
There is a commonalty among all human beings. We all wonder who we are and where we fit into this world, and what is going to happen in the future. The uncertainty of the future is what scares most people. It is the source of worry and insecurity. Astrology attempts to answer our questions based on ancient (and inaccurate) charts of the stars and planets positioning. While the word of God offers His Holy Spirit and direction in our lives, astrology can only offer man made ideas of what may be. read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-01-2011

824 Real Church Signs
Here's a collection of church signs or billboards where they traditionally place a message up for Sunday's service. Some of them are quite revealing while others are quite comical. Here's a sampling. In the dark? Then follow the Son. Refunds. If you do not want to stay with Jesus, the devil will gladly take you back. No trespassing. Violators will be baptized in Jesus' name. God grant me patience, please hurry. read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-01-2011

444 Jesus and Moses
We know all that Moses prophesied (of Jesus being) a prophet raised up by God like him in Deuteronomy 18:15-18. Here are twelve ways (and some have counted fifty ones) that Moses and the Master were alike. Both spent their infant years in Egypt, sheltered from those who wished to exterminate them. Both fasted forty days. Both had baptisms, one unto Moses and one into Jesus Christ. Both men died on a hill. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-30-2011

501 Big Mac Attack
A new survey shows that more Americans know about the ingredients of a Mc Donald's Big Mac than they do about the Ten Commandments. One thousand people took the questionnaire by Kelton research Company, it showed that 80% could name the burger's main ingredient of two all-beef patties, but less than 60% could recall the commandment of "Thou (You) shalt not kill." The survey found that many knew of the big Mac's ingredients, while few knew many if any of the Ten Commandments. read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-01-2011

659 The Roman Report
The Roman Diognetes received the following report from an outpost in the (Roman) empire in A.D. 150. "The Christians are distinguished from other men neither by country nor by language nor the customs which they observe. For they neither inhabit cities of their own nor employ a peculiar form of speech nor lead a life which is marked out by singularity. They dwell in their own countries, but simply as sojourners." Does this sound familiar? Would anyone accuse you of being a Christian? I hope so. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-29-2011

341 Answered Battlefield Prayers
Does God still hear and answer the battlefield prayers of our soldiers, sailors and Marines? Yes. Here's one example of it. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-29-2011

403 The End is 2012?
According to some, 2012 will be "The End" of the world because the Mayan long count calender resets to zero (it takes about 5,126 years). I disagree with them completely! Read why. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-29-2011

795 How the Apostles Died
Simon Peter was martyred some thirty years after the death of Christ. Peter wrote his last letter from Babylon (Iraq), and never went to Rome. As a fugitive from a prison release by an angel, he would of been instantly executed if he remained in Roman territory. So that is why he fled to the Jewish community in the country of Parthia. He almost certainly died in there. James the son of Zebedee: He was put to death by Herod Agrippa I shortly before the day of the Passover, in the year 44. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-29-2011

988 Joel Osteen's Denial of Christ
On June 20, 2005 Joel Osteen had a interview with talk show host Larry King. Mr. Osteen is the pastor of the Lakewood Church in Houston, it claims to be the largest single church in America. The church has about 30,000 people who attend it weekly. Joel has also authored many Christian books, and he has sold millions of them worldwide. However, Joel denies Christ in this interview. When questioned if those who rejected Jesus would go to heaven, he said that he did not know. This is apostasy. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-29-2011

540 Millionaire Status - How to Get Rich God's Way for a Purpose
God does not have a problem with you being rich as long as He is first place in your life. And being your Heavenly Father, He wants you to dress the best, drive the best and live the best. He wants you on such a high financial plateau that the price of an item is never an issue. Your loaded. But none of this is going to happen if you're operating in the wrong system. Let's get you operating in the right system and bring you into your wealthy place. read more...
By David Andrews | Aug-28-2011

706 Newly Invented Christian Metal Art Sculpture to Adorn Headstones
Metal-sculpture artist Todd Moore has patented an angelic vision to enhance cemetery memorials. The tastefully-colored metal angels are affixed to granite headstones and make the family plot easier to see from a distance. At night there is a light shaped like a candle that glows eternally, for it is charged by solar energy cells during the day. The product is reviewed in this article. read more...
By Parick Boardman | Aug-28-2011