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1642 Using a Motivational Public Speaker or Life Coach For a Better Life
Today many different events call for a speaker to be invited and give a presentation. For some businesses, organizations and educational events, many times an inspirational or motivational speaker will be invited to be the keynote speaker. read more...
By ShawnAnderson | Feb-03-2012

2699 Shawn Anderson – Motivational Speaker – Keynote Speaker – Inspirational Speaker
Today many different events call for a speaker to be invited and give a presentation. For some businesses, organizations and educational events, many times an inspirational or motivational speaker will be invited to be the keynote speaker. read more...
By ShawnAnderson | Feb-03-2012

1961 Mad Max Marketing
Basically, closing any sale will involve coming to an agreement with a customer regarding the service or product being sold. read more...
By Eugenej Munoz | Jan-30-2012

1792 The Language of Selling
This way you are able to anticipate and meet these objections head on as soon as they come up. A sure and positive response conveys the impression the sales individual is confident and believes in their product or service. read more...
By Eugenej Munoz | Jan-27-2012

1697 Precisely how Motivational Speakers Could Save You From the Need to Hike in The Stirling Ridge Walk
If you think like your employees are lacking motivation and losing the drive to supply great results, it's possible that it's about time to seek the services of motivational speakers. Perth has several competent speakers you could hire for company meetings or team building events. read more...
By Linda Rice | Jan-23-2012

1458 Get a Motivational Speaker for Your Company Event
Workers may have low morale when work processes become repetitive and incentives lose their appeal. A motivational speaker can turn this around, by presenting new ideas and inspiring the employees to be better people. read more...
By Linda Rice | Jan-17-2012

1338 What Happens During Spiritual Enlightenment: You Are the Ocean, Not the Lotus Flower
Awakening to the Supreme Reality and creates a weekly podcasts and articles on enlightenment, spiritual enlightenment, nonduality, Advaita Vedanta at Enlightenment Podcast. read more...
By enlightenmentpodcast | Jan-16-2012

1489 Australian Motivational Speakers: Making a Difference with Words
Stories of success are universal in nature. Although this can be the case, some audiences take proximity into account. Australian motivational speakers are the ideal selection for an Australian audience. read more...
By Linda Rice | Jan-04-2012

1505 Motivational Speakers in Perth: Revitalizing Hearts and Minds
Times are tough as of late, and many people are in need to have of inspiration. Should you are locating it difficult to determine the brighter side of life, motivational speakers in Perth may help solve your situations. read more...
By Linda Rice | Jan-02-2012

1455 Benefits of Installing Alloy Wheels: Way Beyond Aesthetics
Some might say it’s an alloy wheels UK explosion - aluminium alloy wheels are in wider use than ever before. Today they’re not only desirable for racing cars, performance cars, muscle cars, hot rods and sport cars, but on SUVs and sedans. There’s good reason for that. Not only do they look fantastic, but alloys bring benefits in performance, handling, fuel economy, durability, and safety. Aluminium alloy wheels for sale today have their ancient steel counterparts soundly beaten. Steel, a ferr read more...
By rajyen | Dec-12-2011

1397 How to choose a business speaker
If you are a business personal then you must read this article which is about hiring a motivational speaker. read more...
By John Carle | Oct-29-2011

2214 John F. Kennedy Quotes
John F. Kennedy was not a perfect man by any means, but he helped to keep Communism from over taking the free world. He also sought to bring about equal rights for all races and religions in the United States. Also, John sought to guide his country away from control of international bankers (the Federal Reserve, which is neither) by issuing new American controlled bank notes. He was a war hero and inspired a generation to live unselfishly. "Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." JFK read more...
By Steve-0 | Oct-28-2011

1383 Don't Quit
Winston Churchill said, “never, never, never, never give up.” Bruce Lee said the same thing. "Walk on." A poem that has inspired many has this same theme. "Don't Quit." Here it is. "When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest, if you must, but don't you quit. read more...
By Steve-0 | Nov-02-2011

1364 Inspiring Motivational Stories
These stories are the stories which inspire us to something big in our life. These stories to be used to direct the people, to help out them, to give them better life, positive attitude, motivational stories are the best way to teach somebody by the leading personality. read more...
By faishal | Sep-16-2011

1314 Motivation on a daily basis
Motivation is a drive that encourages action or feeling and it also mean the spark go up in flames for action. A good motivation can persuade, convince and force into action. read more...
By faishal | Sep-06-2011

1489 Never Quit
God supplies our needs as we seek Him first. However, there are times when everything is going against us. It always seems darkest before the dawn. When the battle is the appears lost is when God steps in to grant us the victory in His name. Do not quit. When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, Rest if you must; but don't you quit. read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-04-2011

2300 Kite Boarding – Explore Sports Lessons!
There are many types of sports one of them is Wakeboarding Zone this is only played in surface waters. They provide wake board for the exercise of this sport. Technically speaking it is basically the grouping of sports such as snowboarding and skiing. Here it is a must for the rider to maintain balance so that he avoids falling under. The boat motor must pull the rider driver to move and run the rider on the board. read more...
By williams12345 | Jul-28-2011

1584 Why dieting does not address the problem
Why do so many people with an ‘eating problem’ never seem able to master the problem and maintain the weight of their choice? The first thing to realize is that, strange as it may seem, the real problem is not an eating one. read more...
By  Shanon Foster | Apr-04-2011

1636 For motivational and inspirational speakers it is marketing that counts as much as presentation skills
Who are the people blessed with such incredible qualities to move others with their words? These are motivational and inspirational speakers, quite a new breed of full-time presenters, rhetoricians employing their language and their stories to breath some fresh air into other people's lives. read more...
By Torri Myler | Jan-21-2011

1933 Self Esteem Help-Dealing With Low Self Esteem
Low self-esteem is about not valuing ourselves as human beings. Psychologists say that a persons self esteem is the value they place on themselves and how they value their own self worth. read more...
By chicnhealth | Sep-13-2010

1512 What exactly the secret to become the millionaire?
Do you know, what is the c’mon thing among the multimillionaire and other successful people? • Why good fortunes not exactly work for the mango men? • Does it any theory or secret work behind on it? • How good luck and bad luck does come in our life? read more...
By aryanrajanyadav | Jul-24-2010

1557 Is This the Way You Want?-Just Change It
It is much easier for a person to change himself than change the world. read more...
By Sharon Clara | Jul-15-2010

1965 The Advantages of Employee Motivation Programs
Employee motivation programs have become very popular in the executive world and are considered by many to be vital to the success of any organization. Positive motivation inspires employees to remain loyal and helps them maintain the drive needed for the company to succeed. read more...
By Peter Forlan | Jul-14-2010

1699 Bad Habits-Break Them from Your Daily Life
We all have our own habits.
By Sharon Clara | Jun-24-2010

1585 Motivation is all about stirring the minds of people with positive thoughts
Motivation is driven by many factors. These factors can be classified under external and internal. But the most important fact is that factors and conditions may be classified under external or internal but the fact remains that motivation is driven through minds. We may talk of good working conditions, job satisfaction and higher remunerations but what drives and motivates a worker is the state of his or her mind. read more...
By Walter Ray | Sep-26-2009