Austin Scott's Article in Men's Issues

574 Heart Implants Patients ‘Fears about Shock Can Lead to Sexual Dysfunction!
As researchers have always mentioned that men suffering from heart related ailments have a higher probability of acquiring Erectile Dysfunction and their sexual life being jeopardized. This has proved to be right most of the times. Heart diseases are certainly linked to erectile dysfunction.
Posted on Feb-02-2012

1007 Erectile Dysfunction Increases with Use of Multiple Medications!
If you are among the one who is under multiple medications, then there is a point to worry as a new research has indicated that men under multiple medications are more prone to getting erectile dysfunction than compared to other men who are not under so much of medications.
Posted on Jan-16-2012

459 Does Cholesterol Drugs Affect sex life?
If you are among the one who is under cholesterol lowering drug, then this article goes for you. Whenever a drug is prescribed by a physician, the first question the patient raises is about sex. Now a days the awareness has been so high that patients are very concerned as to whether the drugs which have been prescribed will affect their sex life? This issue of link between drug interaction affecting sex lives need to be answered.
Posted on Jan-04-2012

450 Cure Impotence without Worrying About Your Health!
Sex is said to be one of the main thread in the lives of human beings without which the universe might come to an end some day. Initially Sex was precisely performed only for reproduction but now the situation has changed. The sexual parts of our lives plays a dominant role in any relationship and if one can imagine a situation where the male partner in not capable of having sex, the situation itself is horrifying. The major reason for a male facing such a condition is due to impotence.
Posted on Jan-02-2012

473 Dangers of ED Medication Consumption in Women
Living in the pharmaceutical era sometimes seems easiest and most expedient to turn to medication to enhance our lives or fix our healthcare problems.
Posted on Dec-23-2011

371 Can Pomegranates cure Erectile Dysfunction?
Whenever a man comes across the word Erectile Dysfunction, he surely makes it a point to read and know about it. Now it is a proven fact that every year millions of men are suffering from this embarrassment and frustration of Erectile Dysfunction(ED). In a very shocking study, it was revealed that around 18 million men in the United States alone are a victim of this dreaded condition.
Posted on Dec-19-2011

401 Erectile Dysfunction: A sign of heart disease?
Is Erectile Dysfunction a sign of heart disease? The answer to it is certainly a big “YES”. Erectile Dysfunction(ED) can certainly be a wake-up call indicating the risk of coronary artery disease which can lead to heart attack and stroke. The irony is that the factors that contribute to erectile dysfunction are the same which leads to heart attack as well.
Posted on Dec-09-2011

333 Sexual health and aging
A healthy sex life is very crucial for an overall good health and it’s certainly not only for the young. So, who is responsible for the myth that sex becomes unimportant as one age? Sex can be a very powerful emotional and health booster tool especially for the older couple. Though Sex matters throughout the life but it takes an increased importance in the older days. The reason can be many as older couple who are sexually active can indirectly benefit from sex as it improves the blood circulati
Posted on Dec-07-2011

348 Shock Therapy to cure Erectile Dysfunction
A recent study says that a shock therapy to your private parts can actually restore erection. Before you get a shock after reading the above line, be informed that these are just low energy sound waves and it does not hurt your private parts.
Posted on Dec-02-2011

364 Association between Peripheral vascular diseases an ED
Before knowing the fact as to how peripheral vascular disease causes erectile dysfunction, it is very important to understand few things about peripheral vascular disease. Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) generally refers to the diseases of the blood vessels (arteries and veins) located outside the heart and brain.
Posted on Nov-29-2011

456 Myths and Facts about Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a complex problem with many different potential causes. More than 30 million men are suffering from erectile dysfunction in the United States alone. A very landmark study and research has revealed that the cause for Erectile Dysfunction may stem from Hypertension, diabetes, trauma, and many others; so it is always better to go through a proper diagnosis from Doctor to know the root cause.
Posted on Nov-16-2011

