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Why Hiring a Poop Cleaner Is Better Than Using Poop Bags
If you’re a dog owner, you know that cleaning up after your furry friend is a daily responsibility. read more...
By Dookie Doctors Pet Waste Removal | Mar-23-2025

An Expert's Advice to Raise a Well-Behaved Puppy
When you first bring your puppy home, you’ll no doubt be bursting with love and affection for your furry new friend. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Mar-08-2022

Different Types of Dog Aggression
Do you have an aggressive dog? If so, you’re certainly not alone, as aggression in dogs is one of the most common behaviour problems. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Mar-08-2022

Raising a Happy Dog – 5 Reasons Why Dog Training Matters
Training your dog can help build an even closer bond with your furry friend while giving him or her the discipline and structure they need to be happy. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Mar-03-2022

Advantages of Virtual Dog Training You Should Know
Despite their best intentions, some dog owners don’t always have the time to commit to intensive dog training sessions with a professional dog trainer. read more...
By Tony Giotto | Mar-03-2022

1248 Got a Cranky Dog? Know the Reasons to Deal with the Behavioral Issues
So do you have a cranky dog? Owning a dog can add countless hours of enjoyment and companionship into the lives of all family members, especially after a stressful day. read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Mar-07-2019

843 Importance of Pet Communication and an Animal Communicator
Do you know that your pets communicate with you? Yes, they talk to you telepathically and energetically all the time and just begging you to understand them. read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Dec-16-2018

1141 Get Animal Communication to Troubleshoot Your Pet’s Symptoms
Some pet owners are more concerned about what is physically wrong with an animal when they notice some strange behavioral problems such as limping or panting. read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Nov-24-2018

839 How Pet Communicator in Santa Monica Help Your Pet?
People go to animal communicators when they wish to better understand their animal friends. Animal communication benefits your whole pet family, resolve behavior issues, express your love, improve health, find lost pets, and provides pet loss grief support. read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Oct-16-2018

852 Is it Possible to Communicate with Animals or Not?
“An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language!” – Martin Buber. Have you ever wondered is it really possible to communicate with animals? Of course, why not? read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Sep-07-2018

1103 Top 5 Ways to Make Your Pet Happy
Many people adore their pets and some even treat them like children. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t make them happier with a little trick, treat or fun activity. read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Jul-31-2018

967 Importance of Pet Communicator in Santa Monica
Animal communication is essential for pets and other domesticated animals for their wellness, know their health issues, and their support. It helps you in identifying and fixing your pet’s problems. read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Jul-05-2018

871 Reasons to Hire an Animal Communicator
Animal communication is one of the ways of directly conversing with your pet. Pet communicators are professionals who respect your privacy and confidentiality. Animal communicators work using the energetic transference of information most commonly known as telepathy. read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Jun-06-2018

1345 Things You Have To Do to Extend Your Dog’s Life
We all wish our dog to live long with us as possible. With extra level of care, you can extend the lifetime of your dog and create some memories with him. read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Apr-10-2018

1427 Can You Read Your Dog’s Facial Expressions?
Seeing your fury’s face and thinking, “What is your dog trying to tell you?” Although dogs do not speak the way as you do, they too have their own way of expressing their feelings and needs. read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Mar-22-2018

1076 Interesting Facts about Animal Communication
Ever wonder how to communicate with your pets? Or ever pondered what they were trying to tell you? If you’re an animal lover, you’re probably looking for an effective way to talk with your furry one, right? Fortunately, there is a way to truly connect with your animal, yeah, it’s Animal Communication! read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Mar-02-2018

1977 Let’s Talk! Get Ready to Communicate With Your Pets!
If you own a dog or a cat, you might be well aware that animals can communicate with you. They understand some of your basic commands such as: “Come here”, “Run”, “Sit”, “Roll”, “Jump”, “Catch” and the list goes on. read more...
By Miranda Alcott | Nov-23-2017

1209 How to Choosing a Reputable Dealer of Reef Octopus Equipment
In a period when the world is full of unscrupulous dealers and hackers, the need for shoppers to be vigilant has never been greater. read more...
By LucalEthay | Mar-24-2015

1717 Know What to Do Before Taking Your Pet to A Vet?
Selecting a best vet in Mississauga to take care of your lovely pet is a choice you’ll wish to make cautiously. read more...
By Andrew Talwar | Jan-05-2015

1209 What are Pet Emergencies?
Looking for a Mississauga emergency veterinarian? Before doing so you should know what emergency pet cares are. Emergency pet care begins with attempting to classify what an emergency is as far as pet health is concerned. read more...
By Andrew Talwar | Nov-18-2014

1173 Tips on Selecting the Right Cattery for Your Loved Feline Friend
If you are planning a vacation or need to travel for some other reason then catteries are the most suitable option to keep your cat at while you are away. read more...
By Nilesh Patel | Nov-17-2014

1155 How to Select Best Boarding for Dogs and Cats?
The selection of boarding for dogs and cats is not an easy task to do. It requires research and most importantly, it requires personal inspection and time. read more...
By Sylvester R Bateman | Nov-12-2014

1236 Tips for Selecting Dog and Cat Boarding
The pet boarding service is really very famous these days. Today, almost all the people want to adopt a pet and almost every second person have a pet. read more...
By Sylvester R Bateman | Oct-30-2014

1122 Make Your Dog Happy Through Dog Obedience Training Techniques
Whilе some dоg оwnеrѕ ѕign up their реt for dоg оbеdiеnсе training mаnсhеѕtеr, many реорlе dесidе tо trаin them оn thеir own. Sinсе thеу will bе thе оnеѕ handling them, trаining them at hоmе can bе appropriate аѕ lоng аѕ the оwnеr dоеѕ nоt tеасh thеm bad habits. Thеrе аrе certain tесhniquеѕ thаt can mаkе уоur training mоrе effective, аnd will hеlр your dоg - bе wеll-bеhаvеd. read more...
By Brandon Witham | Oct-27-2014

1275 Do the Best Flea Treatments for Dogs Treat Mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes are a pest most people think of as a human annoyance – or, more accurately, a human danger. read more...
By IsaabColv | Oct-08-2014

1461 Your Dog's Day Out: Keep It Fun With Dog Backpacks
A walk around the building might be the only exercise your dog gets in a day. But your four legged friend might want to move a bit further, a bit farther. read more...
By Christopher Brown | Feb-25-2014

1732 How to Protect Your Dog from Skin Disorders
Dog skin problems can be bracketed underneath a variety of different disorders and, as such, it can be somewhat tricky to correctly identify exactly what kind of skin problem may be affecting your dog. read more...
By Richard Hawkins | Jun-03-2013

1872 Dog Mange: a Rather Sore Subject
The word ‘mange’ has its etymological root in the French word ‘mangene’ which translates into English to mean ‘itching’. read more...
By Richard Hawkins | Jun-03-2013

1752 Protecting Your Pooches Skin is as Important as Feeding Him Daily
From the day your little puppy is born he is susceptible to all sorts of health issues. For the most part, dogs will lead very healthy lives and will be around long enough for their owners to become incredibly close to them. read more...
By Richard Hawkins | Jun-03-2013

1490 If Your Dog Has a Problem, Should You See a Vet?
This is possibly one of the biggest issues many pet owners have. Not all of us are blessed with the ability to take out insurance for our pets and although anyone who has a dog or cat will do everything.. read more...
By Richard Hawkins | Jun-03-2013