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Is This the Way You Want?-Just Change It

Posted On : Jul-15-2010 | seen (1587) times | Article Word Count : 695 |

It is much easier for a person to change himself than change the world.
We cannot control everything and make everything just go as the way we want, but there’s one thing that we can control-we ourselves.

As Jim Rohn said, “Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you’ve got.” To change ourselves are difficult and it is really a long way to go. But thank goodness. There’s still way to go. If you want to change yourself and succeed, I have some tips to share with you.

Set a goal.
Setting goals is a most important step that mention in many motivational books. It makes people fall into a concept that if we have goals, we can get to it. Well. to some degree, I think it’s right.

For example, you want to find a village in a desert. The village is very beautiful and has everything people desire. You have prepared things that support you to get to the village from where you set off. Suppose the map is correct and no heavy storms took place to change the path. You go into the desert and find the path easily. Then you will find it seems easily for you to get to the village. But suddenly there comes a sand storm and after the storm you cannot find the way to the village. You have a map but everything has changed by the storm. You even don’t know where the village is!

OK. It is not a story only about setting goals, but knowing where you are going is really an important thing.

To set a goal, you can just take a break and clear your minds, to find what you really want from your work and your life. Find them out and write them down. There’s a power when you write them down. It will make them real, and tangible.

Then, you have to find how to get to the goals.

It is like making a schedule for your success. Write down your ultimate goal, and then separate it into series of short-term goals.

Well. It is a good habit because by setting the short-term goals will allow you to make things clearer that how you could get to what you expected, and after achieving each short-term goals will add your achievability and confidence to skip to the next.

It’s like setting temporary holding camp and stop-off point for tourist while climbing a really high mountain. We can have a rest at each point and also tell us going pass all the points we can get to the top.

If you really make up your mind to change yourself and get the way you want to live, you have to change everything that prevent you from achieving your goals.

It may be not that easy but it is really essential and necessary. You can change your attitude. Change the way you spend your time. Change your outlook on life. Change your way of treating other people. Change your friends. Actually the last one is what I recommended most. Your friends reflect your way of life most. You don’t have to say goodbye to your old friends, but only need to extend your range of getting to know new friends will make your life change a lot.

Stay with the optimists, and enjoy the positive, uplifting people that you know, you can expend your minds about how to see things in different points of view.

Find a hobby, get more exercises such as playing tennis, football or basketball or others, and indulge in whatever has always interested you.

By the way, you can take a little trip to other cities or countries, which may not only bring in some fun of life and knowing how life can be different in the world, but you may also find your true dream.

Please read and practice. But there can be many other ways that we can change ourselves if you let your proactive your creativity.

So, wish you all reach your dreams and goals!

Article Source : This the Way You Want?-Just Change It_25715.aspx

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Keywords : change yourself, dreams and goals, achievability and confidence,

Category : Self Improvement : Motivation

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