Teens And Online Reputation With Social Media Sites
Anuradha is a young 9th grader. While others in her class are busy studying for the upcoming exams, Anuradha spends hours on social networking sites without the knowledge of her parents.
Posted on Feb-07-2012
Effects Of Remarriage On Children
When Kathryn told her five year old son Jeremy that she was going to marry Frederick, little Jeremy became very happy. Jeremy finds Frederick a helping friend who is always there to help him out.
Posted on Feb-06-2012
The Way Assemblies Are Conducted In Schools
Schools conduct their assembly everyday by gathering all the students and faculty members of the school in a specific place and in a specific time. School assembly is one of the most important features of a school’s curriculum.
Posted on Feb-06-2012
The Specialty Of Special Children
“Today Gracie played in the playground; she fell down and got bruised like all the other kids. She came home at the end of the day, cranky, like any other kid, played with her baby doll, and finally hugged.
Posted on Feb-06-2012
School Library A World Of Knowledge
“Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man”- Swami Vivekananda. When we are born, our senses are not fully developed to think and act rationally.
Posted on Feb-04-2012
The Warning Signs Of A Troubled Teenager And Parental Intervention
Has your teen lately been keeping to himself? Has your teenaged daughter been coming home late after school? Has your teenaged child suddenly become very quiet.
Posted on Feb-03-2012
How Can Students Help Stop School Violence
Chintu is just ten years old now and is studying in the fourth standard. Despite being so young, he is famous in his colony and neighborhood for his act of bravery.
Posted on Feb-02-2012
No Need To Follow The Traditional Admission Processs Anymore
Traditional admission process in schools includes waiting in the queues, submitting the application forms, going one more day for the child’s interview, going to the school for admission.
Posted on Feb-01-2012
Operating Child Care Services
One of the biggest challenges facing modern families today is caring for their children while the parents work. Modern parents have found themselves a number of options ranging from day-care.
Posted on Jan-31-2012
How Text Books Are Important For Kids
A text book is one of the most important elements without which there is no use of going to schools. Text books can also be called as the primary element of school or the academic career of a person.
Posted on Jan-30-2012
Care Of Your Child In Your Absence When And How
Every Friday, little Anmol is allowed to stay with one of his parents as per court orders where the parents have filed for a separation. The court like any other had given the couple time to reconsider their decision.
Posted on Jan-27-2012
Teachers Attention Towards The Kids
Attention is what everybody looks for. People do not tend to stay in a place for a long period when they do not get enough attention. When it comes to kids, they are the biggest attention seekers when compared to adults.
Posted on Jan-26-2012
All You Wanted To Know About Pencil Boxes
Pencil boxes have always accompanied students to schools. The concept of keeping a pencil case in the school bag is not a new one. Children have been fantasizing pencil cases ever since they were made available in the shops.
Posted on Jan-25-2012
Cartoons: Good Or Bad For Kids
Cartoons have their own crazy traits. They do not leave a single kid without becoming a fan. children watching cartoons in Television for at least three to four hours.
Posted on Jan-24-2012
Summer Holidays Are Always Special For Kids
Slowly and steadily, the idea of summer vacation in schools has changed a lot. Summer breaks are given to the students to provide them with a break.
Posted on Jan-23-2012
How To Communicate With Kids Effectively
Kids perhaps are the most unstable beings on earth. They hardly pay attention to anything. In fact, their concentration level as compared to the adults is also very less.
Posted on Jan-23-2012
A Balanced And Healthy Diet For Children To Follow At Schools
Most children have now become a part of their parent’s dull lifestyle, sitting at home for long hours at the computer or watching a film at home. At movies and in front of the T.V at home.
Posted on Jan-21-2012
Maria Montessori’s Contribution To Education
One of the most challenging feats in the field of education has been the entry of a professionally trained pediatrician. Dr. Montessori’s dramatic change of course from medicine to teaching began.
Posted on Jan-21-2012
How Yoga Is Beneficial For Children
The term “Yoga” has been translated from the Sanskrit language as yoke or union. Its practical function can be understood as the combination of body, breath and mind.
Posted on Jan-19-2012
Autonomy In Schools
St Joseph’s High School very recently conducted its 100th year. The month was marked with festive gaiety and a fund raising rock concert for the building of an Administrative Block in the campus.
Posted on Jan-18-2012
How Effective Are Practicals In Schools
All the students attached their chromatographic glass tubes into their respective clamp stands. Some knocked off the conical flask in the art of fixing it into the clamp stand.
Posted on Jan-18-2012
Admission In Play School Is Not An Easy Job
Dealing with kids is a tough job. It becomes hard when you try to teach something to play school kids. That is the age when they do not understand many things, but it is necessary to teach them everything.
Posted on Jan-17-2012
Importance Of Teaching Children Discipline And Obedience
It is quite acceptable if a child does not know the rules because they change constantly with their unstable mood and even of the parents.
Posted on Jan-13-2012
Tips For Nurturing A Healthy Teacher Student Relationship
Once there was a pencil maker in a village. The pencil maker used to make pencils of different colors. One day he decided to transmit some life building thoughts to the pencils that he had made.
Posted on Jan-11-2012
All Children Effects Of Domestic Violence
Anybody could tell the difference between Tarun and other kids. He was a quiet and unusually calm kid, not because he was shy by nature but a fear and depression in his face used would show that he was not happy.
Posted on Jan-10-2012