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Why Tutoring Services are Great for Students - 7 Reasons
Tutoring enhances the overall academic skills of any student. read more...
By Addisu Tefera | Feb-12-2020

1236 Discerning Your Financial Beliefs
In order to experience financial freedom, you need to understand what true freedom really means. There are many very wealthy people who have no freedom when it comes to money whatsoever. I also know numerous people of very humble financial means who have total freedom regarding money, spending, owning and what money can provide. So what is this quality of freedom? It is a matter of consciousness and your beliefs about money are central to your money consciousness. read more...
By Jackie Woodside | Nov-03-2011

1028 What is a Life Coach?
A life coach is not a consultant, mentor, cheerleader, friend or advice-giver. A life coach helps you access "your own" wisdom, and act upon it. A coaching relationship is not about information flowing downhill...It is a partnership between peers, where the focus in is on you and your life. read more...
By LaWanda Hill | Nov-01-2011

1055 Life Management Coach
We often believe that the pace at which we move in life is directly correlated to the success we achieve in life. Well almost 73% of people feel this is true. Actually it is not the speed that counts but the quality that does. Life in not a race, where only speed makes you win, it is like a high jump, no matter how you run, what matters is the flight that matters after your run. Today’s world is a rush-rush world. read more...
By LaWanda Hill | Oct-25-2011

778 Today’s Generation of Women Become Empowered Globally
Today’s women are empowered, even in global communities. In a wide range of industries, women are making names for themselves. Nearly gone are the days of the limited roles of women, thanks to the encouragement women are receiving and the training readily available. read more...
By Nanette Saylor | Aug-25-2011

1246 Creative Thinking in School
The mantra “think out of the box” is commonly heard by students in school. Yet, even as schools encourage creative thinking, it seems so difficult for the majority of them to stretch their minds. read more...
By AnthonyTuition | Apr-29-2011

1452 Managing Stress Levels in High School
As schools worldwide raise their educational standards, it is inevitable for students to experience a certain level of stress, regardless of their capabilities. read more...
By Sarah Seo | Apr-29-2011

1818 Private Tutor and School Teacher in Singapore
Teaching, whether it is private tuition or public school teaching, is a highly respectable and important profession worldwide. Educators play a vital role in teaching the next generation of people and advertently creating an advanced society. read more...
By AnthonyTuition | Feb-03-2011

973 Singapore – a World-class Education Hub With Sky-high Tuition Costs
Singapore’s education system has been described as "world-leading" and was among those picked out for commendation by British education minister, Michael Gove, last year. read more...
By AnthonyTuition | Feb-21-2011

1380 Singapore a Tuition Nation
Singapore is famous and well known for its economic competitiveness, talent attraction policy and certainly a green nation. read more...
By AnthonyTuition | Jan-27-2011

1001 High School Tuition in Singapore
In his recent address to an audience of entrepreneurs, junior college students ( high school students ) and staff, Singapore’s Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam mentioned that most Singaporeans are satisfied with being competent at what they do, with few actually striving to be exceptional. read more...
By Sarah Seo | Jan-17-2011

1095 Do Alcohol Treatment Centers Really Work And Eliminate Substance Abuse?
Alcohol treatment centers are supposed to be the place you go to eliminate an alcohol addiction or drinking problem. Just how effective are the facilities though, and do they actually eliminate your substance abuse issues once and for all? The answer will depend on which of the many alcohol treatment centers you choose. The success rates for each facility may vary widely, because each one may use different methods, techniques, and programs, and be more or less effective. read more...
By Valiant | Jan-12-2011

952 Are You The Biggest Obstacle To Your Success?
Ideas on how to master your emotions and achieve personal success. read more...
By Odysseus Svengali | Nov-24-2010

796 Nominations Invited for Requirements Engineering Workshop (December 11th 2010 at QBI Noida)
Requirements engineering plays an important role in ensuring overall success of a Software Project. A clear requirement specification with its functionality and limitations is the easiest way to ensure project success. QBI’s workshop will equip the participants with proven Requirement Engineering process and techniques in the shortest possible time. read more...
By Vijay S Shukla | Nov-21-2010

847 Anger management techniques for controlling anger
Emotions gives meaning to our lives, life would be dull and boring if we separate emotions from our life. read more...
By shipra19 | Sep-25-2010

889 How to control anger effectively
You scared of losing your loved once due to your bad temper, or your friends, family and colleague avoid talking to you because of your angry nature. read more...
By shipra19 | Sep-25-2010

777 Women cannot leave the important essentials-Cosmetics
Cosmetics act as important role in our daily life. No matter in winter or in summer, we need cosmetics every day. read more...
By Keely Smith | Jul-19-2010

1118 How to Build Your Social Confidence in Simple Steps
A simple approach to building social confidence, using everyday activities as opportunities to increase your social skills and learn to relax as you communicate with others. read more...
By Georgia Walby | Apr-04-2010