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Posted On : Jan-19-2012 | seen (273) times | Article Word Count : 585 |

There are two definitions of chromotherapy, which is also called colorology or color therapy. The first says it is a method of alternative medicine that uses color and light to balance energy where it is lacking in the person’s body.
There are two definitions of chromotherapy, which is also called colorology or color therapy. The first says it is a method of alternative medicine that uses color and light to balance energy where it is lacking in the person’s body. The other says it is a “science that uses the colors to modify or keep the vibrations of the body with a frequency that results in health, welfare and harmony.”

Based on these concepts, the use of color and light is an integral part of chromotherapy as a method of alternative medicine. Persian physician and philosopher-scientist Avicenna once wrote in the book Canon of Medicine that color is an observable symptom of a disease and said that wrong color would not draw any response in a certain disease. He cited an example of a person with a nosebleed who should not be allowed to gaze at a brilliant red color to prevent stimulating blood flow but at a blue color to soothe the nosebleed. Present-day chromotherapists agree with the view of Avicenna that red would move the blood, while the blue or white, which is the perfect color, would cool the blood flow.

The meaning of each color in chromotherapy is related to the physical condition and temperature of the body. Most charts adopted by chromotherapists indicate that red activates the circulation while blue serves as analgesic but regenerates muscle cells and nerves. Dr. Edwin Babbitt, one of the most influential American writers on color therapy in the 19th century wrote that “blue is one of the great antiseptics in the world.” While pink eliminates blood impurities, a strong pink can act as a cleaner and strengthen the veins and arteries. Violet is said to also relax the nerves and heals infections and inflammations, and resolves urinary problems. Strong green is anti-infectious and cell-regenerative. In some color charts, orange is an energizer and yellow a reactivator, purifier and a skin rejuvenator. While strong yellow strengthens the body, the green cleans and serves as a nerve relaxant. Indigo is said to purify the circulatory system and can treat eye inflammations, cataract, glaucoma and fatigue.

Chromotherapy is performed with the use of the Luscher’s color test as a diagnostic tool developed by Dr. Max Luscher, a renowned Swiss pioneer in color psychology, in the early 20th century. Following this test, color and light are then applied to the patient’s pressure points and specific area in the body. The tools used in the application of colors include gemstones, candles, wands, prisms, lenses, and fabrics, among others. Treating a patient involves the use of a lamp and a colored filter. In this method, the colored light is directed to the affected area. An accurate amount of color is necessary and critical for healing as is the specific color for the specific ailment. The physical body of the patient is said to heal faster if it is exposed directly to the colored light, which stimulates and rehabilitates the balance in the affected area of the body.

Some practitioners have issued some precautions and reminders related to the practice of chromotherapy. These are (a) Excesses in time of exposure to the colored light are harmful to the patient, (b) Application of color in the wrong area can cause unwanted results, (c) Colors are not simply applied to the body, and (d) The very persons who should have the legal responsibility in caring for the patient are the doctors, psychologists, health professionals, and massage therapists.

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This Article is written by spainfitness. For more details on chromotherapy and colored lightyou can visit our web site

Keywords : fitness holidays, fitness breaks, pilates, yoga, spinning, Antequera,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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