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Rebecca Beckett has 4 Published Articles

United Kingdom,
Trimega Laboratories Ltd,
15 Old Bailey

It’s No Crime Scene at Your Office- It’s just Drug Follicle Hair Testing

Posted On : Mar-27-2009 | seen (1749) times | Article Word Count : 512 |

Pre-employment drug and alcohol testing, random testing and testing in schools and in the courts is as common place as asking for your social security number but asking for bodily fluids is still intrusive.
If your boss has asked your office to give blood, urinalysis or breathalyzer test for random drug testing, it’s no wonder that one might feel violated on top of grossed out. Since alcohol detection drug testing often involves body fluids, you may wonder if there is a better way to test employees for drugs and alcohol that is less intrusive. It’s called drug follicle hair testing

It may seem rather strange to test one’s hair for drugs and alcohol when drugs and alcohol are ingested into the body- not coated on one’s hair, but what scientists have found is quite remarkable. Since your hair and nail cells grow from your body, it makes sense that whatever nutrients, vitamins and all the other items that are ingested into your body- in turn, make up the building blocks of your hair and nails. Unlike blood, breath and urine where one can test for drugs and alcohol from a short amount of time after ingestion, your scalp is like a diary- where a scientist can read every drug and alcohol entry. Or, just as importantly, the lack of entries.

What Is Drug Follicle Hair Testing?

The rate that alcohol leaves the body in hours and minutes makes it extremely difficult to judge how much a person has consumed and how long ago it was that the person consumed it. What else is difficult to uncover is the history someone has of alcohol abuse. With as much as an inch and a half of hair cut from the scalp of a person, a hair alcohol testing laboratory can find out what a person’s approximated consumption of alcohol has been up to a 30 day history and if the hair sample is longer, as much as a year of alcohol consumption can be tested. A series of assessments called FAEE, fatty acid ethyl esters and EtG alcohol testing are done to measure the amount of FAEE and EtG markers that are revealed in the tests. The more alcohol a person has consumed, the more markers will be present on a test.

A Non-Intrusive Test

When compared to the bodily fluid demands of previous testing, hair alcohol testing is fairly non-intrusive. The samples are taken behind closed doors by a professional nurse, hired by the company who comes to your home or business and collects the sample beneath the rest of your hair, or at least close to the scalp. It is then taken to the lab to be tested.

• Less contamination and fraud
• A witness can actually be there in the same room as the sample delivered
• No appointment outside of work or school is necessary

Instead of your office resembling a CSI episode demanding body fluids several times a year- have your employees tested once in a blue moon. With hair alcohol testing, unless your employees or students wax every inch of hair off your body and shave your head before their test, every nutrient, vitamin, drug or glass of alcohol will soon be revealed.

Article Source :’s No Crime Scene at Your Office- It’s just Drug Follicle Hair Testing_262.aspx

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About the Author:

Melissa Peterman is a web content specialist from Innuity. For more information about drug follicle hair testing go to Trimega

Keywords : Innuity, drug follicle hair testing, Trimega,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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