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The Best Flowers and Plants for Your Home This Christmas
Christmas is around the corner! However, we are in the middle of the pandemic that has caused a lot of stress. . read more...
By Joseph Delarge | Dec-14-2020

Young Christian Fellowship Groups Offer Volunteer and Leadership Opportunities
When young people go away to college they may feel lost until they can find some friends or some activities to join. Whether one goes to college in one’s hometown or far away, the college years are a period of adjustment. read more...
By Jeff Schultz | May-16-2013

Trinity Church Kirkwood Open House
Trinity Church has restored the historical landmark Osage Hills School Building and invites the community to an Open House with free food and music read more...
By Chris Polski | Apr-14-2012

Sermon Illustrations How to Enhance Your Sermons
Sermons are a wonderful way to educate, motivate, and encourage people on their journey in life. Plenty of sermons have been delivered that have helped multitudes to grow personally and spiritually. Whether you are delivering a series on biblical ways to take control of your emotions or delving into the meat of the Old Testament and its history, sermons are certainly necessary for lectures or corporate gatherings. read more...
By Camilla Devreut | Feb-20-2012

Use Illustrated Sermons to Keep Your Congregation's Interest on Sunday
You know that you put in a lot of preparation for your sermons. You don’t just download them from the internet and then deliver them in a monotone to your congregation. But do your parishioners or congregation realize the effort you have put into it? Are you certain your story or your theme is getting through to them? read more...
By Camilla Devreut | Jan-07-2012

1080 The Best Flowers and Plants for Your Home This Christmas
Christmas is around the corner! However, we are in the middle of the pandemic that has caused a lot of stress. . read more...
By Joseph Delarge | Dec-14-2020

1749 Vivid Description of Jesus in Islam
Islam pays utmost respect and honor to the entire prophets that are mentioned in the Quran. read more...
By john022 | May-03-2015

1582 Tips To Buy Gemstones Online in India
Nowadays, like everything turning out to be online, astrologers also provide their service through the internet. read more...
By jackymuler | Nov-04-2014

1713 Young Christian Fellowship Groups Offer Volunteer and Leadership Opportunities
When young people go away to college they may feel lost until they can find some friends or some activities to join. Whether one goes to college in one’s hometown or far away, the college years are a period of adjustment. read more...
By Jeff Schultz | May-16-2013

1790 Trinity Church Kirkwood Open House
Trinity Church has restored the historical landmark Osage Hills School Building and invites the community to an Open House with free food and music read more...
By Chris Polski | Apr-14-2012

1760 Sermon Illustrations How to Enhance Your Sermons
Sermons are a wonderful way to educate, motivate, and encourage people on their journey in life. Plenty of sermons have been delivered that have helped multitudes to grow personally and spiritually. Whether you are delivering a series on biblical ways to take control of your emotions or delving into the meat of the Old Testament and its history, sermons are certainly necessary for lectures or corporate gatherings. read more...
By Camilla Devreut | Feb-20-2012

1427 Feng Shui Expert: Bring Light to Your Life
Are you facing certain issues in your life and looking forward for highly effective low cost practical Feng Shui remedies to settle such circumstances? A Feng Shui expert is the recommended consultant for you to consult for obtaining perfect and powerful Feng Shui solutions. read more...
By Paul_Smith | Feb-07-2012

1524 The Case of Oneness Versus Trinity
Here's some statements from a Oneness side in a fictional trial of the trinity. Your honor I have been falsely accused of teaching false doctrine by the trinitarians. My witnesses will prove that what I teach, by their own eyes what they have seen and what they have also heard was from the Almighty himself. read more...
By Steve-0 | Jan-27-2012

1532 India The Whole World of Diversity and Integrity
A canvas that is painted in various colours and patterns- India is the land of diversity and integrity. read more...
By nicolaslily | Jan-25-2012

1582 Use Illustrated Sermons to Keep Your Congregation's Interest on Sunday
You know that you put in a lot of preparation for your sermons. You don’t just download them from the internet and then deliver them in a monotone to your congregation. But do your parishioners or congregation realize the effort you have put into it? Are you certain your story or your theme is getting through to them? read more...
By Camilla Devreut | Jan-07-2012

1513 Find out how sermon illustrations can enhance YOUR sermon
As the world grows more aware, and globalization spreads throughout the whole globe more people are questioning their beliefs, and looking for more answers. Whereas people used to simply accept what they were told, they now question everything in order to find the truth. read more...
By Camilla Devreut | Jan-07-2012

1557 The Supposed Contradictions in the Bible
The critics of the Bible claim that there are many contradictions, discrepancies, and problems throughout its pages. The supposed discrepancies are usually with chronology, names, days, years, numbers, places, people, events, etc. The real problem is not with the Scriptures but with the hearts of men who try to find errors in God’s Holy Word. These gnat strainers who continue to find fault will be judged by God Almighty according to Revelation 22:18-19. Never doubt God’s Holy Word! read more...
By Steve-0 | Jan-01-2012

