August - 2011 Articles

393 Was Christ Born on Christmas?
Was Jesus born on December 25th? No. The Roman Catholic Church adopted this date to take away from the worship of the pagan myth Saturn on this date (among other false gods that were supposedly born or celebrated on this date). It wasn't until A.D. 440 that they officially proclaimed December 25th as the birth date of Christ. But could Christ have been conceived on that date? Yes. Learn the rest of the story behind the real time and season of Christ's birth. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-28-2011 | Religion

374 Is Eternal Security Biblical?
The Largest Protestant church in America teaches it to all their new converts. They are guilty geception. First, by telling them they are saved the moment they believe on the Lord Jesus. Secondly, by telling them that since they are saved, they can never be lost. Remember that the kisses of the enemy are deceitful, but as many as God loves He rebukes and instructs through His word. It's better to live the truth than to die deceived. Why is once always saved so popular? People enjoy worldliness. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-28-2011 | Religion

556 From Amish to Creative: The Tale At the rear of Heartfelt Creations Rubber Stamps
NR in sheet forms are the oldest and the most popular type. Being the simplest and easiest to produce on a small sacle, small holder's rubber in most of the countries are processed and marketed as sheet rubber. read more...
By miaosmile | Aug-28-2011 | Management

432 The Sinner's Prayer
The history behind the Sinner's Prayer is explored in detail. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-28-2011 | Religion

581 12 Month Loans - Money Back Up In Your Need
12 month loans are the advances offered for defeating the people’s domestic requirements. These credits are short term. One can gain this advance through online. These finances are easily provided for every type of borrowers. One can easily satisfy his debts and expenditures. read more...
By Roy Miller | Aug-28-2011 | Loans

253 The present circumstance exhibits will double the productiveness of production3
In 2010, the massive majority of the bio-plastic makers set up only biodegradable supplies along with the full sum of which was 400 thousand tons. This percentage is anticipated to reverse in subsequent year. read more...
By agnes | Aug-28-2011 | Business

421 Noah's Ark (Universal Story)
Every ancient culture had a flood story. Most of them report the same facts. Many told of a flood that was universal, had animals aboard and was because of man's wickedness. The early church fathers also spoke of the meaning of the flood. We will explore their works and words. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-28-2011 | Religion

528 The Evolution Of Modern Art Painting And The Pioneers Therein
The Modern art is abstract expression of the artists on the canvas and no specific relation can be made to the natural object seen in the world. The combination of colours and shapes and the thought process of the artist is the crux in these paintings. America is the nation that pioneered the birth of modern art. read more...
By Carter Eugen | Aug-28-2011 | Business

354 The present circumstance exhibits will double the productiveness of production
In 2010, the productiveness of bio-plastic creation during the earth was about 700 thousand tons regardless of the truth that in 2015; this figure is predicted to boost to 1.7 million tons. read more...
By agnes | Aug-28-2011 | Business

917 Salt
The word salary originates from Latin: salarium which referred to the money paid to the Roman army soldier's for the purchase of salt. It was used in ancient times to preserve foods. Jesus said, "Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men." read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-28-2011 | Spirituality

303 The present scenario exhibits will double the productiveness of production
In 2010, the productiveness of bio-plastic creation through the earth was about 700 thousand tons regardless of the truth that in 2015; this figure is predicted to reinforce to 1.7 million tons. read more...
By agnes | Aug-28-2011 | Business

292 Gettin a good deal on Car Insurance in the UK
In the United Kingdom all drivers have to have insurance cover for the car they are driving. Car insurance companies may offer different quotes for different kinds of cars. read more...
By Johanna Cline | Aug-28-2011 | Insurance

674 Satanic works
The works of Satan and his evil companions is explained out in detail. These fowl creatures war against all of mankind, they seek to kill, steal and destroy from all of mankind. The way to recognise and defeat his attacks is shown through Christ. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-28-2011 | Religion

