August - 2009 Articles

1216 Making Multiple Choice Quizzes Efficiently with Quiz Makers
Multiple choice plays an important role in educational testing and could be the most widely used question type on examinations nowadays. Quiz makers are good tools to make multiple choice quizzes. read more...
By Sunny | Aug-19-2009 | Software

929 How To Make A Website Fast And Easy
Owning a website has become something mandatory in this technologically advanced world. Unlike the olden days when only countable number of businesses has websites, today each and every business available in this planet owns a website. read more...
By John Brown | Aug-17-2009 | Web Design

571 Real Estate: An In-Home Business, With Tax Write Off Perks
One of the best parts about being a real estate agent is that you have the power to be your own boss. You may align yourself with a specific over-arching company, but in the end you call the shots. read more...
By Joe Cline | Aug-16-2009 | Real Estate

627 The Why and the How-to of Real Estate Investment
These days, Wall Street and the stock market make people a little wary. The idea of investing your money in something that ‘roller-coasters’ up and down on a regular basis doesn’t exactly sound, well, sound. read more...
By Joe Cline | Aug-16-2009 | Real Estate

915 When to Outsource
Outsourcing is akin to a four-letter word in many parts of America. Jobs that could be held in the States are, instead, being taken by employees in other countries, such as China and India. read more...
By Joe Cline | Aug-16-2009 | Business

1101 Networking to Make a Sale
The buzzword, these days, is networking. Social networking via sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace are no longer simply ways for college friends to keep in touch or post photos. read more...
By Joe Cline | Aug-16-2009 | Networking

978 Investing Internationally
There’s something about anything in a foreign country that is alluringly exotic. French wine, whether it is or is not, sounds more luxurious. Italian, Chinese or Thai cuisine has a strong pull for Americans tired of the standard burger or steak. read more...
By Joe Cline | Aug-16-2009 | Marketing

1055 Real Estate: A Home Business for the Future
There may be any number of reasons for you to want a business you can operate out of your own home. Maybe you have kids who needed to be carted to football practice, dance lessons, school and essentially all over Austin, as well as a spouse with a long commute. read more...
By Joe Cline | Aug-16-2009 | Home Based Business

902 Branding: What It is and Why It Helps
For some time every cattleman in Texas and throughout the United States brands or marks his herd. This is how he distinguishes his steer from that of a neighboring rancher’s should one wander away from the group when they are, for example read more...
By Joe Cline | Aug-16-2009 | Marketing

915 Choosing an Accountant for Your Real Estate Business
You are picky about the doctor you see when something is wrong. You don’t want an MD who specializes in orthopedics if the problem lies in your back. Similarly, you wouldn’t look to a large animal veterinarian when your hamster starts wheezing. read more...
By Joe Cline | Aug-16-2009 | Business

2216 Please Don’t Feed the Monkeys!
Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica is the home of the loudest monkey in the world. The common name is howler but the locals call them “congos.” They often sleep in the trees next to our bed and begin to howl at about 4:30 A.M. To some this might seem like a nuisance but my husband and I just smile because it reminds us how happy we are to be here instead of south bound on the 405 freeway in L.A read more...
By Evelyn Gallardo | Aug-14-2009 | Holidays

670 Get Professional and Confidential Debt Advice For Credit Card And Other Debt
In the present economic situation many of us are experiencing severe financial anxiety and for some of our creditors are increasingly becoming aggressive, and eager to to take action against us, as we are not in a position to clear the bills. read more...
By James Andrew | Aug-14-2009 | Debt Consolidation

700 New York Drug Rehab and Addiction Treatment Programs
New York drug rehab centers address a variety of addictions. New York City's location provides easy access to numerous other cities in just a few hours' drive, making it a very attractive hub for drug traffickers. There are drug detoxification and rehabilitation centers around the state to attempt to deal with the effects of addictive drugs. read more...
By Crystal Smith | Aug-14-2009 | Health and Fitness

657 Freedom from Stress with Debt Management and Debt Consolidation
Facing mounting debts? Worried how you are going to manage your next payment? Having to decide to buy groceries or meet you payment? read more...
By James Andrew | Aug-14-2009 | Debt Consolidation

