August - 2009 Articles

513 Other Possible Applications of Robots
Currently, we are enjoying the benefits of the advancements in the field of robotics. Many factories and other industrial facilities utilize robots for both manufacturing and research. In medical facilities, robots are used in order to ensure the precision measurements required when mixing chemicals. read more...
By Andrew Newell | Aug-13-2009 | Business

538 Japan; the New Birthplace of Robots
Japan is the country that gave the world giant robots, small robots and human sized robots. From the fictional Mobile Suit Gundam to the small tea-making robot maid, Japan’s robotics technology has been pushing the limits of our minds and imagination. read more...
By Andrew Newell | Aug-13-2009 | Business

501 A Look into the Morality of Military Research into Automated Robots
The concept of a robot soldier has long been etched into society with the help of media and science fiction. Indeed, the concept of an automated machine going to the battle field plants the idea that wars would bring less death as a result of having less human soldiers on the field. read more...
By Andrew Newell | Aug-13-2009 | Business

669 Moving Home: Selecting a Good Place to Move
Moving to some sunny place can be an effective means to get an all round glow. However, if it seems to be a little too impractical, you should think about the fake tans. In fact, most of the people are actually thinking about it. read more...
By Nick Burns | Aug-13-2009 | Home Improvement

741 Enjoying your Moving Home
If you are thinking about a round the year glow and can afford a good amount of money for that, then fake tans would be ideal for you. However, not all of us have the privilege to be careless about the spending especially in this time of recession. read more...
By Nick Burns | Aug-13-2009 | Home Improvement

671 Considerations when Moving Home
If you are trying to make your house a bit different from the commonplace, the decorative concrete is the ideal choice. In fact, it has come in the trends in recent times and the advantages that it has, have made it quite popular. read more...
By Nick Burns | Aug-13-2009 | Home Improvement

860 The Basics of Moving Home
When you think about the remodeling of the home floor, chipped tile, carpets and linoleum are the options that come to your mind. But, they are commonplace and a creative mind will wish if there was some other option to choose. read more...
By Nick Burns | Aug-13-2009 | Home Improvement

697 Things You Need to Prepare when Moving Home
Packing is the most important factor when it comes to moving homes. After all, how you pack determines how you will move. Learning to compartmentalize your things and belongings will help you in the move and when it comes to unpacking as well. read more...
By Nick Burns | Aug-13-2009 | Home Improvement

1663 Seeking the Most up-to-date Prom Dress Fashions
The prom is likely to be the most highly awaited occasion for high school girls, with the exception of graduation, naturally. Of course the top priority for teenage girls is getting invited to the prom, immediately followed by getting a dress that is perfect. read more...
By Paige Mastingten | Aug-13-2009 | Clothing

792 3 Most Important Things To Consider While Buying Used Computers
Buying used computers is never an easy task. You will be well aware that you cannot judge the condition of a computer just by seeing its appearance. Moreover, if you are not an expert in identifying the working condition of the computer accessories, you will have lots of trouble in buying the used computers. If you have no knowledge even about the basics of the computers, you should always avoid buying used computers. read more...
By Ritchie Smythe | Aug-13-2009 | Computers

629 Tips To Buy Computers And Laptops At Cheap Prices
Computers have become indispensable objects in every home and all the industries and offices. The advancements in computing technologies have made life simpler than ever before. In fact we cannot imagine a developing world without computers. Though the computers and laptops have made life simpler, they have made life expensive too. read more...
By Ritchie Smythe | Aug-13-2009 | Computers

604 What Is The Difference Between Used Computers And Refurbished Computers
It is a well known fact that not everyone out there will be able to buy high end fresh computers. While the very basic computers and laptops cost very less, it is of no use in buying them in this technologically advanced world of today. To enjoy the latest technologies like the true life like games with great graphics and the most advanced computer programs you will have to buy the computers and laptops packed with modern accessories. read more...
By Ritchie Smythe | Aug-13-2009 | Computers

