Kane Shelia Smithson's Article in Health and Fitness

722 Tips For You To Defuse Stress
Anger may be stressed, particularly the hotheaded can not solve the problem that fire it. But never expressing your anger also will be harmful to you. You will find you have other better things to do than keep angry.
Posted on Jan-23-2011

731 Fix Stress For A Good Sleep
Put the lavender plants in your bedroom windowsill, pinch off some leaves before you go to bed, and slip them into your pillowcase. Studies show that the effects of herbal fragrances like lavender could decrease stress levels.
Posted on Jan-15-2011

671 Good Sleep Prescriptions To The Worriers
Now these are technique to how to stop that and let you have a good sleep at night.
Posted on Jan-12-2011

648 Habits Of Being A Thin Person
When you try on no less than ten outfits, both pants and shirts at the mall, you will receive a surprise result. No need to buy. You can also burn 60 easily.
Posted on Jan-10-2011

859 Dining Tips For Healthy Families
If you and your partner get used to sitting down to have steak dinners, at least one of you need to change your ways. Your family members have to know immediately that you follow your new eating plan seriously. Why not let them join you?Why not ask them to do this with you together?
Posted on Dec-30-2010

661 You can look youthful as your age
Maybe you do not believe, aging is reversible. It does not mean that you can absolutely avoid all the bumps in your way, but your rate of aging is not as inevitable as a morning trip to the bathroom.
Posted on Dec-22-2010