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Oral Cancer Awareness: Early Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore
Oral cancer is a serious health condition that can affect the mouth, tongue, lips, and throat. Like most cancers, early detection plays a critical role in successful treatment and recovery. read more...
By Lumina Dental | Feb-20-2025

Long-Term Effects of Untreated Bruxism on Your Teeth and Jaw
Bruxism, or teeth grinding and jaw clenching, often occurs during sleep, though some individuals experience it when awake. While occasional grinding might seem harmless, untreated bruxism can lead to significant damage over time. read more...
By Meshkani | Feb-20-2025

Dental Implants vs. Dentures: Which Is Better?
Tooth loss can impact not only your smile but also your ability to eat, speak, and maintain oral health. read more...
By Reza Nikfar | Feb-20-2025

How Veneers Boost Confidence and Enhance Facial Aesthetics
A confident smile can light up a room and leave a lasting impression. For many, achieving a perfect smile feels out of reach due to issues like chipped, stained, or uneven teeth. read more...
By Reza Nikfar | Jan-08-2025

Invisalign vs Traditional Braces: Choosing the Best Option for Your Smile
Deciding to straighten your teeth is a significant step towards achieving a confident smile and improved oral health. read more...
By Meshkani | Jan-07-2025

541 A Good Thing for Your Intestinal Health Is Probiotic Acidophilus
The probiotic acidophilus has gotten a great deal of media attention. There are many claims of what it can do. Some tout it as a miracle supplement. It has been shown in medical studies to be very effective for many conditions. And probiotic acidophilus’s potential benefits are wide and varied. They include preventing certain types of cancer, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, improving the immune system and preventing infections. They help improve mineral absorption and reduce inflammatio read more...
By Andrew Behling | Feb-22-2010

1337 10 Alkaline Foods and 10 Acid Foods for Perfect pH Balance
Get a list of alkaline foods and acid forming foods for pH balance. With a diet of 80% alkaline foods and 20% acid forming foods, the body has the best chance for perfect health and fitness. Also, learn about whole food calcium supplements as opposed to isolated vitamins and minerals for maintaining the proper acid/alkaline ratio. read more...
By cliff smith | Feb-22-2010

702 Overview of the effortless process of setting up water fountains within office premises
Water filtering process is simple; it is the use of filter membranes that offer pure drinking water. Previously bottled water coolers fitted with water dispensers were in high use but there are certain constrains of these filters. An individual should be involved for changing the water bottle each day. read more...
By Webmaster John | Feb-22-2010

568 From Home Diagnosis to Needing Medical Help, What are the Symptoms of Constipation?
Symptoms of constipation can be summarized easily. It is when a person passes small amounts of hard, dry stool, often fewer than three times a week. Bowel movements are often difficult and painful. Other symptoms of constipation include being bloated, uncomfortable and sluggish. read more...
By Andrew Behling | Feb-22-2010

575 Nail Fungus Getting To Know Your Enemy
Nail fungus is one of those things most people don't worry about until it's too late. When it starts it usually begins as a spot. read more...
By Mrityunjoy | Feb-22-2010

454 Lifestyle, Diet and Probiotics are Natural Acid Reflux Cures
Natural acid reflux cures starts with a healthier diet and lifestyle that includes exercising on a daily basis. Acid reflux is a serious condition and if left untreated can cause scarring of the esophagus. Read more about what foods are considered natural cures for acid reflux. read more...
By Andrew Behling | Feb-22-2010

754 Weight Gain Can Be Achieved With Proper Fitness Supplements
There are several reasons because of which a person can be underweight. Underweight can be due to disorders in eating, chronic diseases and many more. Consequently, weight gain becomes a desirable factor in such cases. read more...
By Benedict Smythe | Feb-22-2010

767 Go For Fat Loss without Compromising With the Value of Nutrition
Fat loss is an essential thing that you should keep in mind while you plan to lose weight. You may concentrate more on other features of your body. read more...
By Benedict Smythe | Feb-21-2010

504 From Top to Bottom, Inside and Out, Get the Health Benefits of Probiotics
The health benefits of probiotics are extremely beneficial for your well-being. Probiotics can help improve your digestive and immune system in more ways than one. Probiotic health benefits can help improve occasional episodes of diarrhea, upset stomach, constipation, and other known digestive health issues. Learn more by reading this article on the benefits of probiotics. read more...
By Andrew Behling | Feb-21-2010

459 Constipation Remedies from Lifestyle Changes to Dietary Supplements
Constipation remedies moves into balancing the bacteria in the intestines. Both constipation and diarrhea can occur when bad bacteria overpower the good. Long-term constipation remedies mean that it is vital to maintain a good balance. read more...
By Andrew Behling | Feb-21-2010

