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How Group Purchasing Organizations Are Growing in Healthcare
Over the last several decades across the healthcare industry, Group Purchasing Organizations have grown as a representative unit at health care centers, medical facilities and hospitals. read more...
By Jessica Ovalle | Jun-23-2014

Pharmacy Software Management’s New Era
Over the last few years there has been some upheaval in the healthcare industry, across all facets of operations; from the US government enacting the Affordable Care Act to rapid technology advances in hospitals. read more...
By Jessica Ovalle | Jun-09-2014

Managing Your RadioPharmacy
What is RMIS? It is the complete software solution providing comprehensive management to radiopharmacies. RMIS streamlines business processes allowing radiopharmacies to keep pace with regulatory changes. read more...
By Jessica Ovalle | May-24-2014

What Do You Need in A Comprehensive Pharmacy Software System
When it comes time to update your pharmacy’s software system, one thing you will want to make a top priority is to ensure your new system is both comprehensive but also efficient to operate. read more...
By Jessica Ovalle | May-07-2014

Data Breach, Incident Response Software to enhance Cyber Security
Cyber security is a growing industry, which in the past few years has grown to a multibillion dollar industry owing to the fact that cyber attacks are on the rise over the past few years. read more...
By Dario forte | Aug-22-2013

775 Sales Sells the First One, Service Sells the Rest
Globalization and liberalization has raised the competition in the market. Every business now becomes more customers oriented. So to increase sales customer satisfaction is now become utmost important. read more...
By Rakesh Kumar | Feb-27-2011

709 En analyse av virtuell server hosting
For alle dere teknologisk interesserte der ute og andre som ser frem til å sette opp sine små og mellomstore web-virksomheter, er virtuell server hosting definitivt et glimrende alternativ. Denne artikkelen vil gjennomgå virtuell server hosting og gi leserene et innblikk i hva dette innebærer og hvilke fordeler dette gir. read more...
By Rich flear | Feb-25-2011

634 Usability methods explained: Task analysis
Task analysis is a complete deconstruction of the tasks users need to perform using your proposed or existing user interface design. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-25-2011

601 Usability Methods Explained: User Observation
Indirect User Observation, which utilizes technology, such as audio or video recording equipment and digital prototypes or wireframes. Both direct and indirect User Observation have their advantages. Direct User Observation allows the observer to view users' behavior up close and to pay more attention to key areas of interest. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-25-2011

633 Usability Methods in Interface Design: Expert Review
The usability method ‘expert review’ is quite similar to the method ‘heuristic evaluations’. A few usability experts gather around an interface or website and review all pages, controls and design patterns. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-25-2011

381 Usability Methods in Interface Design: Expert Review
The usability method ‘expert review’ is quite similar to the method ‘heuristic evaluations’. A few usability experts gather around an interface or website and review all pages, controls and design patterns. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-25-2011

434 Usability Methods in Interface Design: Heuristic Evaluation
In a heuristic evaluation, usually around 3 usability experts, which are in the best case specialists from the field of human computer interaction (HCI), but in the more common case fellow designer with an avocation in usability and user centered design, judge all elements on a website. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-25-2011

364 Usability Methods in Interface Design: Interviews
Have you ever tried to get feedback on your interface design concept? It is designed to reveal particular feelings and opinions that potential end users of your user interface design may have. The interview is a one-on-one technique that focuses on a small sample of potential end user, which allows you to go into more detail on the requirements for your interface design. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-25-2011

403 CFS presents web based messaging and collaboration applications.
Google apps run innumerable businesses all over the globe saving time and cost. read more...
By Kareena Gomes | Feb-24-2011

381 Usability Methods in Interface Design: Wizard of Oz and Digital Prototyping
Wizard of Oz prototyping should be applied when you need to find out specific user behavior to develop the device you are testing itself. Sounds contradictory? Okay, here’s an example: When you want to develop a voice control module for an application, you need the syntax people use to interact with the device. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-24-2011

