December - 2009 Articles

926 Cloud Computing Ushers in New Era for Laptops and Computers
The current computer buzzwords you often encounter in both print and online media is Cloud Computing. It’s because just a play of words that burrowed the “cloud” used as a metaphoric abstraction referring to the internet technologies in general. read more...
By Ritchie Smythe | Dec-18-2009 | Hardware

928 Herbal Weight Loss Supplements for a shapely new YOU
Keeping in shape and feeling fit is a serious business for some, while some others even if they care about their unshapely body or obese body do very little to turn fit. There are those who are concerned and worried about even growing a bit of flab and there are those who carry their bulky overweight frames (with a lot or little discomfort) but do little to bring the weight down or even worry about it. read more...
By Fabiola Castillo | Dec-18-2009 | Health and Fitness

926 Sony Laptops: Smart and Compact Personal Computing Solutions
The present trend sure has a psychological impact on spending patterns of the general consumer. Even the rich are cutting down of on their excesses and redefining their need for luxuries. read more...
By Harry Spencer | Dec-18-2009 | Hardware

1034 How Repeat-Use Packaging Solutions Can Reduce Costs
While disposable packaging and other products have enjoyed a steady rise in popularity over the last couple of decades, it is apparent that the tide is turning in favor of repeat-use products these days. read more...
By Beth Bulger | Dec-18-2009 | Business

929 New Battery Developments for Laptops
The urgent need to have sufficient battery power long enough to last a day has never been more compelling. The increase in mobile computing using sophisticated office and multimedia applications and WiFi radio to access the internet, drains laptop batteries faster than anything before. read more...
By Ritchie Smythe | Dec-18-2009 | Hardware

1184 Using LCD TV as Your Computer Monitor
Yes, it can be done. In fact, many gamers and HD video enthusiasts use LCD TVs instead of standard PC monitors to views movies from their Home Theater PCs or HTPCs. 32” LCD TVS are quite common among HTPC users as they are a cross between the more preferred 42” plasma TV and the more modest 22” LCD computer monitors. read more...
By Ritchie Smythe | Dec-18-2009 | Hardware

840 Maximizing DVD Playback Potential on Your Computer
If you enjoy watching DVD movies on a DVD player, you’re missing a lot from playing the material on a PC instead. Videophiles have long known the advantages of playing digital video materials on a computer than on consumer electronic appliances like the DVD players. read more...
By Ritchie Smythe | Dec-18-2009 | Hardware

1068 Are you Eligible for the Making Home Affordable Program?
There is a new program called the Making Home Affordable program for homeowners. This program is aimed to help save eligible homeowners from foreclosure. Ultimately it requires lenders to temporarily reduce mortgage payments for borrowers to help prevent an actual foreclosure. read more...
By Ashley Ford | Dec-18-2009 | Real Estate

910 Critical Issues for Robotic Application
The technology of the 21st century promises to bring the computing power and efficiency of laptops and handheld mobile devices to new heights. read more...
By Andrew Newell | Dec-18-2009 | Business

826 Ensure a Fire-Free Holiday
It is very easy to get distracted during the holiday season. To help you stay on top of things, Advance Alert security systems has made a list of safety tips to ensure that your friends and family enjoy a wonderful and fire-free holiday. read more...
By Ashley Ford | Dec-18-2009 | Home Security

723 How Robotics Is Helping the 21st Century Man
For so long the applied science of computers and electro-mechanical engineering has ushered in robotics to vastly improve mass production in just about any complex machinery on earth. read more...
By Andrew Newell | Dec-18-2009 | Business

836 Obesity in Largely found in Urban Women
Dr.Muffazal Lakdawala is a renowned bariatric and sleeve gastrectomy surgeon in India. He has helped many obese patients adopt a healthier lifestyle after metabolic surgeries and lose weight successfully. read more...
By Smith Mike | Dec-18-2009 | Health and Fitness

1661 Improve Your Most Important Asset – Self-Confidence
Confidence is not a quality we are born with or something that is hereditary. It's a continuous development that we learn within ourselves. It is a quality that no one else but you can control. If you are not confident, it may be difficult for you to make the most out of your direct selling business. read more...
By Desiree Jumchai | Dec-18-2009 | Self Improvement

