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Usability Terms Explained: Learnability and Its Significance for User Interface Design-Part II

Posted On : Feb-22-2011 | seen (334) times | Article Word Count : 527 |

Generalizability further expands on consistency within an interface design by looking at software applications that are similar to yours.
What part does generalizability play in the learnability of an interface design?

Generalizability further expands on consistency within an interface design by looking at software applications that are similar to yours. Although similar to familiarity there is a distinction here: whereas familiarity is more concerned with what users would expect of your website or software application's interface design, generalizability is more about what a specific type of application does. This is evident with short cuts. Hitting Control/Command and a T in a web browser that supports tabbed browsing opens a new tab. For the sake of generalizability, if you were developing a browser you would be well advised to implement that shortcut as well. The wisdom of the crowd is where to hedge your bets when finalizing your interface design.

What part does predictability play in the learnability of an interface design?

Another key component of learnability is predictability. Again this is tied to generalizability but in this instance more from the perspective of the users rather than similar software tools. Whatever tool you are developing, users of similar tools should be able to navigate your interface design with only the knowledge of using a similar tool in the past. An example of this is when developing a Digital Audio Workstation. Experienced users of other DAWs should be able to add audio channels, mute or solo tracks, record and bounce etc. without having used your tool before, simply because functions such as those are at the core of what DAWs do. If a person with knowledge of similar tools can't predict how to utilize core functions through your interface design, it is very possible that you have several usability issues to work out.

What part does simplicity play in the learnability of an interface design?

Last but not least is simplicity. Keeping your interface design as lean and clean as possible is essential for optimum learnability. This does not mean that you should strip your interface design of great features, but as a default the interface design should be as simple as possible to allow the greatest number of users to buy in. Thereafter users may be allowed to activate advanced settings to suit their respective needs. A very good example of this is with Songbird, the open source music jukebox. Its default interface design is very lean but it allows users to download a number of add-ons unlocking a vast array of features.

How to guarantee great learnability in your interface design

As can be seen from the examples above, learnability is a key success factor for the immediate and long-term success of websites and other applications. One method to guarantee great learnability is to involve end users during the design process in order to validate design concepts with a real audience. Such validation can be achieved through usability tests, in which end users are confronted directly with the design concepts, for example in the form of paper prototypes, simple mockups or, better still, interactive digital prototypes, including for example wireframes, clickable wireframes and fully navigable GUI prototypes that can be created with wireframe software tools like Pidoco.

Article Source : Terms Explained: Learnability and Its Significance for User Interface Design-Part II_53523.aspx

Author Resource : – Interface Design, Wireframe Software, Wireframe Tools, Interface Design Software, Interface Prototyping, Clickable Wireframes, Interface Design Tool, Usability Testing and Digital Paper Prototyping. UI Prototyping, UI Design and Remote Website Usability Testing lead to an Improved Conversion!

Keywords : interface design, interface design software, interface design tool, wireframe software, wireframe tool, online wireframe tool,

Category : Computers : Software

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