Neil O'brien's Article in Home Improvement

448 Leak Detection and its Maintenance
The article emphasize on the problem of leakages in house. Then it focuses on various solutions which can be implemented to sort out this problem.
Posted on Jan-18-2012

373 Various types of best electric heater
These energy efficient room heaters can act as the supplementary heating system for areas of your house, which do not receive much warmth through central heating.
Posted on Dec-27-2011

417 Living Room Furniture – Some Tips To Make It Attractive
The article emphasizes on the living room furniture. It suggests various tips which one must think upon before going to purchase furniture for his home.
Posted on Oct-19-2011

413 Water Consultants – Optimize Your Water Usage
The article emphasizes on the importance of water usage. It highlights the role of water consultants in reducing one’s water consumption and also the water bills.
Posted on Oct-18-2011

480 Leak Detection In Pools
The article emphasize on the leaks in swimming pools. It shares various methods by which these leaks can be detected very easily.
Posted on Oct-06-2011

512 Water leak detection services- A service to make your life easier
The article deals with all the phases of development, the leak detection services went through.
Posted on Sep-30-2011