1551 Inspirational Scriptures for the New Year
Start the New Year meditating on these encouraging Bible verses chosen to inspire either a new walk with God or a deeper commitment to live for Him by faith. Bible Verses for the New Year New Birth - A Living Hope 1 Peter 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Hope for the Future Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think to read more...
By Steve-0 | Dec-30-2011

1647 Hearing From God
Hear are some practical ways to hear from God. Read the Bible, ask Him to show you a verse from it. Pray to Him. Meditate upon Him. Praise, worship and thank Him, for He inhabits our praises. Surrender your will to Him. Confess your faults or sins to Him. Keep Him in your thoughts to gain His peace. Request Him to reveal His purpose for your life. Heed His convictions. In all these manners He reveals Himself to us all, and in many more ones as well. read more...
By Steve-0 | Dec-29-2011

2435 Pourquoi y a-t-il plusieurs types d’astrologie ?
L’astrologie s’établit sur l’analyse de la position des astres entre eux. Ainsi, dans l’astrologie du zodiaque, on traduit la place des planètes en la comparant avec celle du Soleil. read more...
By Angela White | Dec-27-2011

1608 Significance of the rare rudraksha & rudraksha beads
The significance of Rudraksha lies in the form of a tiny seed that gives way to many shapes and sizes in differing looks and faces, some Rudraksha seeds with a single face and some with more than a hundred faces. Another important significance is that the name of the seed of the rare Rudraksha tree is named after Lord Shiva or Lord Rudra and called as ‘Rudra-aksha’ which means “Eye of the Lord Rudra”. Ancient scriptures tell that Rudrakasha possess spiritual, religious and medicinal importance. read more...
By service providers | Dec-27-2011

1428 Regional Indian Languages Newspapers and Their Reach
The newspapers in India can be easily categorized on the basis of circulation, language and medium of communication. On the basis of the language, there are many different newspapers since there are many different languages spoken in this country. read more...
By Ravi Chauhan | Dec-24-2011

3103 Redécouvrez votre couple avec l'astrologie
Vous pourrez ainsi déterminer de quel signe il ou elle est en astrologie et donc quel est l'élément associé à son signe: Air, Eau, Feu, Terre. Ensuite vous comparez avec votre propre signe zodiacal et votre propre élément naturel. read more...
By Lonava Gomez | Dec-19-2011

1852 109 Verses from the Quran
The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers. Nothing here is taken out of context but are the exacts words from the Quran and Hadith. These are their exact words taken from their writings. read more...
By Steve-0 | Dec-16-2011

52317 The Meaning of the Twelve Days of Christmas
Each verse of the Twelve Days of Christmas has meaning, here's a example of this. On the 10th day of Christmas my true love gave to me "Ten Lords A-leaping." It's the ten commandments: 1) You shall have no other gods before me; 2) Do not make an idol; 3) Do not take God's name in vain; 4) Remember the Sabbath Day; 5) Honor your father and mother; 6) Do not murder; 7) Do not commit adultery; 8) Do not steal; 9) Do not bear false witness; 10) Do not covet. (Exodus 20:1-17) read more...
By Steve-0 | Dec-15-2011

1494 Honors in Bris Ceremony is a comprehensive website on Brit Milah. The sections in the website provides detail information on finding the right Mohel, vendor list and selecting the venue, arranging food and beverages as well as choosing the right gifts for the baby. All the requirements of Bris Jewish ceremony has been extensively described in read more...
By Sumauli Mukherjee | Dec-14-2011

2881 The Three Gifts
The three wise men brought the new born Saviour three different gifts. The meaning of the three put together spell out the essence of Christ's life. Thou art the King of Kings (Gold) and we come unto thee witnessing with our gifts that thou wilt sacrifice thy body (frankincense) that we may be resurrected, and suffer no end (myrrh) that Satan will have no hold on us, but that we might have eternal life. read more...
By Steve-0 | Dec-11-2011

1905 Busy
Being under Satan's yoke is being too busy for God. The pace of modern man has come to the point to where literally a person can do non-stop activities. This plan was well thought of by the adversary of all of mankind. Satan called a worldwide convention. In his opening address to his evil angels, he said, "We can't keep the Christians from going to church. We can't keep them from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth. So let them go to their churches; but steal their time away!" read more...
By Steve-0 | Dec-09-2011

1755 Christmas Scriptures
The meaning of Christmas is explained out by the Scriptures along with a little bit of history. Most God bless your Christmas. read more...
By Steve-0 | Dec-08-2011

2043 The Once Forbidden Bible
Today most people take owning a Bible and reading it for granted. Yet ownership of the Scriptures was once outlawed by the Catholic Church. To own one meant certain death. The Bible is a precious heritage and a priceless gift. It reveals the true God and his Son Jesus Christ, the Savior of all humanity. This once-forbidden book is presently available to many. "During the Dark Ages (A.D. 500-1500), Rome burned Bibles along with their owners." - The Baptist Pillar, Published by the Bible Baptists. read more...
By Steve-0 | Dec-06-2011