Acid in me must play its force otherwise resolution are lost to antacids
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Acid in me must play its force otherwise resolution are lost to antacids
Acid in me must play its force otherwise resolution are lost to antacids; The struggle against is known as desire2will.
The food we eat is assimilated to our body by the help of various juices produced within our stomach under contribution by liver and pancreas etc. Amongst These juices the major portion remains of various acids that enable the process of digestion. And it is equally true that when the intake of food is either junk, heavy or more in quantity then the organs responsible to digest the food produce required acid in bulk… so much so that the large amounts of acid then starts moving undesirable places while it create lot of unpleasantness for us. The one we may have experienced in form of ‘acidity’.
The funny stroke of this acid within us is that without it no food can be assimilated and with its extra production lot of discomfort is also experienced. Hence acid is a must and at the same time acid could be a mess too…
Acid apart from having its gross form that we are generally aware of… also has its form in the domain of our emotion and essence too. We experience the acid in our thoughts in various modes and forms. Recall the emotions and experiences at the level of our mind where some thought input pierced us through and through. Acid as emotion and essence is also experienced at times when it helps us to give defiance to all lethargic attitudes coming from internal or external sources. The acid has the power to cut to dissolve anything that comes affront and so it does when our determination upon a resolve has to charge forward in its compliance leaving no scope to look backward.
This world has experienced a great many changes through various revolutions… violent or non-violent by the help of the same acid at the end of our emotion and essence. Any struggle merely thrives and sustains upon its acidic value… once that acidic value is lost to antacids the greatest of the cause become lost in nowhere.
At the same time the acid in the realms of emotion and essence could prove to be highly destructive if not regulated properly… its manifestation in excessive forms leads to undue aggression henceforth it eats up the cause it owed its origin.
We all are engaged in a struggle within our own selves. In this struggle within our selves we want to reclaim the turf lost to ‘carelessness’, lethargy, lack of restraint etc. There are so many erring foes within that continue every moment to steal our worth and esteem. We are aware of them and we also charge various tirades against them in form of strong resolution adopted at various times in our life… be it anger, greed, distress or conflict of any kind… Our drives are lost the moment these enemies holding an advantageous position within unite and surmount with their counter attack by pouring antacids in large amounts.
The arsenal of their antacid land upon our mental plane in the form of a reasonable logic that dares to prove the unreasonableness of our endeavor… and soon the acid within us becomes diluted to their counter attack leaving us more vulnerable before forces that always work against our true growth…
Guard the regulated supplies of acid within your selves and watch with all awareness that your true resolve do not fall prey before these thwarting antacids… This what is taught at desire2will.com
Article Source :
http://www.articleseen.com/Article_Acid in me must play its force otherwise resolution are lost to antacids_68380.aspx
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Keywords :
motivation, motivation articles, motivationl leadership,
Category :
Self Improvement