689 Combat Anti-Depressant induced Erectile Dysfunction
An antidepressant is a psychiatric medication used to mitigate mood disorders such as depression and dysthymia and various anxiety disorders. Antidepressants which are more commonly used are referred as SSRIs(Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), SNRIs(Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors), Tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants and Monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
Posted on Nov-04-2011

416 Colorectal Cancer treatment triggers Erectile Dysfunction
Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in men after lung and prostate cancer and it is the second most common cancer in women after breast cancer. Inspite of being so prevalent, the awareness regarding this cancer is very less as compared to that of others. It is also known as bowel cancer, and affects the intestine, in its course.
Posted on Oct-24-2011

467 How to Pump up Your Testosterone level
The most important part of Love Making is “Satisfaction”, and when we term satisfaction it is not about self-satisfaction but satisfaction of your partner as well. So to score high in this game it is very important to build up your sexual stamina to go the extra mile in petting. By following some simple tips and by indulging in few physical exercises, you will soon find yourself surrounded by ladies and thereby improve your fitness.
Posted on Oct-12-2011

745 Honeymoon Impotency: Psychogenic or Organic In Nature?
Honeymoon is one of the most beautiful phases of one's life. It marks the consummation of love and the initiation of a life-long relation. Everyone wishes their honeymoon to be the most pleasant memory of their lives. Earlier, honeymoon was a luxury available only to the elite, but nowadays it has become a part of the post-marital routine.
Posted on Sep-27-2011

419 Biking gives You Thrill, But Your Sperms Get ill.
Here comes a yet another restriction for men. Initially it was cell phones, then it was laptops and now here comes another study where it states that Excessive Bike riding can cause impotence in some men. Now the question arises that how much of driving leads to this situation? There is still the need for a documented proof to be found as far this statement is concerned.
Posted on Sep-20-2011

1458 Improve Your Sex Life with Horny Goat Weed
Here comes yet another time tested aphrodisiac for sex-enhancement. Don’t under estimate this herb over the funny name “Horny Goat weed”. Behind this funny name lies a very serious herb which is yet to receive the deserved recognition for which it is capable enough. This herb also known as Epimedium or Yin Yang Huo was basically the food of the animal known as Yin Yang and this if evidence is to be believed; this animal had the capacity to have 100 climaxes a day.
Posted on Sep-17-2011

483 Does Caffeine Affects Fertility in Men and Women?
This is probably another statement where we still need a reliable evidence to prove it as a fact. Even though there are small studies which still show that caffeine can cause fertility related problems, but there are no adequate research to prove it. Quite some time back a scientist had proved that males undergoing fertility related treatment had their condition worsened by consuming caffeine but still there is no evidence to show the effects of caffeine in a normal male.
Posted on Sep-10-2011

473 Could Cell Phones Hurt Your Sperm?
Can Cell Phone be a hazard to your reproduction ability? We are still waiting for a very convincing report to make it as an affirmative statement. Researchers across the US and the globe have conducted various researches to find out the actual effect of electromagnetic frequency coming out of the mobile phone on the sperm of a human being. Though not a very conclusive report, but there are many instances to prove that cell phone actually damages the sperm quality.
Posted on Sep-03-2011

831 Impotency due to prostate cancer .
As most of us know cancer are primarily treated by giving radiation therapy, and the same is the case with Prostate cancer. Prostate is basically a gland found only in men and it starts growing even before birth and grows till he achieves adulthood.
Posted on Aug-20-2011

481 Men Underestimate Prostate Surgery Side effects
As most of us know cancer are primarily treated by giving radiation therapy, and the same is the case with Prostate cancer. Prostate is basically a gland found only in men and it starts growing even before birth and grows till he achieves adulthood. The urethra runs through the center of the prostate and prostate cancer starts by tiny alterations in the shape and size of the prostate gland cells. And these cells multiply at different speeds depending upon the individual.
Posted on Aug-20-2011

411 Why Viagra is considered as the most potent anti-impotence drug?
One word that every man would hate in his lifetime is “IMPOTENCE”. Even though a major percentage of the male population suffers from this ailment but only 50% of the total population who suffer from impotence are ready to accept the fact and opt for a treatment.
Posted on Aug-11-2011