400 Everyone Needs Life Insurance?
Having life insurance is one way you can provide money for your loved ones even after you are pronounced dead. No one even likes to give a second thought about the consequences of their demise. But, it is no secret that people die every single day - yes, even on Christmas! If you have a family that totally depend on you to bring home the bacon, the important question that you will need to ask yourself is "If I am no longer around to provide for my family, what will happen to them?" read more...
By Kara Mitchell | Aug-28-2011 | Insurance

1013 Drinking and Driving Penalties
The law in Texas places a fine of about $5,000.00 dollars and 90 days in jail for people caught drinking and driving. In many countries though, the penalty for this offense is much greater. The penalty for first time offenders of drinking and driving in El Salvador is death by firing squad. No repeat offenders! Twice in Bulgaria is too much, the second time you commit this act and you will be executed. Russia bans first time offenders from driving for one year. Do it again and it's for life. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-28-2011 | Religion

338 The Thermodynamics Of Hell
The following article was an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry midterm. The answer by one student was so "profound" that the professor shared it with colleagues via the Internet, which is of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-28-2011 | Religion

1544 Henry Gruver's Vision of America's End
Henry Gruver's vision of the end of America. He sees America being attacked by Russia after the cold war ends. This prophecy also can be found in Ezekiel 38-39. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-28-2011 | Religion

467 The Early Witnesses
The Shepherd of Hermas (160 AD) is not inspired scripture, however it reflects many of the original beliefs of the apostles. Here are some samples from the letter that was widely popular in the second century Catholic Church, and nearly adopted as part of the inspired word of God by them. The document reveals that whoever wrote this document still held to many of the beliefs of the apsotles. We will search this writing and others to show forth their doctrines. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-28-2011 | Religion

624 The Exciting HTC Sensation Has Comprehensive Multimedia Features
Whatever you are looking for when choosing your next smartphone, it is more than likely that you will find it in the HTC Sensation. As the flagship handset from the wildly popular Taiwanese manufacturer, it has just about everything that the competition does, with much more besides. read more...
By Chris Westley | Aug-28-2011 | Mobile Phones

3419 The List of Illuminati Symbolism
This is a list of all the Illuminati symbolism that I have found or heard mentioned. This comes from cartoons, kids shows, music and movies. It can be found everywhere. It's on money, in Disney's movies, video games, music and many cartoons. Monster Drink (has 666 in what looks like three claw marks, but are Jewish representative numbers which mean six; hence three pairs of sixes or 666). The D, I and S in Walt Disney spell out 666. Walt Disney was a 33rd degree Freemason and a closet satanist read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-28-2011 | Religion

450 The Black Bird's Army
True Christians will be able to defeat the armies of Satan according to this dream. However, lukewarm Christians who fear and walk unworthy of the Lord will perish, being taken captive by the enemy of all mankind. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-28-2011 | Religion

954 The Vision of General George McClellan
General McClellan saw va vision that helped him to secure a key victory during the American civil war. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-28-2011 | Spirituality

500 How Important Is Planning And Design When Venturing Into Vegetable Gardening?
This article discusses the importance of planning when creating your first vegetable garden. read more...
By James Woolley | Aug-28-2011 | Gardening

684 The Feature Packed Nokia X7 Features Fast Wi-Fi Internet Browsing
In this article I will take a closer look at some of the key features of one of Nokia’s most impressive handsets of late. The Nokia X7 is arguably its most stylish handset in recent years, and it also packs some of the firm’s most advanced hardware and software. read more...
By Chris Westley | Aug-28-2011 | Mobile Phones

626 Come Out
Presently there are three branches of the Catholic Church that grew out of the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, they are the Eastern Orthodox Greek Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Church, and Protestant Catholic Churches. The one identifying doctrine that makes all of these Catholics, is the mystery of the trinity doctrine and trinity baptism. These cults have taken billions of people into spiritual captivity. God's advice, "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord. read more...
By Steve-0 | Aug-28-2011 | Religion