Dean Cortez's Article in Dating

701 How To Approach Women And Build Quick Sexual Chemistry
A lot of guys come to me with questions about how to sleep with beautiful women. I tell them not to get ahead of themselves, because first they've got to master the art of approaching girls.
Posted on Aug-19-2010

603 The Ultimate Way To Approach Asian Girls And Create Quick Attraction
If you'd like to attract and sleep with more hot girls, the best "weapon" you can add to your arsenal is learning how to approach girls the right way.
Posted on Aug-19-2010

713 How to get A Beautiful Asian Girlfriend - 10 Tips For Attracting Beautiful Asian Women
If you're attracted to Asian women, I can definitely relate to you. I love beautiful Asian women and have dated girls from many different cultures and countries, including Japan, Thailand, Korea, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Posted on Aug-10-2010

493 Pickup And Seduction Tips - How To Get Hot Asian Girls
If you're rather be hooking up with hot Asian girls, above any other kind of girl, there are a few things to need to be aware of that will make it easier for you to attract Asian women.
Posted on Aug-09-2010

1199 Approaching Beautiful Women - Tips To Help You Approach Girls
The concept of approaching a gorgeous female and trying to start a conversation is enough to fill the average guy with anxiety and dread. There are some proven techniques, however, that you can use to make approaching women a fun part of your daily routine.
Posted on Jul-02-2010

1087 How To Meet Asian Women - Pickup And Seduction Tips
Over the course of my years as a dating trainer, I've taught countless of guys how to meet Asian women in every imaginable scenario. Many of these guys have been extremely successful. I've seen shy dudes who were scared to approach girls turn into "approach machines" who suddenly began to meet new girls every day -- and got more phone numbers than they knew what to do with!
Posted on Feb-18-2010

2068 Body Language Flirting - How To Make Women Eager To Touch You
Normally, the process of meeting and seducing a woman starts with making eye contact. Making eye contact with her, and smiling, is one of the surest ways to display confidence and establish a connection. As the saying goes, "the eyes are the window to the soul," and this form of contact can really be just as powerful as physical touch. But in order to pull off a successful seduction, you will need to start using physical touch during the interaction.
Posted on Jan-29-2010

746 How To Approach Women And Flirt Effectively
During my years as a dating trainer, I've taught hundreds of men how to approach women in all types of situations. Many of them have been very successful. I've seen shy guys who were scared to approach women turn into "approach machines" who suddenly began to meet new girls all the time (even while walking down the street!) -- and got more phone numbers than they knew what to do with!
Posted on Jan-27-2010

666 Using Cold Reads To Get Girls To Like You
My name is Dean Cortez and in “Mack Tactics,” my best-selling seduction strategy manual for men, I say that originality is the single most important characteristic that you can communicate to a woman -- from the way you dress, to the way in which you walk up to the girls and start talking to them and flirting.
Posted on Jan-22-2010

680 How To Approach Women And Get Their Phone Numbers Quickly
Let me share with you some information on how to get a girls phone number -- mainly how to get a girls phone number during the day time. These are key skills to learn, because I'm sure you are seeing gorgeous single women every day and NOT capitalizing on the opportunities. Think about it. When's the last time you spotted a gorgeous woman during the daytime that you wanted to talk to, but you didn't go for it -- because you weren't sure WHAT to say to her?
Posted on Jan-20-2010

1063 How To Approach Women And Get Phone Numbers - The Mack Tactics Method
Let me share with you some instructions on how to approach women and get phone numbers promptly -- chiefly how to get a girls phone number during the day time. These are fundamental strategies to learn, because I'm sure you are seeing sexy single women on a daily basis and not taking advantage of these situations.
Posted on Jan-18-2010

1088 How To Pick Up Strippers Without Spending Any Money
There is no question that strip clubs are definitely one of my favorite places for lining up dates with sexy girls. And this is why learning how to pick up strippers is a valuable skill. Indeed, you could say they're one of the top "target-rich environments" Where else are you quite literally surrounded by beautiful, almost-nude girls...the alcohol is flowing, and most of the girls are a bit tipsy...the lighting and music are set for seduction...and every one of these girls wishes to approac
Posted on Jan-15-2010