I am So Ecstatic I Found Costumes for Kids That I Could Actually Afford
My kids were not too happy when I told them they’d have to make do with last years costumes or come up with some ideas from home. I would have loved to go out and buy them new kids costumes, but I just didn’t have the money. I didn’t want to ask my parents for help just to buy halloween costumes.
Posted on Oct-19-2009
I'm Amazed By All The Kids Costumes They Have!
When my kids found out that they were stuck with the old costumes from last halloween or they would have to get creative with old clothes around the house, they were so disappointed.
Posted on Oct-19-2009
I'm So Proud that I Found More Than One Kids Costume That I Could Actually Afford
When my kids found out that they were stuck with the old costumes from last halloween or they would have to get creative with old clothes around the house, they were so disappointed. I wanted to buy new ones, but halloween costumes for kids is really becoming expensive. I just didn’t know where I could come up with the extra money.
Posted on Oct-19-2009
They Had Such Adorable Newborn Baby Costumes To Choose From
Halloween preparations have already begun at our house. I’ve bought so many terrific decorations. Our whole family is excited about halloween this year. He sometimes goes over the limit when it comes to halloween. He fills our yard with lots of spooky things. He even bought sound effects this year to make things even more halloweenish. He’s really getting a kick out of planning this halloween.
Posted on Oct-16-2009
I Was Blown Away That There Were Two Whole Pages Of Pet Costumes
From Valentines to Christmas I love to celebrate them all. I always decorate my house and yard for each and every holiday. Since I don’t have children to buy for and celebrate with, I pour all my enthusiasm into decorating. This Halloween I plan on really doing it up good for the neighborhood kids.
Posted on Oct-16-2009
My Hubby and Our Boy Wanted A Pirate Costume
There is so much keeping us busy preparing for the halloween trick or treaters. My son and husband should have started on Halloween back in july for all the decoration planning they have. My husband is at the computer ordering his online Halloween supplies. He had decided on the crawling hand and some of the other décor suggestions he’s ran across.
Posted on Oct-16-2009
I Absolutely Enjoyed Looking At All The Costumes for Pets They Have
I love all the holidays from valentines to Christmas. I try to decorate for each and every one of them. Since I don’t have children to buy for and celebrate with, I pour all my enthusiasm into decorating.
Posted on Oct-14-2009
Such Adorable Costumes for Pets to Pick From
I get excited when it comes to holidays,starting with Valentines Day to Christmas. I also put up decorations for every one of the holidays. Since I don’t have children to buy for and celebrate with, I pour all my enthusiasm into decorating. This Halloween I plan on really doing it up good for the neighborhood kids.
Posted on Oct-14-2009
Looks Like It's Gotta Be the Pirate Costume! for My Fiance
There is so much keeping us busy preparing for the halloween trick or treaters. My family probably should have started planning months ago for all the decorating they want to do.
Posted on Oct-14-2009
Seems Like It'll Be A Marauder Pirate Costume for My Boyfriend
There is so much keeping us busy preparing for the halloween trick or treaters. My family probably should have started planning months ago for all the decorating they want to do. My husband keeps ordering more and more Halloween decorations from the online store. Among all the decorations and props he has added a crawling hand to the list. He’s even thinking about ordering a new costume for himself this year.
Posted on Oct-14-2009
It Was Hard Choosing From All The Toddler Costumes Available
We have one little boy that’s six years old and an adorable set of twins, 10 months. We know the twins are a little young to celebrate halloween, but we thought it would be nice to dress them up. Every halloween so far, we have taken our son trick or treating and then a visit to grandma and grandpas to show off his costume.
Posted on Oct-13-2009
It Was Tough Choosing From All The Baby Halloween Costumes Available
We have 10 month old twins, a boy and a girl and an adorable little six year old son. We decided we wanted to dress the babies up for halloween, even though they are a bit young. Every halloween so far, we have taken our son trick or treating and then a visit to grandma and grandpas to show off his costume.
Posted on Oct-12-2009
I Found the Cheapest Place To Buy An Adult Costume
The girls were going to wear the costumes they had last year. Now it was time to take care of the grown ups halloween fun. This year there is a party at our house for halloween and we had to get costumes for us both.
Posted on Oct-12-2009
It Was Tough Choosing From All The Infant Costumes Available
We have three children, a six year old boy and a set of 10 month old twins, one boy, and one girl. We know the twins are a little young to celebrate halloween, but we thought it would be nice to dress them up. Every halloween so far, we have taken our son trick or treating and then a visit to grandma and grandpas to show off his costume.
Posted on Oct-11-2009
They Had So Many So Many Costumes for Adults to To Choose From
The kids were all set for their halloween night. But, this year my husband and I needed costumes. With the party we were planning, we had to have special costumes.
Posted on Oct-11-2009
I Found the Perfect Website To Buy An Adult Costume
The kids were all set for their halloween night. Now it was time to take care of the grown ups halloween fun. This year there is a party at our house for halloween and we had to get costumes for us both.
Posted on Oct-11-2009
Halloween Costumes Can Be Inexpensive
It’s so much fun dressing up and celebrating halloween. I loved putting Halloween ghost, goblins and witches all over the house and front lawn. I really enjoy seeing all the little ones with their cute halloween costumes and the older kids that think they look so scarry with their own halloween costume ideas. The stores charge so much for haloween costumes that you just can’t afford it anymore.
Posted on Oct-09-2009
Halloween Costumes Can Be Affordable
I just love halloween and really enjoy all the fun it brings. Decorating the house and the yard with ghosts, goblins and witches was such a blast. The older kids also look cool in their scarry little costumes. But with the prices as high as they are it’s getting harder and harder to supply them with holloween costumes.
Posted on Oct-07-2009
Jennifer Loved Her Little Costume for Toddlers
It’s hard to believe its almost time for Halloween. Using my daughters costume from last year won’t work this year, its too small. It was time to shop for a new one for this trick or treat holiday. I checked out the toddler halloween costumes at the stores, but I just wasn’t impressed with any of them. I’m a very picky person and when I’m buying something it has to practically jump out at me before I’ll buy it.
Posted on Oct-05-2009
My Daughter's Choice Was a Pink Fairy Costume For Halloween Night
For Halloween all my little girl wanted was to wear a pretty little fairy costume. She’s always liked fairies. But she couldn’t make up her mind what kind of fairy she should be. I showed her a few fairy halloween costumes and she still hasn’t really made up her mind. I showed her a fantasy costume and a lovely little princess one, but those just didn’t do it. She spotted the costume of a woodland fairy and a rather spooky one.
Posted on Oct-03-2009
Costumes for Halloween Can Be Cheap
It’s so much fun dressing up and celebrating halloween. I loved putting Halloween ghost, goblins and witches all over the house and front lawn. The older kids also look cool in their scarry little costumes. The stores charge so much for haloween costumes that you just can’t afford it anymore. If you have more than one child it can really run into quite a lot of money.
Posted on Oct-02-2009
Costumes Can Be Very Expensive!
I try to find as many money saving deals for costume ideas as possible for my children. I traveled all over town checking out the stores for cheap costumes for my kids. The cost of their outfits were ridiculously high.
Posted on Sep-30-2009