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Expert Advice to Modify Your Dog’s Barking Problem

Posted On : May-17-2021 | seen (909) times | Article Word Count : 506 |

Excessive barking is a big problem for dog owners. Constant barking makes neighbours file noise complaints.
Excessive barking is a big problem for dog owners. Constant barking makes neighbours file noise complaints, visitors put off, and even the homeowner feel worn down due to lack of sleep. Most of the time, excessive barking is due to anxiety or a protective instinct. According to a leading aggression prevention dog trainer, dogs exhibit excessive barking whenever they feel threatened, overwhelmed, or anxious for any reason. Getting private dog training in Vancouver is essential to build your dog’s confidence and stop him from unnecessarily.

Reasons for Excessive Barking

Here we’ve listed a few reasons why dogs bark.

Protective: Your dog barks when a person or animal enters his territory, and the barking gets louder as the threat gets closer to him. During this type of barking, your dog will look alert and even aggressive.

Fear: Whenever your dog finds an object or hears a noise that startles them, it starts barking.

Loneliness: When your dog is left alone for long periods, it can become bored or sad. To show their unhappiness, they bark loudly. Also, it sometimes is to help guide the missing pack members back home.

Seek Attention: Dogs bark excessively to get attention or when they want something like going outside, playing, or more.

Anxiety: Dogs with separation anxiety bark excessively and show other symptoms such as pacing, destructiveness, and inappropriate elimination.

Tip to Modify Excessive Barking

When you enroll your dog in private dog training in Vancouver, it helps your dog to bark less. Here we’ve listed a few tips to start your efforts to control your dog’s barking.

• Don’t yell at your dogs to stop barking. When you yell at them, they tend to bark more because they think you’re joining in.

• Train your dog to understand a consistent key word such as: 'Shhhhh', and ‘Quiet'.

• If your dog barks when they are alone, tire them out before you go. A mini intensive training session of 10 minutes long will tire the dog out. This will make the dog bark less.

• Talk to your dog behaviourist to discuss your dog’s barking problem. It must be addressed immediately because it can cause serious trouble in the future. Also, if the barking is not looked at soon, it can continue out of habit.

• Sometimes, the excessive barking may also be due to some medical issues. So, it’s also a good idea to get your dog checked by a veterinarian to determine whether there is any medical reason for the problem.

• Keep the dog training sessions positive and upbeat.

• Ensure that your dog gets sufficient physical and mental activity every day. A dog that has the opportunity to train, play and exercise regularly is less likely to bark from boredom or frustration.

Visit to get puppy to stop biting and barking.

Article Source : Advice to Modify Your Dog’s Barking Problem_327223.aspx

Author Resource :
The author of this article is a leading dog behaviourist in Vancouver with over twenty years of experience in the industry. In this article, he lists a few tips to stop your dog from barking excessively. Visit for more.

Keywords : aggression prevention dog trainer, private dog training in Vancouver, get puppy to stop biting,

Category : Home and Family : Pets

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