How to Stay Positive While Downsizing
If you and your family have been adversely affected by the economic slowdown, please accept my sympathies. Remember that your situation will improve. The economy will turn around and people will start to earn more money. read more...
By Shandra Horbinger | Mar-11-2009 | Business
The Scope of Electrical Training
There are countless numbers of Diploma programs and training courses available today. All of theses diploma programs promise an aspiring career. While most of these Diploma programs fail to keep their promises, there are a very few programs which still have their charm. The Diploma programs in Electrical technologies are the examples of such careers which really have the potential to get you into aspiring careers. read more...
By Kristina Keffer | Mar-10-2009 | Reference and Education
Career Scopes of Welding & Fabrication Technology
We are all well aware that manufacturing and construction are never ending processes. As long as the world exists, there will be construction of some kind and manufacturing of some kind of products. In turn, as long as these two processes exist, there will be welding and fabrication. With more and more buildings erected each day and countless numbers of products manufactured, the demand for the welding & fabrication technology professionals is very high. read more...
By Kristina Keffer | Mar-10-2009 | Reference and Education
10 Job Search Tips for Your Teen
Things have changed so much over the past few years with the increase in America's unemployment rate. Every day we're hearing about more layoffs. These adults who have been laid off are now competing alongside teens for entry level positions. read more...
By Branden Carmondie | Mar-10-2009 | Reference and Education
Acai Berry Benefits - Acai Balance
The acai berry benefits found in Acai Balance can benefit everybody. From weight loss to improved heart health, acai berries do it all.
By Brent Joan | Mar-10-2009 | Weight Loss
Generate Higher Returns from Your Innovation Investments: 2 of 10
By introducing innovative new products to market, a company can establish market differentiation. While a company can establish differentiation, maintaining that differentiation may prove more difficult.
By Bryan Seyfarth | Mar-10-2009 | Business
Personalized Search and Your SEO Firm
When looking at Google, one is struck by the somewhat Orwellian nature of entering a search term and being watched by Big Brother in a dispassionate, detached yet interested manner.
By Allwin Matheu | Apr-14-2009 | SEO
Comparison of Replica Sunglasses with Branded sunglasses
Today’s modern world is fashion centric. When it comes to fashion, the sunglasses are indispensable. There is a common saying that “unique fashion statements come with very heavy prices tags so that an average earning person cannot lift”.
By Robert Edward | Mar-09-2009 | Fashion
Latest Accessories for your Cell Phone - iPhone 3g Car Charger, Blackberry Accessories etc
Nowadays, most of the cell phones are accompanied by a number of accessories. These accessories make the performance of the device rich, making it more efficient. Whether you aim on enhancing the performance, or improving the looks of your phone, there is large number of accessories that would fulfill your needs. read more...
By mike smith | Mar-09-2009 | Mobile Phones
Trendy LG Battery, Charger, Faceplates and other LG Cell Phone accessories!
The phones manufactured by LG are classy, trendy and truly irresistible. Their features are stunning, and the cell phones can e used for connectivity as well as entertainment reasons. The part about LG cell phones is that they have a collection of phones ranging from the lowest price to the highest. read more...
By mike smith | Mar-09-2009 | Mobile Phones
Handcrafted Garden Bridges Redwood Bridges for Koi Ponds
There is something about having a great garden. These days you will find that many gardens in the country keep getting smaller and smaller. The newer the house the smaller the garden, it is a fact in the real estate industry. If you want a big garden when you by a house it is most important that you by a house built years ago. read more...
By Joe Guraro | Mar-09-2009 | Gardening
The Tranquil Beauty of an Infinity-Edge Pool
In years past, swimming pools were simply a place to cool off in the summer. People weren't concerned with the appearance of a pool; just that it was nice to have when it was hot outside. read more...
By Gunter Walderon | Mar-09-2009 | Gardening
Generate Higher Returns from Your Innovation Investments: 1 of 10
One way to establish market differentiation is through the introduction of innovative new products. Establishing that differentiation is one thing, but maintaining it is quite another. Here we have put together a ten part series on how to generate higher returns from your innovation investments.
