Allisha Merry's Article in Travel and Leisure
Relaxing in Menorca
Menorca has only 62,000 inhabitants on its sunny Mediterranean island with the Mediterranean sun
Posted on Oct-11-2010
Beach Galore at Mallorca
The Island of Majorca is also known as Mallorca with a small population of only 581,564.
Posted on Oct-11-2010
Discovery of Aragon
Aragon is another Spanish community at the borders of France and the Pyrenees, with Zaragoza
Posted on Oct-11-2010
Salamanca City Monuments
Spain has a wide variety of monuments in different cities, which act as tourism attraction sites.
Posted on Oct-11-2010
Tourism in Spain
Spain comes second in terms of the most-visited regions in the world, with France taking the lead.
Posted on Oct-11-2010