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Martin Metz has 86 Published Articles

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Usability Methods Explained: User Observation

Posted On : Feb-25-2011 | seen (540) times | Article Word Count : 634 |

Indirect User Observation, which utilizes technology, such as audio or video recording equipment and digital prototypes or wireframes. Both direct and indirect User Observation have their advantages. Direct User Observation allows the observer to view users' behavior up close and to pay more attention to key areas of interest.
This article will introduce the concept of User Observation pertaining to graphical user interface design answering the following questions: What is User Observation? What things should you consider when planning and undertaking User Observations? What are the benefits and applications of undertaking User Observation?

What is User Observation?

User Observation is a usability method used to document implicit user feedback to optimize a user interface design and learn from participants who undergo a Usability Test. Preferably, it should be performed as early and as often as possible starting with prototyping wireframes long before coding begins. It can be in the form of direct User Observation with the observer present in the room taking notes throughout the process in order to maximize its effectiveness. Indirect User Observation, which utilizes technology, such as audio or video recording equipment and digital prototypes or wireframes. Both direct and indirect User Observation have their advantages. Direct User Observation allows the observer to view users' behavior up close and to pay more attention to key areas of interest. Indirect User Observation allows for nuances to be recorded and remarked upon which might have been missed during direct user observation. Pidoco, a Berlin based software producer, even offers a remote usability testing software that combines the advantages of both direct and indirect methods through real-time user observation from a remote computer. The software allows the observation of users anywhere on the globe while they click through a software prototype without requiring any software installation.

Things to consider when planning User Observation?
When planning to undertake User Observation one must establish the scope of this process. What knowledge do your clients require from the study? How can you tailor the study to achieve these aims? Wireframe tools that allow for Rapid Paper Prototyping are key in preparing your study. For a more thorough observation one can combine direct and indirect observation by being present in the room with the user while recording him or her. However this also presents another challenge for the increased data will take more time to analyze thus driving up costs. Not to mention the high costs of inviting and hosting users or renting specialized equipment and facilities, remote testing options such as Pidoco can reduce this cost and allow for higher scalability. Running a pilot observation session is a good way to determining the length and adequacy of the session. Other things to consider in the planning process include scheduling time, place and establishing who will be observed.

Undertaking User Observation

The process of user observations can be obtrusive to participants so one has to be mindful of the interpersonal dimension and strive to create a stress free environment. The very act of being observed can lead to users altering their behavior thus skewing the tests' results. A powerful solution is cost effective online wireframe creation and prototyping tools that allow easy remote usability testing are useful in capturing user's reactions in their natural environment. This also has the added benefit of sustainability as users' carbon footprints are reduced to a minimum. After completing observations, writing down first impressions is key before moving on to the analysis stage. Remember to measure both the performance (e.g. success rate, time taken, difficulties etc...) and subjective (reported satisfaction, easy of use etc...) reactions of user's as they may not necessarily correlate.

Benefits and Applications of User Observation?
The qualitative data obtained from user observation is useful in enhancing user experience and when employing user centered design. Using wireframe software the results of the observation help iron out any usability issues early on in the development process as one refines user requirements allowing for less expensive fixes than those that might be necessary later on in the software development process.

Article Source : Methods Explained: User Observation_53839.aspx

Author Resource : – Interface Design, Wireframe Software, Interface Design Software, Clickable Wireframes and GUI Prototyping Tool. A GUI Design Interface Software for Clickable Wireframes! Fast wireframe creation and remote website usability testing lead to an improved conversion!

Keywords : interface design, clickable wireframe, wireframes, interface design software, wireframe software, GUI Prototyping Tool, wiref,

Category : Computers : Software

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