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The Best Flowers and Plants for Your Home This Christmas
Christmas is around the corner! However, we are in the middle of the pandemic that has caused a lot of stress. . read more...
By Joseph Delarge | Dec-14-2020

Young Christian Fellowship Groups Offer Volunteer and Leadership Opportunities
When young people go away to college they may feel lost until they can find some friends or some activities to join. Whether one goes to college in one’s hometown or far away, the college years are a period of adjustment. read more...
By Jeff Schultz | May-16-2013

Trinity Church Kirkwood Open House
Trinity Church has restored the historical landmark Osage Hills School Building and invites the community to an Open House with free food and music read more...
By Chris Polski | Apr-14-2012

Sermon Illustrations How to Enhance Your Sermons
Sermons are a wonderful way to educate, motivate, and encourage people on their journey in life. Plenty of sermons have been delivered that have helped multitudes to grow personally and spiritually. Whether you are delivering a series on biblical ways to take control of your emotions or delving into the meat of the Old Testament and its history, sermons are certainly necessary for lectures or corporate gatherings. read more...
By Camilla Devreut | Feb-20-2012

Use Illustrated Sermons to Keep Your Congregation's Interest on Sunday
You know that you put in a lot of preparation for your sermons. You don’t just download them from the internet and then deliver them in a monotone to your congregation. But do your parishioners or congregation realize the effort you have put into it? Are you certain your story or your theme is getting through to them? read more...
By Camilla Devreut | Jan-07-2012

1004 Soul hunting
Care of the safety of the soul in the last hour of one's life. read more...
By PavelCZ | Apr-21-2011

688 The Best Politically-Religious System
Theory of a perfect social system.
By PavelCZ | Sep-17-2010

969 A Book Review on the book Learn to Study the Bible
This wonderful book can help someone who wants to get more of of their Bible study time or quiet time with the Lord. The author gives over forty different Bible study methods. read more...
By Mark Stjean | Aug-25-2010

612 Ramadan 2010
Ramadan is a holy month for all Muslims during which they Fast. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is the month of fasting during which Muslims refrain from eating and drinking from Sunrise till sunset. read more...
By Lucky Boy | Aug-19-2010

1449 The Finest Church Supplies For Holy Communion
There is no doubt that church supplies are important. The finest collection of supplies helps create an ideal ambience for Holy Communion with God. read more...
By qszxji12 | Jul-31-2010

1159 Healing Rejection and the Pain of Self Hatred
Rejection and self hatred create internal pain which makes life unbearable. The negative emotions and thoughts shape the individual’s perspective of themselves. Healing rejection releases individuals from the pain and separation of rejection and self hatred. read more...
By Drake Crossland | Jul-26-2010

616 Choosing Religious Life – Combining Faith & Service
This is the last in a series of three articles on “Finding Your Purpose in Life”. Article one, “Discovering Your Gifts” explored personal prayer and opening your heart to listen to God, letting go of your need to control. Article two, “Finding Your Passion” encouraged you to reflect on your personal gifts and to discover your uniqueness in God’s eyes. read more...
By Pat Dowling | Jul-19-2010

1076 When Things of Life Are Not Enough –Finding Your Passion as a Catholic Sister, Brother or Priest
Do you sense something missing in life? Is your work or life situation not meaningful enough despite your accomplishments and possessions? Could it be that the difference you make when you are helping people in need feels more life-giving than your work week? read more...
By Pat Dowling | Jul-08-2010

841 Healing Ministries Offer Hope for Healing of Incurable Disease
Healing ministries teach people to recognize heart issues that are at the root of a variety of diseases. Negative emotions are caused by negative thinking. Recognizing God’s thoughts toward us will provide us with the tools needed to be set free from illnesses that are rooted in negative emotions that result from negative beliefs. read more...
By Drake Crossland | Jun-01-2010

625 Audio Bible – 1
In today’s fast-paced world, most everyone is trying to fit 28 hours into every day. As a result, we are all plagued with a nagging feeling at the end of the day that we have somehow overlooked something that should have been accomplished, which only serves to increase our stress level. read more...
By Peter Ferguson | May-19-2010

483 Tap into your Life’s Purpose: Discovering your spiritual gifts in a changing world
Living the word of God each day by using your spiritual gifts and passion for your faith is a challenging but remarkable way of life. Letting God truly take over the reigns of your life is a process that ultimately enriches the well being of those whose lives you touch and brings joy to your soul and life. read more...
By Pat Dowling | May-13-2010

