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Martin Metz has 86 Published Articles

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Benefits of User Involvement

Posted On : Feb-04-2011 | seen (630) times | Article Word Count : 591 |

The ultimate benefit of user involvement is an optimally usable system. Sounds simple but often the simplest goal can only be achieved through a complex process.
Optimal usability is the ultimate benefit of user involvement

The user’s reception of a given interface design is absolutely crucial to the success of the system. Consequently, users are usually involved in some capacity in the development process of a new user interface, particularly because their input and participation provide the basis that allows designers to understand how to make their system as functional as possible. The ultimate benefit of user involvement is an optimally usable system. Sounds simple but often the simplest goal can only be achieved through a complex process. Some other benefits of user involvement (benefits that contribute to the overall goal of optimal usability) include:
• Useful information and ideas
• Users identify the most important tasks
• Users help define the scope of the system and help designers see its limitations
• Developer satisfaction
• User satisfaction
• Both users and designers improve their cooperation, communication, and learning skills

In order to better understand the ways in which user involvement creates an environment in which optimal usability flourishes, we must first understand how the principles of UX design contribute to the development of optimal systems.

UX Design is the main facilitator of user involvement benefits

There are many different ways in which designers can keep users at the center of the development process in order to create useful and usable products. UX design is a continually evolving process with a plethora of methods based on fluctuating client needs and contexts: Card sorting, usability testing, contextual inquiry, prototyping etc. are all approaches that inextricably entwine users with the creation of a new interface design. The ingenuity and flexibility inherent in design engenders a diversity in UX design methodologies, but according to Kari Kujala (Helsinki University of Technology) three main principles underlie them all:
• Early focus on users and tasks: Bringing users into direct contact with the design team instead of hearing or reading about their needs and contexts.
• Empirical measurement: Observing users and obtaining and evaluating their feedback.
• Iterative design: Prototyping , usability testing, analyzing, and refining the user interface based on qualitative results obtained from empirical measurement.

These principles allow designers to keep users and their experiences, needs, and contexts at the forefront of the development process. Users help designers define the scope of the project and keep them on track in terms of what is usable and effective and what is not. UX design principles facilitate user involvement benefits and give developers the freedom and flexibility to come up with their own unique and interesting tactics for eliciting user experience feedback.

Obstacles to user involvement benefits

User involvement is not a simple process and the challenges associated with UX design should not be overlooked. There are many obstacles to a smooth user involvement process. These include:
• Motivating developers
• Identifying appropriate user groups
• Obtaining access to users
• Lack of a structured UX design method
• Miscommunications among users and developers

These are just some of the main obstacles that can plug up the positive flow of user involvement benefits. Working with users is not an easy process, it can be very frustrating and time-consuming. It is important to reiterate that although the ultimate benefit of user involvement is a system characterized by optimal usability (in other words a relatively simple and straightforward reward), the process of getting to optimal usability is difficult and as with all projects in which groups are involved, the two words are paramount for developers and user alike: patience and persistence.

Article Source : of User Involvement_51475.aspx

Author Resource : – Interface Design, Wireframing Software, Wireframe Tool Interface Design Software, Interface Prototyping, Usability Testing, Wireframes and Clickable Wireframes. User centered design for improved UI design .

Keywords : interface design, ui design, ui prototyping, interface design software, interface design tool, wireframe software, wireframe ,

Category : Computers : Software

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