Steve-0's Article in Science
The Science Against Evolution
Belief in evolution is a remarkable phenomenon. It is a belief passionately defended by the scientific establishment, despite the lack of any observable scientific evidence for macroevolution (that is, evolution from one distinct kind of organism into another). This odd situation is briefly documented here by citing recent statements from leading evolutionists admitting their lack of proof. These statements inadvertently show that evolution on any significant scale does not occur at all.
Posted on Dec-02-2011
Biochemistry and Man's Ancestors (Which One)
Biochemistry and man's ancestors; which one is it?
1) Blood precipitation tests indicate that the chimpanzee is man's closest relative.
2) Milk chemistry indicates that the donkey is man's relative.
3) Cholesterol level tests indicate that the garter snake is man's closest relative.
4) Tear enzyme chemistry indicates that the chicken is man's closest relative.
5) On the basis of another type of blood chemistry test, the butter bean is man's closest relative.
Posted on Oct-29-2011
Is There Scientific Proof That Spirits Exist?
Is there scientific proof that spirits exist? Yes to a greater degree. We will explore such subject as light, atoms and cellular memory to find what is known and unknown to science and religion. I believe by using both of these respected mediums that we will find the truth of the matter.
Posted on Oct-23-2011
Has Evolution Been Proven?
Over the years, being hard-pressed for real evidence, the evolutionists have managed to conjure up a number of "proofs" that Darwin's theory is a scientific fact. This so-called "evidence" is worshipped by all evolutionists, while all contrary evidence is ignored. Let's consider some of their evidence.
Posted on Oct-01-2011
How Old is the Universe?
Evolutionists generally use five different methods in determining the age of matter: salt content in the oceans, deposition of sediments, rate of soil erosion, disintegration of radioactive materials, and Libby's Carbon 14 experiment. Problems can be found with all of these methods, but the biggest problem of all is the method that they've chosen to ignore the study of Half Lives. The sun is always burning out at a rate of 5 feet per hour. 20,000,000 years ago the sun would of touched the earth.
Posted on Oct-01-2011
Uniquely Made
Your are uniquely made. DNA molecules can unite in an infinite number of ways. The likelihood that you would find someone just like you is 10 to the 2,400,000,000th power. If you were to write out that number with each zero being one inch wide, you would need a strip of paper 37,000 miles long. Each person is assigned in this life a purpose (with equal ability) that only they may complete. Find out what yours is.
Posted on Sep-01-2011