Fred Solomon's Article in Health and Fitness

1306 Guide to Treating Flat Feet and Overpronation
Many people who experience heel pain assume that it's nothing to worry about and will go away with rest and less activity. However, in some cases the heel pain is a red flag for something that the doctor may need to treat. Abnormal foot issues such as overpronation or flat feet can lead to more severe conditions such as plantar fasciitis. This often disabling pain in the heels can be treated in a operating room as an outpatient.
Posted on Mar-08-2010

1378 Massage Techniques 101: Two Lower Leg Massages that Help Relieve Shin Splints Pain
Treatment for shin pain can be distressing for those unfortunate enough to suffer from this ailment. From the vulnerable nerves to not being able to place pressure on the lower leg, it is one of the uncomfortable foot ailments.
Posted on Feb-04-2010

827 Common Foot Conditions: How to Effectively Treat Shin Splints and Plantar Fasciitis
Whenever your feet feel fatigued, aching, and abused, the discomfort can often turn horrendous. Jogging, sports activities and the like can place enormous stress on our feet, and cause trouble with our lower body. Aching blisters, heel spurs, and shin pain can make even walking a painful undertaking.
Posted on Dec-17-2009

775 Massage and Exercise Foot Pain Away with These Superior Techniques from the Pros
Physical therapy helps people recuperating from major injuries to get back their strength and dexterity. However, even in the case of lower body injuries and painful foot problems; physical therapy can offer much-needed relief. When elevating the feet and using special shoe inserts fail to relieve the pain as much as needed, it’s time to take a closer look at what may be injured in the feet.
Posted on Nov-28-2009

764 Try These 3 Non-Surgical Options if you Suffer from Excess Pronation
Chronic lower body pain can sometimes indicate a need for a surgical procedure. Despite the fact that it is sometimes a necessary path, there are techniques that can be used to evade corrective surgery if undertaken soon enough.
Posted on Nov-05-2009

1930 How to Avoid Achilles Heel Tendonitis with Proper Foot Care
Stopping foot pain from the start is the best way to not have painful foot surgeries later. Despite the fact that many people disregard foot pain for weeks, pretending that the pain doesn't exist or hoping it would fix itself are not appropriate reactions to the foot pain situation. With few changes to the way feet are treated, pain can be a thing of the past.
Posted on Sep-26-2009

866 Many Foot Problems Can Be Prevented With Proper Arch Support
Arch pain and over-pronation can cause problems for persons of any age and can even distress an athlete's performance during every type of activity. For many people who experience pain like this, they may not be aware of the 3 common triggers.
Posted on Sep-11-2009

986 Try These 3 Foot Treatments if You Have Bunions or Low Foot Arches
Our feet get the most use out of any other part of our body. We use them to support our weight, and they take the force of every activity doled out to them. Every day, they give us dependable and pain-free performance. That is, until a foot problem arises. This can include heelspurs, blisters, dry cracking skin and several other conditions.
Posted on Aug-25-2009

911 5-Step Program to Running for Health and Fitness
Setting off on an exercise plan can be a difficult first step to take, a reason why many individuals to fail to stick to it. Medical specialists at the Mayo Clinic advise that people see their doctor before embarking on any exercise or weight loss plan since every person is different and may need medical treatment prior to beginning activity.
Posted on Aug-10-2009

822 Top Sports Injuries and How to Prevent Them With Orthotics
Injuries incurred during sports activities are incidents that the majority of athletes and coaches are accustomed to. They can not only be painful for the athlete, but in many cases can set back the entire team.
Posted on Aug-06-2009

836 Facts about Metatarsalgia and How to Prevent it With Orthotic Arch Supports
A stylish pair of designer shoes are the most coveted and sought-after items in a woman's closet. Consequently, high heels have become a unique statement of fashion. But when these types of shoes are worn regularly, a myriad of issues in the precious feet.
Posted on Jul-22-2009

1025 What Causes Painful Heel Spurs and Plantar Fascitis
The human body is truly astounding; they consist of the perfect blend of fluid, special hormones, muscles, and bone tissue. Unique protection is provided in our joints and at crucial areas in any place on the body that bears weight.
Posted on Jul-07-2009

953 How to Avoid Overpronation and Foot Pain
The results of a recent study conducted by the American Podiatric Medical Association concluded that a amazing 73% of people polled revealed that they are dealing with foot pain.
Posted on Jun-17-2009

945 How Sports Injuries Can be Prevented with Sports Insoles
If you enjoy running or taking part in team sports, you’re at risk for shin splints, painful knees, Achilles tendonitis, and other lower body injuries. Medial tibial stress syndrome, as it is called by the Mayo Clinic, is a pain that goes down the length of the shin bone and is caused by too much pressure on the bones, muscles, and ligaments of the lower part of the leg.
Posted on Jun-15-2009

1170 What Are Orthotic Insoles, and Why Do We Need Them?
Approximately 60-70% of people all over the world deal with a problem called over-pronation, something that can be the culprit for severe consequences over time. Some individuals overpronate more than others. The fact that so many individuals have flat feet is caused by the hard, flat surfaces we walk on daily. Additionally, age, weak ankle muscles and body weight can be a factor.
Posted on May-13-2009

1255 Knowing the Right Orthotics to Treat Your Flat Feet
These arch support insoles are for individuals with intense biomechanical disorders that are more severe than the common degree of overpronation that many of us suffer from. Custom-made, rigid orthotic inserts can only be created by a podiatrist. For instance, some people deal with ‘supination’, which is the opposite to pronation. Their feet roll outwards or 'supinate', and the arch remains high and stiff when touching the ground.
Posted on May-07-2009

1017 Exercises For Plantar Fasciitis and Orthotic Inserts: A Good Formula to Relieve Heel Pain
If you’re like many people, you may be suffering from plantar pain that is so painful that it may hinder enjoying certain things in life. One of the most common foot ailments is plantar pain. The soreness can start off as an irritating pain that you feel sometimes, and develop into an intense pain that is felt every day.
Posted on Apr-21-2009

1974 Foot Arch Pain In Runners: Treatment Using Orthotic Insoles
Foot pain in athletes can be excruciating. Once you encounter heel or arch pain, it may be difficult to adjust your lifestyle if you are used to being active. It is important for runners to be aware of the symptoms and treatments for some of the more common types of heel or foot arch injuries. To treat heel pain in athletes effectively, you must first understand the causes.
Posted on Mar-31-2009

2203 How to Treat Mortons Neuroma and Metatarsalgia Using Orthotic Insoles
A neuroma is defined as a noncancerous lump of nerve tissue that is capable of growing in any part of the body. Mortons Neuroma occurs when there is compression to the nerve found between the third and fourth metatarsal bones in the foot, producing thickening of this nerve tissue. As the nerve is compressed, symptoms such as tingling and numbness of the toes begin to occur.
Posted on Mar-11-2009

1710 Plantar Fasciitis: Treat the Root Cause of Heel Bone Spurs With Arch Support Insoles
Bone spurs in the heels are nail-like growths that form around the ligaments and tendons of the foot where they attach to the heel bone. Common symptoms of a heel spur are intense pain in the heel when stretching the foot and aching in the foot that does not go away.
Posted on Feb-27-2009

2308 Orthotic Shoe Inserts: Treatment for Flat Feet Overpronation and Leg And Knee Pain
Pain in the knee joint is a common ailment among many people and be caused by many different factors. One of the main causes of leg and knee pain is a biomechanical condition known as overpronation. The pain is caused by producing an internal rotation of the lower leg and knee and can be diagnosed quite easily by detecting a rotation of the foot originating at the ankle.
Posted on Feb-20-2009