595 Thigh Lifts Improve Drooping - Liposuction And Arm Lifts
Aging and massive weight loss may have drastic effects on the elasticity of the cells of the skin and fat is stored and lost. Unfortunately, exercise and diet alone will not be able to cut and boost what you want. In many cases, cosmetic surgery is the only option to reverse the effects of time and physical stress was placed on the body. Liposuction and lift procedures can eliminate those stubborn fat deposits and tighten the saggy skin. read more...
By Manseo | Aug-14-2009 | Health and Fitness

678 All You Need To Know About Plastic Moulding
We cannot imagine a world without plastics. Plastics have found their importance in almost all application ranging from household items to complicated research equipments. Though there were controversies that the plastics pose a threat to the environment, the advancements in plastic manufacturing technologies have given birth to the eco-friendly plastics. read more...
By R.E Davison | Aug-14-2009 | Business

709 The Fundamentals of a Leg Lift and a Thigh Lift
Although the popularity of face lifts has general knowledge of this type of lift fairly common; most people do not have the same type of knowledge when it comes to other types of mechanical bodies. A type of body lift many people benefit from May thigh lift is also known as a leg lift. There are several types of lifts and thigh many reasons a person May require one or more of these procedures. read more...
By Manseo | Aug-14-2009 | Health and Fitness

746 Post-Pregnancy Plastic Surgery for the Breasts - Breast Lift
Babies ... they are a wonder of life. The female body is developed and nurtured within and outside the uterus. But for all the wonder and joy to another being in the world, it's a number on the body. read more...
By Manseo | Aug-14-2009 | Health and Fitness

720 Orange County Face Lift & Brow Lift
A forehead lift or forehead lift is a procedure that restores a younger, refreshed look at the area above the eyes. The method to corrects loose brows and gets better straight lines and furrows that can make a person show angry, depressing or tired. read more...
By Manseo | Aug-14-2009 | Health and Fitness

1078 Requesting Car Insurance Quotes is not as Difficult as You may Think
It may not be as difficult as it may seem to find the best car insurance quote. You are relied upon as the consumer to be a "good driver" by the companies that provide insurance and quotes, just as you rely on insurance companies to provide rates that are competitive. read more...
By Donald Arnissane | Aug-14-2009 | Insurance

867 The Economy’s Impact on Senior Housing Trends
The United States Census Bureau has reported that a third of the country’s population will be 50 years or older by the year 2010. Accordingly, a 2009 study conducted jointly by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the MetLife Mature Market Institute (MMI) revealed that the Baby Boomer generation alone will represent 25% of the United States population by 2010. read more...
By Brian S. Icenhower | Aug-14-2009 | Real Estate

883 Trading Becomes Much Easier With an Expert Advisor
Forex trading is not that easy as it seems. This Foreign exchange currency market that lets people buy and sell currencies as a part of investment. Unlike the olden days when only the banks and huge corporate firms used to participate in Forex trading, today, anyone with little knowledge about the Forex trading can get into the investment with the help of the automatic trading robots. read more...
By Rich Henry | Aug-14-2009 | Software

807 6 Steps to a Proper Feng Shui Bed
During Feng Shui consultations, clients frequently ask me to evaluate the Feng Shui of their bed and share the key factors to look for when considering the purchase of a new bed. read more...
By KenLauher | Aug-13-2009 | Home and Family

727 What Robot Would You Need?
Robots are automated machines that will address specific needs and will perform pre-programmed tasks. They can be useful for menial labor or delicate jobs thanks to breakthroughs in precision engineering and programming technology. read more...
By Andrew Newell | Aug-13-2009 | Business

703 Robots of Fiction and Reality
As any science fiction reader would know, there are a lot of discrepancies between what reality is and what is only in fiction. As science fiction is the branch of literature that delves most into what the future holds for us, science fiction stories serve as an intellectual forecast into the direction our technology is headed. Still, much remains to be accomplished. read more...
By Andrew Newell | Aug-13-2009 | Business