Meghan Ely's Article in Marketing

357 Wedding PR: Thinking Like the Media
In the wedding industry, the fact is that press makes a tremendous difference, and keen wedding PR strategies are paramount. You may have a fabulous, detail heavy wedding or newsworthy tip, but the question is- what is the key to wedding PR success? Very simply put- think like the media.
Posted on Oct-01-2011

350 Wedding Marketing as a Newbie: The Basics
The wedding industry is a fun and rewarding career choice, although oftentimes, the “new kids on the block” become overwhelmed with all of the wedding marketing options at their finger tips. Before initiating an aggressive wedding marketing campaign, it’s imperative to understand the wedding marketing basics:
Posted on Oct-01-2011

329 Wedding PR: These are a Few of my Favorite Things
As wedding professionals, we can’t help but play favorites. Back in the day, I always liked pintuck linens over the crinkled variety. I had a 100% success rate of convincing brides to order fresh flowers over faux. I once got chastised for selling the older of the two reception halls at one property, instead of favoring the newer addition that still had loans attached to it. I couldn’t help it- I know what I like and I like what works.
Posted on Oct-01-2011

384 Wedding PR Myths
Wedding PR, in the form of featured weddings in magazines and blogs, is an attractive notion to most wedding professionals. The idea of having our names in lights with the hope of building our wedding business and increasing sales has become a more popular notion over the last several years. In order to build a strong Wedding PR plan, however, it’s imperative to understand the tops Wedding PR myths and challenges that you may face along the way.
Posted on Oct-01-2011