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Gettin a good deal on Car Insurance in the UK

Posted On : Aug-28-2011 | seen (208) times | Article Word Count : 529 |

In the United Kingdom all drivers have to have insurance cover for the car they are driving. Car insurance companies may offer different quotes for different kinds of cars.
In the UK Car insurance is essential. If you wish to drive a car on any road in Great Britain and Northern Ireland the situation must exist where there is an insurance company that is providing cover for you to drive that particular vehicle. Not having valid insurance is an offence which may be penalized by a fine, endorsement points on the driver's license and being prevented from driving the car further and having to have it recovered at great expense.

This insurance may be fully comprehensive, in other words, covering any damage that may occur due to accident, fire or theft for the vehicle being driven as well as damage to any other vehicle or person involved in the accident. All rental cars and cars that are the subject of some form of loan or purchase agreement would be in this category. Thus certain demographic groups, like male drivers between the ages of 18 and 25 are regarded as high risk and their insurance premiums are very high.

Older cars, which obviously have a lower value, may just be covered by an insurance arrangement known as 3rd party. This only provides cover for damage inflicted to other parties that may be involved in an accident where fault is proven. Even this type of insurance is not cheap. The British car insurance industry has done extensive studies and come to the conclusion that different cars, with different engine sizes and configurations have different accident rates, and that heavier cars, with bigger engines cause more damage when the collide with another vehicle. An accident where a BMW 5 series ploughs into a parked car is going to cause more damage than a Fiat 500 or a Ford Fiesta.

For this reason, even when seeking the minimum legally required insurance possible, different rates will apply due to a number of factors. These factors include Age of Insured, years of driving experience, claims history, points on license? Type of car, engine capacity, where it is parked overnight, intended use.

A youngster may find that the cost of third party insurance enabling him to drive a 10 year old Ford Escort 1600 is more than 3 times the value of the car.

This is where Millidusunce makes offers. Millidusunce is a blog but has a section devoted to motoring and car insurance in particular. is devoted to assisting with obtaining the best deals on car insurance. One of the first links is a comparison on car insurance from many sources and big names in car insurance in the UK. This provides assurance that the cover actually provided is from a reputable firm that will actually pay out in the event of a claim.

Making claims is indeed a very important part. One always hopes that one never has to claim but in the event of an accident there are a few guidelines, For a start never admit liability and be careful with the questions that you are asked on the claim form. Also be truthful. Any untruths, if discovered may invalidate any claim you make.

A visit to Millidusunce may well be worth your time.

Article Source : a good deal on Car Insurance in the UK_77453.aspx

Author Resource :
Car Insurance in the UK is a big and expensive process. Millidusunce gives a number of links to assist in obtaining the best possible deal on car insurance.

Keywords : car insurance comparison, car insurance quotes, cheap car insurance, car insurance UK,

Category : Finance : Insurance

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