By Bryan Seyfarth | Mar-09-2009 | Business
SchoolHeart® Fundraising Program Honored by Business Leader Media and Wake Tech Community College
SchoolHeart, Inc. is a rising star in our shaky economy and making headlines in North Carolina!
By Marvin Yakos | Mar-09-2009 | Society
Send Flowers to Yourself
It is important to pamper ourselves with some things that we usually do for others. We should treat ourselves from time to time to avoid feeling stressed out and tired. This article shares some insights how we can comfort ourselves, starting by giving ourselves a bunch of flowers.
By Timothy Spencer | Mar-07-2009 | Gardening
Scrapbooking Your Memories
Memories are treasures that are irreplaceable. Some of us preserve memories through pictures. But to some, scrapbooks are the best memoirs one can have. This article tells about how scrapbooking can help us preserve great memories with pictures and flowers.
By Timothy Spencer | Mar-07-2009 | Gardening
The Hottest Cell Phone Accessories - Bluetooth Headset, iPhone headset and much more.
For most of the cell phone users, the most confusing task is to decide on the cell phone accessories that they need to buy. A few cell phone accessories come along with the phone itself, like the hand free kit and the user’s manual. The requirement of the other additional accessories depends on the user. With the numerous different makes and models of cell phones available, there are innumerable accessories to it. read more...
By mike smith | Mar-07-2009 | Mobile Phones
Most Amazing iPhone Accessories - iPhone Cases, iPhone Leather Cases etc.
Hundreds and thousands of people across the globe have got into the craze of Apple iPhones. Irrespective of the high price tag attached to this phone, several people are buying the phone and continuously looking forward to more from it.
By mike smith | Mar-07-2009 | Mobile Phones
Maximize Your Brain Power
Trying to find ways to boost your brain power is nothing new. As far back as history can trace, various cultures have tried different herbs and mental exercises to improve the strength of their mind. As technology and medical knowledge have advanced, the quest to maximize brain power has gone from guesswork to proven scientific methods. read more...
By Ben Jordan | Mar-06-2009 | Health and Fitness
Retirement Home Goes High Tech with Coinless Laundry
Not too long ago I went to visit my father in the “Old Folk’s Home”. This is what he calls the establishment, mind you. The minimum age requirement is 55 and, according to the brochure, it is called "Independent Retirement Living". read more...
By Joann Charamuga | Mar-06-2009 | Home and Family
Enabling Equity and Efficiency through Auctions in India
Often practical and simple ideas are rejected out of ignorance or out of disbelief that simple ideas can work There are innumerable applications for the use of auctions in the economy; in every case, it is the common man who as consumer or taxpayer stands to gain and it is for this reason alone that auctions should take first place as a solution to resource allocation in a country.
By Sumita Kale | Mar-06-2009 | Business
What is Special a Medical Spa
The term “Medical Spa” is relatively new. It is what it sounds like, a luxury spa like setting where one can get plastic surgery or nonsurgical cosmetic procedures done. Even though medical spas are very popular worldwide, few people are aware of this latest treatment option. If you are among the those who are unaware medical Spas and what they entail, here is a quick explanation of what a Medial Spa actually is. read more...
By Kristina Keffer | Mar-05-2009 | Health and Fitness
How to Get out of Credit Card Debt with the Help of Debt Management Programs
Our Debt Management Program can: Waive or reduce high interest rates; Eliminate late and over-limit fees; Stop harassing calls from creditors and collection agencies; Reduced monthly payments; Voluntary arrangement between you, your creditors and our agent.
By Abby Reid | Mar-04-2009 | Credit
SchoolHeart, Inc. Saves North Carolina hCard® Members Hundreds While They Help Others!
schoolheart offers one of the best fundraising products in the country, and is expanding nationally
By Marvin Yakos | Mar-04-2009 | Society
The Need of Credit Counseling
Though the credit counseling services have been around us for some time, people are now recognizing the importance of this service. With the nose dived economic conditions, people around the Globe are unable to manage their finances and are really struggling to pay their mortgages. The housing loan service providers, who seemed very friendly when issuing the loan, now just want their money. read more...
By William Hauselberg | Mar-04-2009 | Finance