409 Usability Methods in Interface Design: User Surveys
With a user survey you try to find out how your software, application or web site is most likely to be used by your target audience or a special segment of users. The usability method of posting user surveys on your website is a powerful tool to find out what other analytics tools cannot deliver. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-24-2011

479 Usability Methods: Paper Prototyping
Paper prototypes thus can be used to gather substantive feedback early on in the development process before coding begins, thus eliminating the need to expensively fix usability errors later on. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-24-2011

369 Usability Terms Explained: Context of Use -You Ought to Consider it for Better Part II
Context of use analysis assists interface designers in posing crucial usability “probe” questions as they develop their website or application. These probe questions, often the result of collaborator brainstorms, try to elicit project information that has not yet been thought of as early as possible during the development process. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-24-2011

340 Usability Terms Explained: You Ought to Consider it for Better User Interface Design Part 1
The importance of understanding the context of use when producing a successful interface design has lead to the creation of a usability method called context of use analysis that is commonly used by interaction designers and interface designers. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-24-2011

608 How to convert VRO files to Final Cut Pro on Mac
Step by step guide for you to convert your VRO files to MOV/MP4/DV format that Final Cut Pro support with VRO to Final Cut Pro Converter for Mac, then import your VRO files to Final Cut Pro for editing. read more...
By eric | Feb-23-2011

367 Usability Terms Explained: Contextual Design – Part I
The Contextual Design methodology, developed by Hugh Beyer and Karen Holzblatt, is a User Centered Design process used to gather information and understand how users work in order to create user interface designs that are complementary to users and the process of them accomplishing their goals. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-23-2011

351 Usability Terms Explained: Ethnography and Its Role in User Interface Design
Ethnography is a research methodology that is most commonly used in the social sciences, particularly in anthropology and sociology. Its purpose is to gather empirical data relative to humans and their interactions with each other, society, or any other external factor they encounter. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-22-2011

342 Usability Terms Explained: How to conduct an ethnographical usability test?
James Hom’s Usability Methods Toolbox ( provides a good example of how to carry out a usability test using the method of ethnography. Hom claims that ethnography as a usability method is best used in the early stages of development, when you need to know more about the issues surrounding the use of a product rather than actual metrics. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-22-2011

370 Usability Terms Explained: Learnability and Its Significance for Interface Design-Part I
According to the Usability First glossary learnability is a measure of the degree to which a user interface design can be learned quickly and effectively. Learning time is the typical measure. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-22-2011

387 Usability Terms Explained: Learnability and Its Significance for User Interface Design-Part II
Generalizability further expands on consistency within an interface design by looking at software applications that are similar to yours. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-22-2011

463 The Wireframing Perspective
Wireframing allows you to be timely and cost-effective when tackling the issues endemic to the development of a new user interface. You create a structure that not only facilitates your creativity but also reins you in if you get too flashy or carried away during the planning and iterative processes. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-22-2011

669 Virus Detections from USB Devices
The USB Port has been one of the most ingenious inventions that man has made in this era. With its universality and plug-and-play capabilities, there seemed to stem endless possibilities with this connection. Gone were the days of the old floppy disks where the maximum memory that one can save is limited to 2.88 MB. read more...
By nimi | Feb-21-2011

625 How to convert vob to avi file on Mac?
VOB to AVI Converter for Mac can help you convert vob to avi files within several simple clicks and backup vob to avi files on Mac with fast speed and high quality. read more...
By eric | Feb-21-2011

452 Design your software and programming services the best from us
Buy from us the best Database Design and Construction services at a reasonable cost. read more...
By raj | Feb-21-2011

649 Holiday Greetings Record SMS Rates and Consumer Protection in to Fight Mobile Spammers
As people use SMS computer-based services and send SMS online messages, the message volumes have increased up by up to six times. read more...
By Neeraj Saini | Feb-19-2011