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Melissa Peterman has 6 Published Articles

United Kingdom,
Trimega Laboratories Ltd,
15 Old Bailey

New Alcohol Testing Devices Have Parents and Teachers Talking

Posted On : Mar-27-2009 | seen (1321) times | Article Word Count : 638 |

Recent discoveries of new alcohol testing devices are changing the way teachers, high school and university counselors are screening for alcohol abuse. Most of the community is thrilled with the findings, whereas some parent’s are not so sure.
Alcohol hair testing is quickly becoming a leading form of testing students for alcohol and drug abuse. What’s exciting is the new alcohol testing device is the discovery that allows a parent, coach or teacher to test a student’s hair for drugs as well as alcohol abuse. Previously, only drugs were detectable with hair testing, but now, alcohol can also be detected.

This new alcohol detection device is by far the least invasive form of substance abuse testing on the market compared to urine alcohol testing, saliva or other forms of blood alcohol testing, like breath or sweat. These new findings in drug follicle hair testing have parents, high school counselors and teachers talking about student rights.

Some Parents Are Very Pleased With This New Form Of Screening, Others Are Not So

Some parents, school counselors and other people in the community think that hair alcohol testing in schools is a great idea for preventing even worse problems that could come out of early alcohol abuse. School officials want to save kids from drinking and driving and other dangerous acts that can happen under the influence of drugs and alcohol as well as set a standard for high school athletics.

Other parents feel that it is an abuse of too much power into someone’s life. Some other parents think that their child could be wrongly accused simply because many household products contain small amounts of alcohol like mouthwash, cold medicine, hand sanitizers and interfere with the test. Most often no legal action will be taken to any student that happens to come up positive for drugs or alcohol but a counseling session will most likely be required with the parents to see if help can be administered before legal action is needed. The second time the same person is found having abused drugs or alcohol, the student will be asked to leave the school and legal action may be necessary.

Several legal professionals besides outraged kids and parents think that the country was founded on the basis that people were free to make their own choices and that mandatory testing like this already sends a message to students that “you are not trusted” and therefore have to be set under a microscope. Some parents feel this lack of privacy goes against so much of what our country is founded on.

How Hair Alcohol Testing Works

If a person has been asked to give a hair sample, a certified nurse will make an appointment to come to the person’s home or school if a clinic is not available. Then a small sample is cut from the base of the head and is then either shipped or delivered to the laboratory where several tests, including EtG alcohol test will be performed to see if certain markers show up on the hair shaft. These special markers only appear if the person has been drinking or abusing drugs. What is so unique at EtG alcohol testing is that it will reveal a history of abuse instead of hours or at most- a couple days like urine alcohol testing would. Actually, EtG testing can prove up to 12 months of alcohol abuse.

Drug follicle hair testing is quite remarkable, and now alcohol detection in hair is available to schools where it wasn’t a possibility before. Even though some parents and other people in the community may be upset about the choice to randomly test students for drugs and alcohol using hair alcohol testing, the benefits greatly outweigh the negatives. Angry parents and students is one thing, help saving a kid’s life from drunk driving or other reckless behavior due to drugs and alcohol is quite another. Most schools are willing to deal with the upset over rights than the upsets over a preventable catastrophe.

Article Source : Alcohol Testing Devices Have Parents and Teachers Talking_264.aspx

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About the Author:

Melissa Peterman writes for Innuity, for more info on Alcohol hair testing EtG alcohol test or drug follicle hair testing go to Trimega

Keywords : drug follicle hair testing, Alcohol hair testing, EtG alcohol test, Innuity, Trimega,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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