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How Group Purchasing Organizations Are Growing in Healthcare
Over the last several decades across the healthcare industry, Group Purchasing Organizations have grown as a representative unit at health care centers, medical facilities and hospitals. read more...
By Jessica Ovalle | Jun-23-2014

Pharmacy Software Management’s New Era
Over the last few years there has been some upheaval in the healthcare industry, across all facets of operations; from the US government enacting the Affordable Care Act to rapid technology advances in hospitals. read more...
By Jessica Ovalle | Jun-09-2014

Managing Your RadioPharmacy
What is RMIS? It is the complete software solution providing comprehensive management to radiopharmacies. RMIS streamlines business processes allowing radiopharmacies to keep pace with regulatory changes. read more...
By Jessica Ovalle | May-24-2014

What Do You Need in A Comprehensive Pharmacy Software System
When it comes time to update your pharmacy’s software system, one thing you will want to make a top priority is to ensure your new system is both comprehensive but also efficient to operate. read more...
By Jessica Ovalle | May-07-2014

Data Breach, Incident Response Software to enhance Cyber Security
Cyber security is a growing industry, which in the past few years has grown to a multibillion dollar industry owing to the fact that cyber attacks are on the rise over the past few years. read more...
By Dario forte | Aug-22-2013

452 The Role of User Experience in Interface Design
The term user experience is widely applicable in many fields. User experience (often abbreviated as UX) describes a user's experience interacting with any type of product or system. In computer science, user experience comprises all of the user's interactions with a given user interface or software system. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-09-2011

427 Online-Collaboration reduces Cost in Web Development
Collaborative software solutions aim to transform the way ideas, documents and rich media are shared from distributed locations in order to enable more effective team collaboration. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-09-2011

412 Web Development Outsourcing – getting it right!
Have you ever thought about outsourcing some of your web developments? I did and it caused me a lot of headaches! Outsourcing services like Elance or RentACoder sound intriguing in the first place, and it seems that you get a lot of bang for your buck – in theory! read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-09-2011

384 How do you undergo usability testing with paper prototypes?
The users that are invited to attend should be representative of the intended customer of your product meaning you have to identify them before recruiting them for testing. Tasks, or use cases, have to be designed for users to go through before you can create the paper prototypes. Go through the paper prototypes in-house prior to usability testing. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-08-2011

385 Google does it right - and wrong! An Appeal for more User Centric Design
It’s not a secret that Google’s success (or at last the fast adoption rate) has been accelerated through an exceptional example of simplicity and user centered design on their search page (homepage). read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-08-2011

682 Good Rules for Bad Interface Design
In the internet you can find a plethora of lists with helpful usability design guidelines and patterns. There are so many that it’s not really worth writing about. But today I have found something really cool! A great source for web designers who try just not to get it right: The ‘Golden Rules for Bad User Interfaces’ by the SAP design guild. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-08-2011

382 Yahoo! Design Patterns – Review of a great Source for Interface Designers
This Yahoo! Design Pattern category solves the most important problem on a website: finding the right stuff! These design patterns present best practices for all sorts of navigation challenges, filter options, pagination, navigation tabs and bars etc. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-07-2011

395 Wireframe Fidelity - Part 2: High Fidelity Wireframes & Other Kinds of Wireframes
In part two of this blog we shall have a closer look at high fidelity wireframes as well as other kinds of wireframes. Wireframes are more and more important in developing today's software and web applications. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-07-2011

382 Wireframe Fidelity - Part 1: Low Fidelity Wireframes
Wireframes allow designers to test, refine and adjust software user interfaces to improve user experience and functionality early in the development process when mistakes are much cheaper to rectify. Wireframes are particularly useful in the collaborative process as they ensure that team members and all stakeholders can keep track of a project's workflow. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-07-2011

442 Wireframe Creation for Dummies
Wireframes help you to go the long and rocky road from a general idea for a website to the specification with all detailed information for the designers and programmers. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-07-2011

478 Prototyping 2.0 - Digital Interface Prototyping
Advantages of Wireframe Software: The advantages of such a wireframing software are obvious: through the interaction features you get a much better impression of how your concepts work with the user and whether all possible use cases have been considered. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-05-2011

638 Digg UI Redesign - Relaunch a New User Interface Design
Usually the goal behind such an overhaul of the UI design is to make it more attractive and easy to use for the website’s users. Often, changes are done iteratively to optimize the GUI. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-05-2011

487 Desirability and Interface Design
Evaluating the desirability of a user interface design is a beneficial way of complementing usability testing. After determining that a user interface design is usable, an interface designer might want to know more about what users perceive in terms of intangible variables, such as “joy” and “fun” when using an application. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-05-2011

567 Designing for Success: Storyboarding your Website
The storyboard is a usability prototype consisting of a series of screen sketches that permit you to visualize and organize the content and configuration of your website. A storyboard allows you to optimize efficiency and organization during the nascent stages of website creation. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-05-2011

424 Cloud applications: avoiding the pitfall of poor usability design
Cloud applications utilize the internet as a means of providing software to various users. Providing software in this manner can be usability advantageous and eliminates the need for clients to install and run the application on their personal computers. This enables an easier process of maintenance and support. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-04-2011

408 Building great User Experiences
Visual Design is aimed at optimizing the visual communication between user and website (or website’s content). Visual design communicates the underlying site’s structure to the user, pointing out relevant information or interaction artifacts at the appropriate time in the process. On a more general basis this manifests in graphic design standards (aka. style guides) and branding guidelines for a website. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-04-2011

364 User Involvement Methods for Great User Interface Design
Whether people are users of school services or web and software user interfaces, actively involving users gives them a voice and enables them to sound their experiential opinions. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-04-2011

699 Benefits of User Involvement
The ultimate benefit of user involvement is an optimally usable system. Sounds simple but often the simplest goal can only be achieved through a complex process. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-04-2011

479 Total Presentation Management System with a Difference
IClickPoint is a hosted powerpoint presentation management software to build an online powerpoint slide library which allows users to access and create their own custom powerpoint presentation. read more...
By Joe Slater | Feb-03-2011

419 User Interface Design Methods Explained Accessibility Design
Generalizability further expands on consistency within an interface design by looking at software applications that are similar to yours. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-03-2011

546 Does Great Usability Equal Great User Interface Design?
At its most fundamental level, usability is defined as the study of the ease with which people can achieve a particular goal by operating a human-made tool or system. The central question of usability is how well can users learn and use a system or tool to achieve a goal and how satisfied are they with the process provided by the system or tool. read more...
By Martin Metz | Feb-03-2011

381 Dantemoore: Growth Of Mobile Industry
Mobile industry is considered as one of the most money earning industry with very huge returns every month. read more...
By tuffelrandom | Feb-03-2011

460 Secondary And Tertiary Sales Data Are Goldmines For Manufacturers
For any business, the key to success is accurate sales data at all distribution levels including Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. This article describes the Importance of Secondary and Tertiary Sales Data. read more...
By Rakesh Kumar | Feb-02-2011

390 A Task Reminder is Available in Various Formats
People today are very busy balancing work, family, and personal time. Many people work over 40 hours a week and then must spend time taking care of the family as well. Parents must juggle the children’s activity schedules, dentist and doctor appointments, and school commitments around their work schedules and tasks. Somewhere in between all that a couple tries to schedule some time together. read more...
By Ted Cory | Feb-01-2011

1231 Business text messaging perfect for endorsing your products and business
Many companies prefer to use SMS services in order to tell their potential customers regarding new offers and plans at the same time, the government even updates in case of emergency requirements. read more...
By Neeraj Saini | Jan-31-2011