2463 Utilizing Holiday Stationery and Border Paper at Work and at Home
Stationary, in particular Christmas stationary, is a frequently forgotten item when a business owner is creating a list of all the required marketing materials. Appropriate letterhead is essential for your company, but so is fun, decorative stationery paper with a holiday theme. read more...
By John Oberhauser | Aug-13-2009 | Product Reviews

798 Tips For Booking Vacation Rentals Online
While looking for a vacation rental the first option you should consider is where to look. Travel websites are the best when it comes to searching for vacation rentals. They have tons of listings where you can search for your type of rental, location, and amenities. Each vacation rental will have all the details like the owner’s contact information, prices, amenities, and photographs. read more...
By Patrick Caccese | Aug-13-2009 | Vacations

814 The Real Facts About Vacation Rentals
Most people have a misconception that vacation rentals are only for the wealthy and not for the common person. This is absolutely wrong. Nowadays with modern technologies, you don’t have to spend much for finding a rental out there for you. read more...
By Patrick Caccese | Aug-13-2009 | Vacations

726 Book Your Travels Online To Have A Pleasant Trip
Booking travel online is not a strange concept in this modern world. Recent surveys indicate the fact that around 60% of bookings are done online. When planning for a trip the first thing that should be taken into account is the vacation rental. You should be pre-prepared so that your trip will not turn into a bad one. read more...
By Patrick Caccese | Aug-13-2009 | Vacations

688 Why Architects Have Specific Insurance Requirements
If you’re working in the architecture field, you’ve probably run into situations in which a client requires you to carry liability insurance. Maybe you run a small architecture firm with a few employees, or perhaps you’re a solo architect, draftsman or designer. read more...
By Jim Cochran | Aug-13-2009 | Insurance

934 Protect your eyes! Wear original sunglasses.
Counterfeit products are quite popular these days, and copies of designer labels are not only cheap but also freely available. Designer sunglasses are a must have accessory, and you'll find people wearing fake sunglasses all the time. However, most wearers aren't aware of the dangers they pose. Resist the temptation to buy cheap copies and invest in a genuine pair of designer sunglasses such as Dior or Gucci for years of healthy vision! read more...
By Vachik Chakhbazian | Aug-12-2009 | Fashion

1683 How to Remove a Bumper Sticker
Run to the hardware store and get some lubricant. WD40 will usually do the trick. Smear the lubricant on the outside of your sticker. If you’re lucky, you may be able to pull the sticker off and be done with the job. read more...
By SarahGorren | Aug-12-2009 | Vehicles

665 Consume Credit Counseling Can Help Get You Out from Under Debt
If you are having trouble dealing with your debt you are not alone. People across the nation from New York to California are having problems with debt management. read more...
By William Hauselberg | Aug-12-2009 | Reference and Education

1097 The History of Lunch Bags
The lunch bag has become a very useful item in many households in the United States. Everyone from moms to kids to dads to office workers carry a lunch box because it is a convenient way of keeping, well, their lunch. read more...
By Kim Medeiros | Aug-12-2009 | Food and Beverage

702 Advice for buying beauty salon real estate
Advice for cosmetologists, stylists and barbers who are looking to rent or buy salon space read more...
By Paul Keller | Aug-12-2009 | Small Business

800 What are Carbon Offsets: Going Green and Creating Green Power Projects
Buying Carbon Offsets is one way to deploy our resources towards a better Future. The best first step is to always think about the very real consequences of your actions. Protecting our air and water isn’t something that can be taken care of by someone else, we have to do it for ourselves. read more...
By Dr. Ken Pollock | Aug-12-2009 | Environmental

1034 What’s My Carbon Footprint?
Determining your “carbon footprint” means to measure the amount of greenhouse gases that you are adding into the atmosphere. The term was coined from carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas that is the main contributor to climate change. read more...
By Dr. Ken Pollock | Aug-12-2009 | Environmental

1342 Finding the Best Used Car Deal for You
It can be difficult and confusing to buy a used car. Unless you know all you need to know in order to decide wisely, you might end up owning a car that comes with huge repair costs. read more...
By Shane Rethwisch | Aug-12-2009 | Cars