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Why Hiring a Poop Cleaner Is Better Than Using Poop Bags
If you’re a dog owner, you know that cleaning up after your furry friend is a daily responsibility. read more...
By Dookie Doctors Pet Waste Removal | Mar-23-2025

An Expert's Advice to Raise a Well-Behaved Puppy
When you first bring your puppy home, you’ll no doubt be bursting with love and affection for your furry new friend. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Mar-08-2022

Different Types of Dog Aggression
Do you have an aggressive dog? If so, you’re certainly not alone, as aggression in dogs is one of the most common behaviour problems. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Mar-08-2022

Raising a Happy Dog – 5 Reasons Why Dog Training Matters
Training your dog can help build an even closer bond with your furry friend while giving him or her the discipline and structure they need to be happy. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Mar-03-2022

Advantages of Virtual Dog Training You Should Know
Despite their best intentions, some dog owners don’t always have the time to commit to intensive dog training sessions with a professional dog trainer. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Mar-03-2022

70 Why Hiring a Poop Cleaner Is Better Than Using Poop Bags
If you’re a dog owner, you know that cleaning up after your furry friend is a daily responsibility. read more...
By Dookie Doctors Pet Waste Removal | Mar-23-2025

737 An Expert's Advice to Raise a Well-Behaved Puppy
When you first bring your puppy home, you’ll no doubt be bursting with love and affection for your furry new friend. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Mar-08-2022

717 Different Types of Dog Aggression
Do you have an aggressive dog? If so, you’re certainly not alone, as aggression in dogs is one of the most common behaviour problems. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Mar-08-2022

835 Raising a Happy Dog – 5 Reasons Why Dog Training Matters
Training your dog can help build an even closer bond with your furry friend while giving him or her the discipline and structure they need to be happy. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Mar-03-2022

722 Advantages of Virtual Dog Training You Should Know
Despite their best intentions, some dog owners don’t always have the time to commit to intensive dog training sessions with a professional dog trainer. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Mar-03-2022

707 Useful Tips to Stop Resource Guarding in Dogs
Resource guarding is a behavior that happens when dogs guard their food, toys, or other items from others. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Mar-02-2022

683 How to Find a Good Dog Behaviourist? Follow these 5 Tips
If you’re considering hiring a dog behaviourist, you might be wondering how to choose the right one. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Mar-02-2022

708 3 Common Myths about Dog Training that are not True
If you’re interested in dog training, one may seem to believe some of the myths out there about what you can and can’t do with your dog. Whether you’re looking to train your beloved dog or want to modify their behavioral problems read more...
By Tony Giotto | Feb-10-2022

768 Compelling Reasons Why Dog Training is Great for Your Pet
The need for dog training is widely acknowledged, with many people agreeing that it is an important element in nurturing a dog's ability to safely interact with everyone. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Oct-18-2021

773 Signs that Indicate You Should Hire a Dog Behaviourist
Dogs are adorable creatures. They bring so much happiness to our lives, but when our canine friends exhibit a negative or aggressive behaviour, things can get pretty stressful. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Sep-30-2021

804 The Perks of Enrolling Your Dog or Pup to a Dog Training Class
Private dog training in Vancouver is a necessity for every dog and its family. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Sep-22-2021

906 Expert Advice to Modify Your Dog’s Barking Problem
Excessive barking is a big problem for dog owners. Constant barking makes neighbours file noise complaints. read more...
By Tony Giotto | May-17-2021

884 Resource Guarding – The Possessive Aggression in Dogs
Does your dog growl at you when you go to grab a chew your dog has whittled down? Does he show his teeth when you try to take a toy from him? Then your dog is exhibiting resource guarding! read more...
By Tony Giotto | Mar-17-2021

915 Does Puppy Biting Signal Problems with Future Aggression?
From playing to investigating objects, all normal activities involve puppies using their mouth and sharp teeth. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Mar-16-2021

959 Look Out for These Early Signs of Aggression in Dogs
Are you pondering if your dog is aggressive? It can be frightening to be around an aggressive dog. However, it’s even scarier if your friendly pet suddenly becomes aggressive, growling, or baring its teeth. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Dec-11-2020

965 Why should Cat Parents feed their Pet a Raw Diet?
We as a country just love our pets! They are our best friends, buddies and companions. read more...
By Connie Koutradimos | Oct-17-2020

1056 Why You Should Feed You Pets Raw?
Today, many households consider cats and dogs to be members of the family. Caring for their nutrition is caring for them. Yes, a good diet can contribute to a long, healthy life. read more...
By Connie Koutradimos | Sep-08-2020

1061 How do I Get my Dog to Stop Chewing and Eating Everything?
Chewing is a normal behavior among dogs. But, it becomes problematic when your dog targets the books, shoes, furniture etc. read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Sep-13-2019

1134 How do you Comfort a Grieving Dog?
If you could see any of these signs in your dog, probably he is stressed by the sudden demise, and you can notice a change in their behavior. While some dogs may become aggressive towards humans and frustrated, others may not seem to be visibly upset by the loss but they could be grieving inside. read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Aug-21-2019

1062 How to Deal With Separation Anxiety in Dogs?
Does your dog destroy your furniture or chew on your shoes when you are away? Does he get excited when you return home? Well, you are not alone. Most of the dog owners experience the same. Maybe your dog is struggling with separation anxiety. It is one of the behavioral issues with the dogs that indicate certain symptoms like barking, excessive salivation, whining, and destroying items in a home. read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Jul-04-2019

1218 6 Questions You Can Ask an Animal Communicator
Animal communicators are trained to understand language communicators between different pet types and enable humans to understand their feelings better. read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Jun-13-2019

1213 What You Need To Know When Hiring an Animal Communicator?
Animal communication has become the order of the day since people have realized the essence of communication between animals and human beings. read more...
By Miranda Alcott | May-16-2019

1081 Help Your Old Dog Navigate Aging With These Tips
Did you know, of the 4 million dogs taken to shelters every year, about 1 million are given up by their owners as they are too old? read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Apr-20-2019

1014 How to keep your pets feeling great with the right pet supplies
Having a pet is a fun and gratifying experience, especially as the bond between the pet and its parent is often strong and long lasting. Getting the right pet is key to enjoying a fun and successful relationship. read more...
By Beena Mathew | Apr-10-2019

1094 A Guide to Deal with an Anxious Dog
Do you have a dog that seems to be anxious or depressed? Like us, dogs have anxiety and fears. Dog anxiety affects all breeds of dogs and leads to behavioral issues if left untreated. read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Mar-18-2019