1144 Don’t Let Obesity Get on You
Kaushal Shah finds himself in the list of people who have been advised by Dr. Muffazal Lakdawala to get a surgery called Sleeve Gastrectomy. Kaushal had attracted attention all his life, not because he was an eminent personality but due to his obesity. read more...
By Smith Mike | Dec-18-2009 | Health and Fitness

904 When Mumbai Docs Head Out For The Backwoods
Mumbai: Khalid Laheji and his colleague M Parekh have been following the same routine for a decade. On the last Sunday of the month, the two leave their homes at 7 am sharp, get into a car, and drive down into the foothills of the Western Ghats at Karjat. read more...
By Smith Mike | Dec-18-2009 | Health and Fitness

823 Asia's Fattest Cuts Flab With Some Help From City Doctor
Mumbai: No doctor in China wanted to operate on 33-year-old Qin Fang, who weighed a challenging 285 kg. A fortnight after local newspapers carried Qin's weighty problem, authorities at the Nankai Hospital near Beijing called a Mumbai doctor to help the young man. read more...
By Smith Mike | Dec-18-2009 | Health and Fitness

686 What Are the Traits of Robotic Contraptions
Science can make robots virtually indestructible, omniscient and powerful. Daily human preoccupation and toil will rarely need such robotic qualities. Robots of today are used in various purposes and undesirability is nowhere in that level. read more...
By Andrew Newell | Dec-18-2009 | Business

788 Robotics Inching to Make Robots More Human-like
It’s a common misconception that robots should be like humans. Actually, if they did, it means compromising their potential as a computing machine capable of processing billions of instructions per second while asking fringe benefits and leave benefits from their employers. read more...
By Andrew Newell | Dec-17-2009 | Business

706 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Bodybuilding
A healthy diet goes hand in glove in any bodybuilding regimen. Many have the mistaken notion that building muscle mass is just all about stressing and straining the muscle against applied force to get them to grow, and promptly spends hours of rigorous workouts only to end up frustrated. read more...
By Yossarian Fisher | Dec-17-2009 | Health and Fitness

763 Robotics in Everyday Life
Science fiction movies would have us believe that robotics will soon be dominating our lives. Recent movies like I, Robot and A.I. offer exciting glimpses into a potential future where humans and robots live, but we’re still decades away from that. read more...
By Andrew Newell | Dec-17-2009 | Business

1109 Bodybuilding to Stay Fit and Shapely
Bodybuilding is not just for those in the wrestling sports and entertainment arena or for joining competitions. It’s a misconception that the sport needs 100% of your time and attention. read more...
By Yossarian Fisher | Dec-17-2009 | Health and Fitness

662 Weightlifting and Bodybuilding Go Together
Getting muscles to grow means stressing and straining them, letting them work up against a force applied to them. And the most natural way to do that is through lifting weights or weightlifting. read more...
By Yossarian Fisher | Dec-17-2009 | Health and Fitness

675 Using Steroids in Bodybuilding
With the popularity of bodybuilding assured without let-up, more and more people are joining the bodybuilding bandwagon. When you see those chiseled bodies on World Wrestling Entertainment shows on cable, sports and health magazines showcasing well-sculpted muscles and Hollywood celebrity hunks flaunting their hard bodies read more...
By Yossarian Fisher | Dec-17-2009 | Health and Fitness

1188 Scorpions Are Everywhere in Phoenix, Maybe even at your house
In Aug of 2009 there was a report of scorpions on Southwest Airlines, even a report of a scorpion at a McDonalds in Chandler. read more...
By Fred Willey | Dec-17-2009 | Home and Family

1348 Discover the Secrets to Bootcamp Workouts For Weight Loss
There is an amazing fat loss secret that has finally been discovered. Simply put Bootcamp Exercises are the quickest most effective way to lean up and tone up your muscles. The military has been using intensive calisthenic exercise routines for over 100 years to get the armed forces in shape quick in record time. read more...
By Rick Porter | Dec-17-2009 | Weight Loss