Is Seven a Lucky Number for Windows?
Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows 7 is slated for release into the market on October 22nd and already it has been one of the most talked about products this year.
By Ritchie Smythe | Jun-25-2009 | Software
Netbooks for Business: Thinking Big Means Thinking Small
The laptop is undoubtedly one of the more popular tools for business executives, second only perhaps to the smartphone. While netbooks have been around for quite some time, it hasn’t quite captured as many users what with issues of limited power and incomplete feature set.
By Ritchie Smythe | Jun-25-2009 | Software
The Netbook: Big Future for a Small Notebook
This year’s Computex conference has shown us a preview of what the future holds for the netbook industry. Based on what we have witnessed so far, it’s looking like these mini laptops have the potential of gaining even more ground in the mobile computing market.
By Ritchie Smythe | Jun-25-2009 | Software
Google Wave: Creating Waves, Getting Raves
The Google I/O developer conference was full of surprises and naturally, one of the biggest ones was presented by Google itself. The company launched Google Wave, an innovation that will revolutionize the way we communicate with each other.
By Ritchie Smythe | Jun-25-2009 | Software
Tours of Shimla and Manali - an enduring experience of Lifetime
Manali is known as the “Switzerland of India” is the popular destination of tourists coming to Himachal Pradesh. It is endowed with scenic vistas of silky snow capped mountains, blossoming gardens, whispering streams, lush green forest, enchanting rivers, etc. makes a perfect place to make a memorable holiday vacation. read more...
By Joseph Moore | May-15-2010 | Destinations
Kerala Backwaters Tour- An Unforgettable Experience of Lifetime
Kerala backwater is the main tourists’ attractions of the state. It is just the kind of traveling destinations that every tourists dream of. Without backwater tour in Kerala, your trip to Kerala will be sober. So in order to make your tour a complete package, backwaters tour is must. It is the favorite destination of vacationers, nature lovers, honeymooners and travelers. read more...
By Joseph Moore | Jun-25-2009 | Destinations
Tours in Kerala- One of the Ten Paradises of the World
Backwaters are the most beautiful tourists’ destination of Kerala. Backwaters are the chain of barackish lagoons, inlets, rivers, streams and lakes. The glittering backwaters of Kerala lure every visitor with their enchanting beauty. It is the destination where visitors can enjoy the beauty of the backwaters and the magical surrounding. read more...
By Joseph Moore | Jun-25-2009 | Destinations
Visit Goa-The State with Picturesque Beaches
Come to Goa in India and indulge with some of the world’s finest beaches. They are the crowd puller in the state. Goa beaches are breathtaking, beautiful and are the ideal place for a delightful holiday vacation in India. More of all the beach tourism of Goa grabs the international tourists all the year round. read more...
By Joseph Moore | Jun-25-2009 | Destinations
Retrain For a New Career at Welding School
Welding is a steady and secure profession. There is always a need for skilled welders in a number of industries, and the Oklahoma welding schools offer multiple welding training programs and welding technology courses to suit your educational goals and needs. read more...
By Kristina Keffer | Jun-25-2009 | Reference and Education
Experience a Successful Workshop
Business for Smarties offers Next Career Coaching, Smarties Workshops, Buying a Business and Phone Coach Services to benefit individuals and organizations. Business for Smarties opens new business options and choices for starting a successful business and making it prosper. read more...
By Businessforsmarties | Jun-28-2009 | Small Business
California Phlebotomy Technician Schools looking for Caring and Helpful People
No one really looks forward to having blood drawn. Having blood drawn is usually the result of already not feeling well, and it can be a stressful experience. Luckily there are caring and helpful medical assisting technicians to make the experience as stress free as possible. read more...
By William Hauselberg | Jun-24-2009 | Reference and Education
Child Friendly Parks of Brisbane
Brisbane has a multitude of child friendly parks and playgrounds for families with kids of all ages. read more...
By Patrick Daniels | Jun-24-2009 | Travel and Leisure
Important Facts to Keep in Mind When Selecting Hardwood Floors
Hardwood flooring is making a comeback in home décor due to being a part of “green living”. Knowing how to choose quality hardwood flooring is a plus for anyone building a new home or updating an existing one. read more...