533 Why Many Fat Free Diets Do Not Work
Most people understand that it is wise to limit the amount of fat grams in their daily diet. read more...
By Mrityunjoy | Feb-21-2010

537 Use Herbal Remedies For Better Living
Beginnings: Nature's Sunshine Company had its roots in the small incident of its owner having a troublesome stomach condition. Then someone suggested he take cayenne pepper. read more...
By antonia1586b | Feb-20-2010

546 Right Surgeon For The Cosmetic Procedure
As you ply along EDSA, you can’t help but notice these adorable people with well chiseled bodies and youthful physique on billboards. read more...
By Mrityunjoy | Feb-20-2010

828 Facts about Creatine and Its Supplements
Creatine is an organic acid which is found in the body of all human beings. Creatine supplies energy to all the muscle cells in the body.When creatine is taken as a dietary supplement, the capacity of the body to work gets enhanced. read more...
By Benedict Smythe | Feb-19-2010

706 New York Lap Band Surgeon Clarifies Lap Band Surgery Myths
Dr. Mitchell Roslin, a lap band surgeon in New York, addresses some of the myths surrounding lap band surgery. Many circulating myths about the lap band are extrapolations of little known facts due to the relatively newness of the procedure. The procedure is part of a comprehensive program designed to assist patients reach their weight loss goals and can potentially help resolve some major health issues that arise from being overweight. read more...
By Dr. Mitchell Roslin | Feb-19-2010

460 From Stomach to Throat, Acid Reflux Symptoms Are Everywhere In Between
Understanding acid reflux symptoms begins with understanding what it is. Acid reflux is when gastric juices from the stomach are pushed up into the esophagus. This can be caused by eating too fast or too much at one time. Excessive acid production in the stomach can also be one of acid reflux symptoms. read more...
By Andrew Behling | Feb-19-2010

750 Ensure That Your Body Gets the Best Sports Nutrition So That You Can Perform Better
If you are a sports person, among the many things that you require, one important thing is the sports nutrition. Sports nutrition includes several healthy and nutritious foods so that you can stay active and perform better. read more...
By Benedict Smythe | Feb-19-2010

805 Find Out Your Triggers for Acid Reflux Food to Avoid
Acid reflux food to avoid begins with dairy products. Milk, cheese, milk shakes, and ice cream can aggravate the production of acids in the stomach. The one exception to acid reflux food to avoid may be probiotic yogurts. While yogurt is a dairy product, the probiotics make it a good thing to ingest. Probiotics are the bacteria that help regulate the digestive tract. The dairy content may provide a mild aggravation, but the probiotics will provide a longer term cure for the problem. read more...
By Andrew Behling | Feb-19-2010

791 Amino Acids Can Help To Ensure the Proper Sexual Health of a Person
Amino acids are basically organic compounds. These are made of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen. Amino acids help in the build up of the proteins. The manufacture of the proteins requires 20 amino acids. read more...
By Benedict Smythe | Feb-18-2010

718 Weight Gain Will Now No More Be a Problem with the Nutrition DVD and Bulk Powders
Though the problem of obesity is on a rise, there are also people who want to go for their weight gain. There are some basic principles following which the process of weight gain can be made easier. read more...
By Benedict Smythe | Feb-18-2010

473 Finding Out More About Red Yeast Rice
Most people are aware that it isn’t good for your overall health to have high cholesterol levels. And as we get older there is more chance that we will develop higher levels as time goes on. read more...
By New Health Corp | Feb-18-2010

469 How To Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally.
Most people are aware that it isn’t good for your overall health to have high cholesterol levels. And as we get older there is more chance that we will develop higher levels as time goes on. read more...
By New Health Corp | Feb-18-2010

444 Plant Sterols And Plant Stanols
You may have heard about plant sterols and plant stanols before. But are you aware of what they are and how they can help you become healthier than you are at the moment? read more...
By New Health Corp | Feb-18-2010

645 Gastric Bypass Surgery Arkansas: Comprehensive Program Is The Key To Permanent Weight Loss
Dr. Clay Wellborn, a bariatric surgeon in Little Rock, Arkansas, describes how gastric bypass surgery is just one part of a comprehensive weight loss program for the patient. Gastric bypass patients’ physiology and nutrition should be assessed both before and after the surgery. Monitoring diet becomes crucial after the procedure because the body absorbs fewer calories and can no longer properly digest many of the fats and sugars it did before. read more...
By Clays Wellborn | Feb-18-2010

663 Proper Fitness Can Ensure Overall Development of the Body
In order to maintain proper fitness of the body, it is essential to eat and live healthy. Every person tries to go for the best and the healthiest body. A fit body is always a healthy body. read more...
By Benedict Smythe | Feb-18-2010