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Erectile Dysfunction: A sign of heart disease?

Posted On : Dec-09-2011 | seen (330) times | Article Word Count : 590 |

Is Erectile Dysfunction a sign of heart disease? The answer to it is certainly a big “YES”. Erectile Dysfunction(ED) can certainly be a wake-up call indicating the risk of coronary artery disease which can lead to heart attack and stroke. The irony is that the factors that contribute to erectile dysfunction are the same which leads to heart attack as well.
It was the very first time that German researchers have shown that men who have heart disease as well as erectile dysfunction are twice as likely as men with only heart disease to have a major heart event, such as a heart attack or heart failure. But the link is still not well understood by medical practitioners or men who are reluctant to seek medical advice for this condition. ED, which was once thought to have primarily due to psychological causes, is now recognized to stem from physiological problems. More than 50 percent of American men age 40 to 70 tend to suffer from erectile dysfunction, so that's a lot of men who may be at risk of cardiovascular disease—and may not realize it. A very senior cardiologist from Los Angeles said that “Symptoms of erectile dysfunction seem to occur three to four years before symptoms of coronary artery disease”.

It was quite relevant from a fact as to how these two are linked. Clogged arteries are basically the situation where erectile dysfunction and heart disease meet. Atherosclerosis- sometimes called hardening of arteries is basically the formation of plaques in the arteries in various parts of the human body. This causes the arteries to narrow and harden which subsequently results in a very limited blood flow. Since the arteries supplying the penis are smaller than compared to those supplying to the heart, symptoms of atherosclerosis may first result in as erectile dysfunction. In the later stage when atherosclerosis shows up in the arteries that supply your heart with blood, this is the point when heart disease symptom shows up. Atherosclerosis can also increase the risk of other problems including aneurysm, stroke and peripheral artery disease.

Certain researchers have also warned that the failure within men who fail to seek advice on erectile dysfunction meant that they might be missing a vital warning of impending cardiovascular disease. In men suffering from diabetes, the prevalence of erectile dysfunction is as high as 89 per cent.
Though the link between erectile dysfunction and heart disease has been well known for quite a while, a study appearing in the journal Circulation is the first to offer clear evidence between the link that there is a substantially high risk of heart disease and mortality with patients having erectile dysfunction.
Two studies consisting of 1519 men from 13 countries across the world were involved in two studies of two medications to treat heart disease; the researchers found that men with cardiovascular disease and erectile problems were:
• 1.9 times more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than other patients with heart disease alone;
• They were at twice the risk to suffer from heart attack
• 1.2 times more likely to be hospitalized with heart failure symptoms
• 1.1 times more prone to have a stroke
This study should be more of a evidence to doctors so that they should just not prescribe medication like Generic Viagra or Cialis to just treat Erectile Dysfunction, instead they should also be given a full physical work-up to look for heart diseases as well. Men with Erectile dysfunction who visits a general practitioner or a urologist should be certainly referred for a cardiology work up to determine existing cardiovascular diseases and proper treatment as well.
Medication like Generic Viagra or Cialis is no doubt a wonder drug for treating Erectile Dysfunction but men suffering from ED might never get himself tested for cardiovascular disease, so it becomes very important to follow it up with a test for heart ailments.

Article Source : Dysfunction: A sign of heart disease?_116472.aspx

Author Resource :
Austin Scott, is a Medical Marketing manager. His field of interest lies in the ailments that concern the sexual health of men. He has given detailed information on various health issues and many patent pills like Generic Viagra, Online Kamagra in his Men's Health Blog.

Keywords : Buy Generic Viagra, Online Pharmacy, Impotence Cure Pills, Men's Health,

Category : Health and Fitness : Men's Issues

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