771 Christian Healing Ministries that Heal Stress and Addictions
The struggles of life do not need to hold you down. The pains associated with stress, addictions, and past sexual abuse can be removed through Biblical steps of freedom. Spiritual healing is available that will reach deep into a person’s soul to bring healing from these common torments that are destroying the peace and joy that is available through Jesus Christ. read more...
By Scott Thomas | Apr-21-2010

925 Benefits Of Using A Christian Wallpaper For Your Desktop
Religion might not play a big part in your daily rituals but is definitely something you have in your mind. And it helps not only in your day-to-day life, but also when you need to make important decisions that require advice and help that is beyond your capacity. read more...
By Delores Lindsay | Mar-31-2010

957 Healing for Christian Depression, Addiction and Stress
Healing is available to Christians desiring to be free from fear, anxiety, depression, stress, addiction, sin and sexual abuse. How we react to the circumstances of life is the first step gaining victory over the oppression of our soul. read more...
By Scott Thomas | Mar-23-2010

811 Earnest Prayers to save India
India is one of the great developing nations of the world both economically and politically. With a huge population of 1.17 billion, India accounts one sixth of the total world’s population. read more...
By Shiphrah Jessica | Feb-18-2010

858 Growing Your Relationship with God by Speaking WITH Him
Psalm 50:15 says that we can call upon God in every trouble and he will deliver us; that is how many of us see our relationship with God – we pray asking for health, wealth, or peace, and we hope he will answer. read more...
By Barry Hausen | Jan-30-2010

789 Christianity Today: Fall by Christ to Live Life Right
The challenges faced by the Christians of today are many more than what they faced during the last Century. read more...
By Georgy N Joseph | Jan-20-2010

3218 Bible Trivia Questions and Answers; Ark of the Covenant, the Wrath of God, Pillar of Salt, Solomon’s
Use these Bible Trivia questions and answers to promote dialogue in your next Bible Study Class. Bible Trivia is a great way to encourage Bible study, reading, and research. Make it a group effort and see how many correct answers the group can get collectively? read more...
By John Hightower | Jan-14-2010

1715 Bible Trivia Questions: Healing Pool, Name the Animals, Garden of Eden, Moses, and More
Bible Trivia questions are a great tool to promote involvement and conversation in your next Bible Study group. In this series you will learn new Bible facts about the Healing Pool, the Garden of Eden, and Moses. read more...
By John Hightower | Jan-14-2010

957 Tiger Wood’s Lesson: Exploration of Shame and Forgiveness
Examine the issues of shame and forgiveness by analyzing the Tiger Wood’s situation read more...
By Daryl Green | Jan-05-2010

770 Does God Almighty Exist?
A house is no stronger than its foundation. All the different parts of a house will be affected by the foundation upon which the house sits. read more...
By Kumar.N | Dec-11-2009

1801 How to Improve Your Church Security? Tips from Professionals
A religious place is visited by people for offering their prayers. A church similarly is a place for people who gather to pay their tribute and devotions to the almighty. Its image is not associated with violence and threat to life. The church is a calm and quite place unlike any other religious institutions and the people who come here come, pay their tributes and goes. read more...
By Articleseen Editorial Team | Dec-10-2009

1118 The Significance of Christian Art
The term Christian Art denotes the visual works created for portraying the various aspects and principle of the Christian religion. As a matter of fact, nearly all Christian communities have created instances of this art form through the centuries. However, the style, media and way of presentation have changed over time. read more...
By Articleseen Editorial Team | Dec-10-2009

1266 Innovative Crafts for Children Based on Bible Stories
To narrate the stories of Bible you will need various Bible story crafts. All these are important as they will help you to teach the basic principles and preachings of Christianity and Judaism. There is a group of canonical texts which contains Tanakh which is a Jewish equivalent of the Bible. read more...
By Articleseen Editorial Team | Dec-10-2009

807 Facts to Know About Jewish Holidays
The Jews generally observe an important event in Jewish history during the Jewish holidays. Most of the festivals or Jewish holidays are known by different names and they are named according to their significance. Yom tov is translated as good day while Yontif or chag is translated as festival and ta’anit is called fast. read more...
By Articleseen Editorial Team | Dec-10-2009