Alfred Winston's Article in Management

634 Essential Questions to Ask to in a Negotiation
Asking the right questions is an essential component in successful negotiations. Information is a key factor in any negotiating situation and to acquire it, one needs to ask questions.
Posted on Oct-03-2011

605 Difficult Clients? Best Ways To Deal With Them Effectively
No one sets out to deliberately make a client – internal or external - unhappy. An unhappy coworker or boss can make life unpleasant in the workplace and an unhappy external client can often start a chain reaction that leads to a significant loss in sales. While clients can become difficult for no fault of yours, in most cases it is because mistakes have happened in dealing with them and how you respond to the situation dictates whether they remain difficult or not.
Posted on Aug-16-2011

892 Understanding Conflict Resolution And Conflict Management
Conflict resolution and conflict management are two terms that are finding increasing use in the workplace. However, the two are not interchangeable and deal with different aspects of conflict.
Posted on Aug-16-2011

722 How To Develop Conflict Management Skills
Conflict is a part of life. When there are different perceptions of issues, competing demands for limited resources or different attitudes to dealing with problems, conflict will arise. What is important to keep in mind is that the aim of conflict management is not to have your way / opinion / attitude prevail over your opponent’s. Victory is having the issues resolved in such a manner that the benefit of the resolution is maximized both for you and for the other parties and organizations involv
Posted on Aug-05-2011

658 Learn How To Handle Difficult People
We all come into contact with difficult people – those whom we would rather avoid but cannot because of professional or social pressures. Allowing these people to change your mood, attitude or outlook on life diminishes who you are. Being able to deal with them and carry on with doing your own thing is easy if you follow these few simple steps.
Posted on Aug-03-2011

663 Best Practices In Negotiation: Negotiation Dos And Don'ts
Negotiation is a mixture of art and science. The art comes from experience – the more you negotiate, the better you become. The science lies in understanding a few basic truths about negotiations and using them to guide you in your efforts. Here are a few of the dos and don'ts that make up the science of negotiation.
Posted on Aug-02-2011

694 Five Benefits Of Mediation
In a world of growing conflict and varied opinions and points of view, disputes of all kinds arise with increasing frequency. Mediation offers many advantages as a resolution process.
Posted on Jul-29-2011

673 Tips To Improve Your Conflict Resolution Skills
Any place where people come together is a place of potential conflict. Disagreements are common and usually resolve themselves. However, when they grow into conflicts, action to resolve them is required to prevent the issue from escalating and causing serious damage. Here are some tips to help in resolving conflicts.
Posted on Jul-27-2011

552 Mediation Workshops - How To Select The Best Institution
With the increasing complexity of the workplace, conflicts and tensions continue to grow exponentially. The need for effective conflict resolution and mediation is increasing. To be able to play an effective role in managing the process, proper training is required. Mediation workshops are easy to find and they all promise the best training. Find the best institution is not easy. To do so one must take the following factors into account.
Posted on Jul-27-2011

609 How Alternative Dispute Resolution Courses Help Improve Communication Skills
Communication between the conflicted parties is the core of dispute resolution. Good alternative dispute resolution courses will focus on communication skills as part of the curriculum. Communication is a two way process involving both conveying and understanding. The best courses will cover five key areas of dispute resolution and in the process improve the communication abilities of the participants.
Posted on Jul-26-2011

1005 Ways To Overcome Workplace Conflict
Conflict in the workplace is inevitable. Creativity and conflict are two sides of the same coin and without creativity a business cannot survive. But conflict cannot be allowed to go unresolved. If that happens it snowballs into a situation where creativity and productivity are both affected. There are some simple steps that a person can take to overcome workplace conflict.
Posted on Jul-25-2011