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Vitamin D Could Be the Missing Link for Your PCOS, Says Study
Anxiety, unwanted facial hair growth, easy weight gain, and missing or irregular periods – these are all potential symptoms of PCOS. read more...
By Belinda | Jan-11-2018

Glucosamine - An Overview
Osteoarthritis and joint pain are common problems that affect the elderly which occur due to various reasons including regular wear and tear of joints, poor food habits, and low calcium intake. read more...
By Marc Warner | Mar-19-2012

Pets Need Quality Nutritional Supplements Too
Time wears down our pets and their joints, just like it does with us. Sometimes the symptoms of aging are the same in both humans and canine, but not always. read more...
By Marc Warner | Oct-13-2011

Multiple Benefits of Probioitcs
Probiotics, often added to various foods such as yogurt, have fast become among the most popular natural supplements consumers can use to sustain a healthy lifestyle by regulating immune support and managing disease. read more...
By Marc Warner | Feb-25-2011

Superfoods The Best for Your Body
There is much excitement today in the health and nutrition world surrounding superfoods. There are several outstanding reasons for this. The dehydrated, powder forms of these superfoods contain all its bioavailable compounds. The nutrition is preserved until you put it in a shake, juice, or mixture. read more...
By Eric Simon | Dec-09-2010

1541 Acai Berry Benefits - Is it True?
This antioxidant rich fruit delays the occurrence of wrinkles on skin, holds up greying of hair and keep you energised and happy. This anti aging super food has the potential to make you look forever young! Read on below! read more...
By Article Submitter | Sep-06-2010

1002 Goji Berry Information – The Stunning Secret of the Goji Berry
Himalayas is the origin of these goji berries and there are countless of health advantages that have been discovered regarding this amazing fruits. It has been proven to aid in the endurance of a person’s life. read more...
By emman_airness | Sep-03-2010

1077 Next-RO The Future of un-bottled Water
Absolutely unique and one of a kind the new Next-RO Point-of-Use Pure Drinking Water System has lived up to the substantial product claims at I own a NEXT-RO Engine which I use for product demonstrations at our health and wellness store. I have been impressed with the profound new design and construction. read more...
By Gregory Burns | Sep-10-2010

740 Six Wrong Ways Eat Eggs to Be Drug
Egg is rich in nutrients. There are many ways to cooking with eggs and everybody loves them. read more...
By Selina | Aug-19-2010

865 All Natural Protein Powder – Consuming All Natural Protein Powder to Improve Body Systems
Before you run to the store and buy yourself a healthy serving of all natural protein powder, it is important to understand how this supplement works and why it is good for your body. read more...
By Eric Simon | Aug-13-2010

726 Weight Loss Made Easier With Weight Loss Patches
Losing weight is not as difficult as it would seem, although if you have been having trouble controlling your weight, you would strongly disagree. Fear not, because help is on hand in the form of weight loss patches to make your weight loss challenge a whole lot easier. read more...
By TG Robinson | Aug-10-2010

8970 How Fat Burners Make Losing 20 Pounds Easy
Being overweight might not be a big deal to you, but you could achieve more happiness than what you feel right now. You may have other things in mind to lose your extra weight but know this, besides adopting the following sensible eating tips, the best fat burners can be a big help in your weight loss goals. read more...
By Lee Stanton | Aug-03-2010

908 Computer Users Who Should Supplement Seven in Summer
Easy tanning, loss of appetite, hands peeling, these look like the hot weather-related symptoms. In fact, these are related with vitamin deficiency. read more...
By Selina | Aug-03-2010

863 Four Mistakes in Healthy Breakfast
One day's plan starts with the morning. Whether for work or study, a morning that full of energy for all of us are crucial. But how energetic it can do? Energy breakfast is needed. read more...
By Selina | Aug-03-2010

1640 Lactose Intolerance – Its Different for Everybody
Symptoms of lactose intolerance vary, according to testimonials
By Sandy Malek | Jul-29-2010

3036 Benefits of using Colloidal silver based soap and spray
The benefit of using colloid silver based soaps are discussed here. read more...
By Juan Lucy Caswell | Jul-28-2010

