Spanishfitness's Article in Health and Fitness

236 NLP: Neuro-linguistic Programming
The Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) was founded in the 1970s as an approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy or the treatment of mental or emotional disorder.
Posted on Jan-19-2012

284 Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique is a method (a) that works in changing movements or habits in one’s daily activities, (b) that helps an individual discover how to release unnecessary tension in the body, (c) that improves ease, balance, and freedom of movement, (d) that releases unwanted tension in the muscles that may have accumulated over the years, and (e) that helps a person lose the harmful habits built up over years of stressful living.
Posted on Jan-19-2012

274 Quinton Method
Rene Quinton is a French biologist who was the first to investigate the similarity between sea water and the human blood plasma system. He carried out several scientific experiments in hospital laboratories in an effort to solve what he considered as the mysteries of sea water, and find out if it was compatible with living organisms.
Posted on Jan-19-2012

273 Chromotherapy
There are two definitions of chromotherapy, which is also called colorology or color therapy. The first says it is a method of alternative medicine that uses color and light to balance energy where it is lacking in the person’s body.
Posted on Jan-19-2012

249 Ayurveda: Indian Medicine
According to David Frawley, an American-Hindu writer and author, Ayurveda is a medicine of nature and of life.” Coming from the Sanskrit words ayur or life or longevity and veda or knowledge or wisdom, it is described as a system of healing that tends to help a patient to harmonize his mind, body and even his lifestyles with the purpose of his spirit.
Posted on Jan-19-2012

476 The Endometriosis
Are you haunted by pelvic pain or infertility? Of course you shouldn’t take chances. Trust me you’ll be better off visiting your friendly gynaecologist to seek for medical opinion. Unfortunately, you might just be diagnosed with endometriosis, thereafter. What’s more alarming is that such health condition has got no cure to date. That is why you should learn more about this gynaecological problem to better understand its nature, causes, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
Posted on Dec-04-2011

476 Ginseng Pills
Feel free to get a dose of Ginseng pills to make the most of your health. Thanks to the generous health advantage offered by this herb. This time, you need not keep a pot of Ginseng herbs in your backyard only to get a share of health and wellness benefits exclusive to this herbal wonder. All it takes is to grab yourself a bottle of Ginseng supplements.
Posted on Dec-04-2011

430 Azuki Bean
Get yourself some nutritious treats with Azuki beans. Although beans are haunted by the reputation of causing too much stomach gas, sure you’ll forget about the rumours once you’ve got a share of these healthy provisions. Feel free to make the most of your meals by dashing a couple of beans for optimum nutrition, not to mention natural therapy.
Posted on Dec-04-2011

441 Homeopathy
Care to get a big sigh of relief from any discomfort? This time you can readily say goodbye from any distress brought about by illnesses and diseases. Thanks to the advent of homeopathy that promises relieving effect in no time. Learn more about this alternative medicine to see whether or not the remedies best suit you.
Posted on Dec-04-2011

407 Heartsease Tea
Cheers to health with a cup of Heartsease tea filled with organic wonders. Thanks to nutrients, vitamins, and minerals ascribed to the herbal ingredients infused in the beverage. Sure, you can expect healthier circulatory, excretory, and respiratory systems when you get a share of this special tea. Consequently, there is more health and wellness advantage in store for you courtesy of Heartsease tea.
Posted on Dec-04-2011