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1619 What are the Faculty development program overview
Every institute/organization has a group of faculty or staff. This group works towards betterment of the institute for which they are working. Here our focus is towards the educators in various fields (it include professors, teachers from different schools, colleges or institutes). read more...
By Institution Building | Mar-17-2015

1433 Step In To Your Graceful Feminine Leadership!
A beautiful young woman was sitting in the chair in front of me after we had completed her Hand Analysis and in the middle of the coaching session that followed, she started crying and throwing at me different verbal objections as to why she couldn’t see herself as a Leader. read more...
By ArthurMavericck | Dec-13-2011

1721 Executive Education
Executive Education refers to the educational programs at chief graduate level business schools globally for business leaders, executives and functional executive. read more...
By Sonu Parashar | Nov-27-2011

1753 Who Said It?
Guess who spoke the following words. An evil exists that threatens every man, woman, and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland. The country is headed toward a single and splendid government of an aristocracy founded on banking institution and monied incorporations and if this tendency continues it will be the end of freedom and democracy, the few will be ruling and riding over the plundered plowman and the begger in the omenry. read more...
By Steve-0 | Sep-25-2011

1368 Respect Age & Merit if thy truly seek Knowledge (learning).
The age in light of a human being means the duration he/she has gathered experience of ones conduct upon this planet. Each day we spent here secures us an experience as a result… though to some the time does not bring much ‘new’ despite living through a considerable period of time; yet each one can recall ones own experience. read more...
By Dinesh Kumar | Aug-06-2011

1354 Acid in me must play its force otherwise resolution are lost to antacids
Acid in me must play its force otherwise resolution are lost to antacids read more...
By Dinesh Kumar | Jul-24-2011

1327 Ideas are with many but seldom bear tenacity to cherish them from desire2will
Ideas are with many but seldom bear tenacity to cherish them from desire2will read more...
By Dinesh Kumar | Jul-22-2011

1532 Top 10 Tips for Managing Down
Your words and actions have a direct impact on how others perceive you here are ten tips to help you become the type of manager that everyone wants to work with... read more...
By Roberta Chinsky Matuson | Feb-11-2011

1863 Honda Dazzler
Honda has launched many bikes earlier in India. One of the bikes launched by Honda was Unicorn in 2004. It was a 150cc bike. read more...
By bikedekho | Feb-04-2011

1464 Is Low Customer Satisfaction Robbing Your company Blind? Recruit Your Workers
Happy buyers are crucial to every enterprise or organization. You take good care of your customers, and they will stay for a long time. You must measure your customer satisfaction level by using proven and reliable measures. read more...
By Peter Forlan | Jan-12-2011

1527 The Benefits of Leadership Consulting
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams. read more...
By Mark Stjean | Jul-13-2010