760 How The Best Fat Burners Can Help You Lose Weight Quick And Fast
Firstly let us get out of the way certain weight loss myths that propose the quickest way to lose weight. One such myth is the state of starvation one. According to this myth, strict diets set your metabolism to work against you, preventing you from losing weight. In fact, there is no scientific evidence that supports such claims. read more...
By Lee Stanton | Jul-27-2010

787 A Little Chocolate Can Help Your Children More Healthier
What should you do when your children refuses to eat any foods? They just want to eat the food like ice screen,sweet dessert,chocolate. As a nutrition expert, I know that the correct answer is to keep introducing them. As a passerby, I know that teaching along doesn’t always work. Sometimes,when we rejectec the food, but the children like them very much. read more...
By Selina | Jul-27-2010

846 Ridiculously Healthy Foods—Green and Health
The following foods can claim to be able to boast of the size: You can take serious diseases such as diabetes and cancer and heart problems push, you strengthen and protect your immune system, and smooth the skin and helps you lose weight or slim to stay. If you eat more of them already good for you! Otherwise, it is time to fill your shopping cart and strengthen your health! read more...
By Selina | Jul-19-2010

789 Diet and Nutrition Tips - What are the Best Foods for Losing Weight
Having a proper diet is a key factor in losing weight. Read about these tips for losing weight by eating the right foods. read more...
By Ricky Dean | Jul-18-2010

737 Nutritious Foods that Kids Should be Eating
It is important to set the right tone for kids' eating habits when they are young. Here are some tips about the types of foods that kids should be eating. read more...
By Ricky Dean | Jul-16-2010

763 How to be Healthier-Ten Green Foods Make You Look Younger
There are so many different kinds of green foods on the market,and people tend to be more weaken than before,why? Only a select number include the necessary ingredients that we need,which are EFAs,or essential fatty acids,antioxidants or fiber. All or part of these three things have been proven to help regulate levels of blood sugar and metabolism, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol and protect against cancer and heart disease read more...
By Selina | Jul-16-2010

705 Seven Ways to Find Yogurt That Suits to You
We all love yogurt. But it is simply the variety of labels: low fat, fat free, sugar free, all natural, organic confused. These tips will help you to sort all the nutritional information, and find the yogurt, the best for you read more...
By Selina | Aug-19-2010

771 What to Eat at Breakfast?- Four Healthy Foods
We always do like that: stand in a long queue, waiting for the food anxiety. Many ads tell us that these are all healthy food: lower heat and lower fat. So we spend much time stand in a line just want to buy so called healthy food. Actually, they tell a lie! All fast foods are high heat, much less of fat. And it’s weaken our body if you for a long time! read more...
By Selina | Jul-07-2010

1157 Do Vitamin Supplements Necessary To Take?
Our body cannot do-to produce vitamins.
By Sharon Clara | Jul-06-2010

720 Vitamins Necessary for Our Body In Daily Life
Vitamins are necessary in our daily life.
By Sharon Clara | Jul-06-2010

786 Goji Juice – A Great Way to Keep Fit
What’s so special about Goji juice when there are so many other natural cures and herbal remedies on the market today? If you are interested in being fit, healthy, and looking as young as can be, then you have to make smart decisions when it comes to which of these natural products you are going to trust and use. read more...
By Mat Robar | Jul-05-2010

794 Green Superfood Powder – Removes Toxins from Your Body
If you are a health conscious citizen, then you probably know that you are putting your health at risk every time you go outside or into a public place. This is no exaggeration! You really are putting yourself in the vulnerable position of being surrounded by toxins every time you touch something or breathe in. read more...
By Mat Robar | Jul-05-2010

1141 Cacao Beans – Nature’s Health Miracles
If you are interested in keeping healthy, you have probably read about all of the different kinds of superfoods on the market. Yes, there are many different kinds, and all of them are said to do different and wonderful things for our bodies. read more...
By Mat Robar | Jul-05-2010

721 Boditronics - Muscle Focused Food Technology
It is easy to understand the fact that if a person trains intensely each day that they will start depleting their muscles glutamine stores before they have fully recovered from the workout resulting in daily loss of glutamine. read more...
By Yossarian Fisher | Jun-22-2010