Medicalzones's Article in Alternative Medicine

936 Home Remedies For Strep Throat - Remedies That Actually Work
Left untreated, strep throat may develop serious health issues such as tonsillitis, kidney inflammation and rheumatic fever, sinus infections, ear infections, and pneumonia. In the vast majority of cases, strep throat can be treated with antibiotics but there are home remedies for strep throat that can relieve your sore throat and promote faster healing.
Posted on Jan-23-2012

1198 Learn How to Quit Smoking - 12 Effective Steps
It is no secret that an addiction to cigarettes is one of the toughest habits to break. While there are some people who can quit by the strength of will power alone, the vast majority of the smoking population requires the assistance of cessation aids and numerous attempts before quitting cigarettes for good.
Posted on Oct-31-2011

1190 Home Remedies for Sprains and Strains - That Will Actually Work
Sprains and strains can be very disturbing some times and for this reason should always see to it that, the right steps are taken all the time. This is truly something so necessary and for this reason should always be made known all the time.
Posted on Oct-31-2011

1146 Natural Remedies for Joint Pains That Work Effectively
Joint pains can be very hurtful when appropriate measures are not taken and this even explains why some people will often face so much difficulty when they have any situation such as joint pains. Well the good news is that, provided the appropriate measures are being practiced, this particular problem will definitely be eliminated. Natural remedies for joint pains are often very effective especially when used appropriately.
Posted on Oct-31-2011

1031 A Diet Plan For Pancreatitis Pain
People who have pancreatitis can prevent further damage by following healthy diet plans. If you decide not to follow the diet then you're setting yourself up for a chronic form of the disease. Therefore, the best choice is to change your diet.
Posted on Oct-05-2011

623 Top 10 Simple Way To Live Longer
Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life as long as possible. Making the beauty of living a healthy lifestyle when you’re younger, is the increased likelihood of an improved quality of life to go with those extra years later on. Here are 10 ways to live longer.
Posted on Oct-05-2011

752 Natural Way to Treat Leg Cramps During Pregnancy - That Really Work
There are a few things that you can do to treat leg cramps or prevent them from occurring. Following are the tips that can be very helpful to relieve and prevent your leg cramps during pregnancy.
Posted on Sep-17-2011

1114 Home Remedies For Muscle Cramps That Actually Work
Muscle cramps are experienced by everyone at some point or the other. Learn about home remedies for muscle cramps. In this article we list a few such quick remedies for cramps.
Posted on Jul-21-2011

768 Simple Exercises To Boost Brain Power and Keep Memory Sharp
As we get older, our cognitive ability and memory will naturally decrease. Of course, we all do not want it. By engaging in a variety of exercises for your brain, it can help keep your memory stay sharp and enhances brain function.
Posted on Jul-21-2011

963 Arthritis Neck Pain - Quick Home Remedies for Arthritic Neck Pain
There are many different ways to deal with arthritis neck pain. Before you look for methods and treatments options for arthritis neck pain, it is important to understand the cause of the pain.
Posted on Jul-21-2011

645 Best Home Remedies For Gout - Easy and Effective
Gout as a disease can easily be controlled through effective home remedies which of course are well noted by especially doctors and physicians. In this article you will find natural home remedies that can help cure or lessen the symptoms of gout.
Posted on Jul-21-2011

496 Diet and Arthritis - The Link between Milk and Arthritis
Due to several experiences of many people, it is now believed by majority that milk is a contributory factor to arthritis and this is really disturbing sometimes and should therefore be handled as much as possible.
Posted on Jul-11-2011

503 Effective Home Remedies to Prevent Miscarriages
Miscarriages generally occur during the first two trimesters. It caused due to disturbances in the body. Here are some home remedies suggested to prevent miscarriages.
Posted on Jul-11-2011

543 Arthritis Diet - What Foods to Avoid With Arthritis?
There are many different causes of arthritis like trauma, previous injury, genetic, poor nutrition, obesity, and other factors. Although over-the-counter and prescription medication can help ease arthritis pain and inflammation, avoid foods that trigger arthritis symptoms can also help reduce the pain associated with arthritis.
Posted on Jul-11-2011

655 Home Remedies For Arthritis - Remedies That Give Fast Result
There are several treatments available for arthritis. Even if these treatments don't guarantee a cure for arthritis. In this article we list some common and effective home remedies for arthritis.
Posted on Jul-03-2011

632 Simple Steps to Improve Circulation and Relieve Arthritis
Improving blood circulation in the body can be beneficial in many ways. It allows oxygen and nutrients to to your organs, muscles, and joints which in turn improve overall body functioning, stimulates nerves, reduce pain and inflammation and encourage the healing process.
Posted on May-23-2011

621 Home Remedies for Peptic Ulcer That Can Provide Instant Relief
Peptic ulcer is a common disorder of the digestive system that cause inflammation and irritation or ulceration of the lining of digestive tract. I will show you how to cure Peptic Ulcer.
Posted on May-23-2011

512 Effective Home Remedies for Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease is one of the most common forms of heart disease and the leading cause of death in the world. However coronary heart disease can be treated effectively with home cure remedies.
Posted on May-23-2011

839 Natural Home Remedies For Rheumatoid Arthritis That Work Effectively
A type of arthritis known as Rheumatoid arthritis is described as an inflammatory chronic pain in joints. There are various treatments available to treat arthritis. It is very important to be aware of the arthritis type before taking any treatment.
Posted on May-17-2011

697 Joint Pain Relief - Vitamins That Help Joint Pain
There is no clear remedy for joint pain, but a balanced diet with appropriate contents of all sorts of vitamins and minerals could always act as a remedial solution for people with arthritis.
Posted on May-17-2011

498 How To Relieve Neck Pain - Yoga for Neck Pain
Yoga brings about flexibility, strengthens the neck muscles and also increases the flow of nutrients and blood to the neck area and all these activities relieves the neck from pain.
Posted on May-16-2011

813 Effective Herbal Remedies for Painful Tendonitis and Bursitis
If you have been suffering from tendonitis or bursitis for months or years and have tried every possible over-the-counter remedies, for treating painful tendonitis or bursitis, without much success then this article is for you.
Posted on Apr-14-2011

544 Want Great Sex? Top 10 Way to Increase Your Libido Naturally
Low sexual libido can be frustrating, stress, and anguish in relationships. The good news is that there is plenty you can do to increase your libido and improve your sex life naturally.
Posted on Apr-14-2011

688 Natural Sleep Aids - Herbal Remedies For Insomnia
Herbal or natural sleep aids are a great alternative for prescription drugs. It is a natural treatment for those suffering from insomnia. There are herbs which can be taken alone or in combination with other herbs to get a good and sound sleep without worrying about any side effects.
Posted on Apr-14-2011

759 Arthritis Pain Relief - How to Cope With The Pain of Arthritis
Arthritis pain can be caused by many things and influences everyone differently. Dealing with arthritis pain is not to rely only on prescription or over-the-counter pain relievers. Something as simple as changing one’s lifestyle can help deal with the condition easier.
Posted on Apr-14-2011