Sumitgurg's Article in Internet Business

576 DNS Load Balancing Methods
DNS services are a well kept secret from most internet users. Most people that surf the web would never guess that there is a certain amount of complexity that lies within the processing of web pages.
Posted on Jan-11-2011

595 Finding Websites With DNS Servers
Computers that translate names to numbers are called DNS servers. However, most DNS servers don't actually know which numbers are associated with which names. Instead, they must query another DNS server for the requested web address.
Posted on Jan-11-2011

674 Most Common Methods Used For DDoS Attacks
In the world of cyber security a denial of service attack (DoS) is basic category of attack that attempts to make a server or network unavailable to its intended users. The concept is fairly simple and easy to understand.
Posted on Dec-23-2010

733 DNS Management Tools help People
Domain name system (DNS) management tools help people all over the world with computers stay connected. With so many people connected through the internet, a DNS system enables people on the Internet to find a specific web site .
Posted on Dec-23-2010

578 Navitas - Nominum's DNS Solution
A domain name system (DNS) is a mapping scheme to assist users in finding the right connections on the Internet. This system delineates host names and IP addresses providing a method to connect these names and numbers.
Posted on Dec-13-2010

549 The Wonderful World Of Navigation Assistance
Navigation Assistance is an extremely useful technology that helps many people who travel daily in unfamiliar territory get to their destination. If you are lost and cannot find your way to your objective, then this service will probably be of use to you.
Posted on Nov-16-2010

625 Dynamic Configuration Server
A Dynamic Configuration Server is used to connect all of the computers and IP enabled devices on a network. With modern technology turning out smarter smartphones, laptops, hand held computers, and other devices.
Posted on Nov-16-2010

502 Drupal Development In Building A Website
The basic features of the use of Drupal development for a website are the control over the structure of the URL and the creation of new types of content .
Posted on Apr-20-2010