By J.M.C.S. | Jun-24-2009 | Home Improvement
Boost Female libido, How to Boost Low Sex Drive in Woman
There are many problems related to sexual dysfunction faced by people once in their lives. Women around the globe, who faced low libido due to physical and psychological factors like stress, hormonal changes, diet, ageing, depression and fatigue. Females faced low libido due to child birth also. At the stage of pregnancy a female has to suffer a lot of pain or any complications. Due to this many female find that their sex life suffers a lot. read more...
By Bryan Len | Jun-24-2009 | Weight Loss
Wind River to Wind Up at Intel
Intel Corporation has recently signed an agreement to acquire Wind River Systems, Inc. for $884 million. Wind River Systems is a leading embedded software company that develops technology for use in smartphones, mobile Internet devices as well as car entertainment systems.
By Ritchie Smythe | Jun-24-2009 | Computers
Tips to Finding Car Repair Tools and Automotive Parts for Less
For most of us, our vehicle is one of our most-prized possessions. Having a vehicle means freedom, convenience, and are a way to get around at will. You must have worked hard to save enough money to put a good-sized down payment on your vehicle when you bought it. Each month you have to keep making your car loan payment and afford insurance coverage. read more...
By Frank Stewart | Jun-24-2009 | Motorcycles
Writing Pens Milestones History
There is a wide variety of writing pens nowadays. There are roller pens, pens, reed pens, feather pens, ballpoint pen, dip pens, gel pens, ballpoint pens antler, etc. Among the largest manufacturers of pens Parker Pens, Mont Blanc Pens, Waterman pens, Bic Pens, Cross Pens and more. This remarkable writing instrument, with the help of which you can leave a trace of ink on the paper surface, is an indispensable part of our lives. read more...
By Manseo | Jun-24-2009 | Sales
The Right Fountain Pen: 5 Tips to Consider before Buying
Are you interested in classic elegance and artistic, well-designed pens that can seduce and intimidate you at the same time? As forbidden fruit, had the idea to have a fountain pen left you feeling as if you were on your league? Fascinated by the art of writing pens, the type of pencil or a pen, you made a huge impact on your penmanship. For more than a thousand years, the writing instrument that dominated the longest in history has been written. read more...
By Manseo | Jun-24-2009 | Sales
Systems of filling Fountain Pen
The writing instrument that dominated for the longest period of history has been written. Quill pens made from the wing feathers of geese lasted only a week before they need to be replaced. When writing became a form of art, the inventors have begun to improve the writing instrument with newer technologies. read more...
By Manseo | Jun-24-2009 | Sales
History of Writing Pens
If you're in the market for a writing pen today, then you have no shortage of options. You can choose to fountain pens, roller pens, ballpoint pens, fountain pens, gel ink pens, ballpoint pens antler and many other styles of pens. Not only do you have a wide choice of styles of pens, but you also have a wide variety of manufacturers. read more...
By Manseo | Jun-24-2009 | Sales
This History, Present, And Future Of GIS
This is the era of fast technological advancements. Considering the growth of technologies in different sectors, the communication field is the fastest growing one. With the introduction of the internet, International borders are not even speed bumps today. read more...
By Sarah James | Jun-23-2009 | Reference and Education
White Vaginal Discharge Symptoms, Remedies for Vaginal Discharge
Vaginal discharge is the commonest problem faced by many females. Vaginal discharge is normal during or after periods and after pregnancy. Vaginal discharge means fluid from vagina. This fluid can be of many colors like white, brown, yellow, green. Vaginal discharge is normal if there is no pain, itching or burning, foul odor and rashes to genital areas. read more...
By Bryan Len | Jun-23-2009 | Women's Issues
Bing: Fabulous New Tool Or Flop?
Bing: Fabulous New Tool? Is it really all that different than the other search engines. read more...
By Julie Newman | Jun-23-2009 | Networks
Make Free SMS from tyour PC.
Short Message Service or SMS, as it is popularly called, is a giant leap forward in the realm of communications in our planet in our times. Unlike other inventions, for which inventors are responsible and available, SMS does not owe its origin to any single individual or any particular group or nation. read more...
By Youssef El Hodaigui | Jun-23-2009 | Internet Marketing
Make Free Calls from your PC.
Communication is the basic requirement when the humanity slowly advanced step by step into global arena. We have our family to talk to when we are away in another part of the country or for that matter another continent. Our dear children might be studying miles and miles away. For a touring businessman, contacting his customers and family members becomes top priority item in the agenda.
By Youssef El Hodaigui | Jun-23-2009 | Broadband Internet