Life Coach's Article in Psychology

1728 Disaster Relief
I was driving through a flooded neighborhood this weekend and was heartsick about the devastation and the lives ruined. People had this glazed look in their eyes like they didn’t know where to start or what to do next. I mentioned this to Peter Pamela Rose, and she went into Professional Life Coaching mode without pause. “What did I think they were afraid of?” she asked.
Posted on Sep-18-2011

1488 Scared Paralyzed
As an Executive Coach, Peter Pamela is in constant contact with people who’ve reached a certain level of success in their career. You’d think that the fear surrounding job security would be minimal at this level. Not so, says Peter. With so many people looking for work, employers have their pick.
Posted on Sep-18-2011

1608 Close The Windows!
Peter uses her own ah-hah moments as examples of how life always has lessons to teach us. She’d opened several windows and programs on her computer. Many of them had been minimized, and when she clicked on one to open it up, this ever-aware Executive Coach, realized that although the windows were minimized they were still using the computer’s memory or energy.
Posted on Sep-18-2011

1410 Your Life is Your Best Teacher
Why do the same things keep happening over and over? Do you ask yourself that question when the same challenge that has presented itself in your life shows up again and then again? I do. It means we’ve not always been taught by the experiences of our own lives. We have dreams and goals that we choose to pursue and, for whatever reason, when something happens to interfere with achieving those dreams and goals we consider it a calamity, a setback.
Posted on Sep-18-2011

1484 Acceptance or Else
Life is always presenting us with difficult situations. The first sentence in M. Scott Peck’s book The Road Less Traveled is “Life is difficult.” Following that Mr. Peck explains, “This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths… Once we truly know that life is difficult… then life is no longer difficult. Because once accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.”
Posted on Sep-18-2011