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Can Pomegranates cure Erectile Dysfunction?

Posted On : Dec-19-2011 | seen (308) times | Article Word Count : 543 |

Whenever a man comes across the word Erectile Dysfunction, he surely makes it a point to read and know about it. Now it is a proven fact that every year millions of men are suffering from this embarrassment and frustration of Erectile Dysfunction(ED). In a very shocking study, it was revealed that around 18 million men in the United States alone are a victim of this dreaded condition.
In simple terms, ED refers to the inability of the person to achieve and sustain male erection for satisfactory intercourse. This condition not only affects the sexual life of the concerned person but also affects his overall emotional wellbeing thereby jeopardizing his social life as well. There are multiple causes for ED but the most common of them all is the inability of the arteries in the penis to relax and thus carry blood into the corpora cavernosa, which is a rod shaped structure in the penis and which when filled with blood causes the pressure to increase and thus effecting an erection.

But back to our point as to how Pomegranates can cure Erectile Dysfunction? Pomegranate is a fruit that originated in the Middle East in ancient times. The pomegranate tree generally prefers warm and dry climates like those found in California and Arizona; however, they have been known to grow as far north as Utah and Washington D.C. within the United States. The symptoms of ED might have several underlying causes like high blood pressure, diabetes, stress and depression, cancer and many other heart related ailments. But basically ED occurs due to poor artery dilation and abnormal blood flow to the male penile region. Pomegranates contain a very high concentration of antioxidants which combats free radicals in the body and ultimately results in improved blood circulation. So, a regular consumption of Pomegranate juices helps in preventing the buildup of arterial plaque thereby resulting in much improved blood circulation and healthier vessel dilation which is essential to achieve a strong erection due to the augmentation of blood flow.

Though pomegranates help in improved blood circulation, it also possesses various other health benefits as well. Pomegranates contain active chemicals like polyphenols, tannins and anthocyanins of the pomegranate naturally lowers blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Pomegranate is also believed to be of lot of benefit for patients with arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes. It is very well known that Prostate cancer is said to be a major cause in triggering Erectile Dysfunction in many men and pomegranate is very well known for its anti-carcinogenic (anti-cancer) causing properties and very efficient at killing prostate cancer cells and thus preventing the outbreak of Erectile dysfunction.

A study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research revealed that by drinking about 8 ounces of 100 percent pomegranate juice each day will certainly help with erectile dysfunction and impotence. The study was tested in 61 men for a few weeks that had experienced mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. At the end of this successful study it was found that Forty seven percent of the men reported that their erections improved with the use of pomegranate juice. This research certainly helped the researchers to understand that Pomegranate juices certainly help in treating Erectile Dysfunction.

So if you are among the men who suffer from Erectile Dysfunction, we have already showed you a natural way to treat Erectile Dysfunction. But this study is yet to be conducted on a large scale before we can replace this therapy with traditional drugs as medications like Generic Viagra & Cialis are a time tested drug to treat ED and they have been quite successful.

Article Source : Pomegranates cure Erectile Dysfunction?_120810.aspx

Author Resource :
Austin Scott, is a Medical Marketing manager. His field of interest lies in the ailments that concern the sexual health of men. He has given detailed information on various health issues and many patent pills like Generic Viagra, Online Kamagra in his Men's Health Blog.

Keywords : Generic Viagra, Kamagra Online, Men's Health, Impotence Cure Pills, Online Pharmacy,

Category : Health and Fitness : Men's Issues

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