Is There Scientific Proof That Spirits Exist?
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Is there scientific proof that spirits exist? Yes to a greater degree. We will explore such subject as light, atoms and cellular memory to find what is known and unknown to science and religion. I believe by using both of these respected mediums that we will find the truth of the matter.
There are REAL SPIRITS in all the world's religions. But don't mistake them for GOD! He has nothing to do with the deception and the lies that all these phony religions thrive on. Before I am finished with this essay, I want you to at least be able to identify the spirits that are in all these major world religions and CONTRAST them with the Spirit of God. The most important point is to understand that ALL THOSE SPIRITS are kindred to Lucifer, and ALL THOSE SPIRITS will finally join together as a ONE-WORLD RELIGION against the King of Kings, Jesus Christ.
Let me begin here with a very basic declaration about God. The Mind and Intelligence of the God of the Bible forged all things into existence. If that is not true, then all religion fails. Not one religion in existence has more substantive and evidential propositions about creation and the existence of all things than does the Bible. Jesus Christ presented harder evidence of the existence of God than any other human who ever lived.
Here is the Biblical claim:
In the beginning, God created. In the beginning, the Word of God was the thought, the "logos" of God. THOUGHT is primordial. Without THOUGHT, there could be nothing but chaos, if anything could even exist. But without thought, nothing can exist. A universe cannot exist in absolute chaos. Whoever and Whatever had the FIRST THOUGHT is the Creator of the universe. THOUGHT is the force behind ORDER. Before there could be a universe of ORDER, there has to be a universe of THOUGHT. ORIGINAL THOUGHT = GOD
Better than fantastically, Jesus Christ is the literal incarnation, the embodiment of eternal thought. He gave the evidence to prove it. The Word of God is the intelligent order or arrangement that holds all things together. His Word is the ultimate cohesive force of the universe. How else can water remain in an ocean that is spinning at nearly 1,000 miles per hour? In any laboratory, the water would be slung completely out of it's basin instantly. But by the word of God, the land came out of the water, instead of the water coming out of the land.
Science sees light as a baseline for all things. Einstein's Theory of Relativity and subsequent quantum theories argued that things in nature are actually different than generally perceived. He made scientific calculations using the speed of light as the only absolute in the universe. He demonstrated that TIME is flexible, can be speeded up and slowed down. Ultimately, everything else, he said, is relative to the speed of light.
Is light absolute? Did LIGHT pre-date LIFE? Did life follow light, or did light follow life? A body of scientists now believe that the earth is not old enough for human life to have evolved in this environment. They postulate that life must have come from other points in the universe. I agree with that postulation, but I do not agree with their theories. I believe that human life on earth did come from another place in the universe! From GOD! A group of British scientists proposed that life must have entered the planet earth riding on light waves. A lot of people think that life did not begin on earth, but their theories range from alien encounters to meteorite crashes. We who believe in God are affirmed by these seemingly atheistic claims.
John said of Jesus, "In him was life, and that life was the light of men." So...God's LIFE is the LIGHT of the world. Moses taught in Genesis 1 that light is the first evidence of God working in the material world. God said, "Let there be light." Where ever the first light came from is the source of life. If God is the source of light, then He is also the source of life. True light does not come from material sources. Original light came from non-material origins. God!
Curiously, the Bible claims that God did not make the sun, moon and stars until the FOURTH day of creation, yet it says that LIGHT was created on the FIRST DAY. That tells us that TRUE LIGHT is not that which emanates from the sun or stars, but it proceeds from the INTELLIGENT LIFE of God. In the city of Heaven, John the Revelator declared that there will be no need for Sun or Moon or Stars because JESUS will be the light of that City! He has ALWAYS been the true light from eternity past. So light came from life - God's life - not life from light as science argues.
The very scientists who say there is no God are forced to measure all things by a very living light - light they don't believe exists. But there could never have been material light if it had not been preceded by spiritual light. They only believe in natural light, but at the core of all living things is the SPIRIT -- the infinitely intelligent life of God. That fact stands to prove two scriptural axioms regarding them,
1. "...ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth"
2. "...the world by wisdom knew not God."
Man is made in the image of Jesus, the original intelligent life. In the human body, the DNA and RNA molecules provide the programming for every single cell that will ever exist within the homeostasis of the body. DNA is the fundamental and primary intelligence in all living creatures.
From the very moment of conception, when the sperm first penetrates the egg, the DNA goes to work assigning cells to their proper place: liver cells to the liver,brain cells to the brain, bone cells to the bones, nerve cells to the nerves. For the entire lifetime of that human, enzymes, directed by the DNA, will digest every morsel of food and drink your body consumes, and carefully assign every nutritional component of that food to its most necessary place within the body.
The subliminal intelligence of the human body is so incomprehensible that with all the hundreds of thousands of medical professionals around the world working around the clock to diagnose and understand the body's inner workings, they still are incapable of synthesizing even one living cell. Somewhere between 50 and 100 TRILLION cells in your body EACH contain the equivalent of 600,000 PAGES of encoded information. An entire human could theoretically be reconstructed from only one cell.
Yet that magnificent creature is only a speck of dust in a vast, vast universe of over 100 BILLION galaxies, EACH containing about 100 BILLION stars. The complexity of infinite ORDER can only be explained in the context of an infinite, omniscient, omnipotent Spirit who meticulously created it all. THAT is the only God I can ever believe in.
Cellular Memory: Intelligence at the Cellular Level
At the cellular level of the human body, there is so much more than just a cell. The entire human body is controlled by intelligence. Doctors are discovering that the human mind exists not only in the brain, but also in every cell of the body. Numerous cases have been reported about a phenomenon called Cellular Memory.
In one case, a man who received a donor's heart in a heart transplant surgery reported that he began to dream dreams about his Aunt Sally. Over and over again, he dreamed about his Aunt Sally. The disturbing thing was that he didn't HAVE an Aunt Sally. But when he inquired, he found that the person who donated his heart DID have an Aunt Sally that he was very close to.
In a second case, a lady received a donor's heart in a transplant operation, and she woke up craving Chicken McNuggets and beer. She dreamed about meeting a young man named Timmy. But she had never desired Chicken McNuggets or beer. And she didn't know anybody named Timmy. She eventually tracked down the information on her heart donor, and found that he was a young man named Timmy who had died in a motorcycle accident, and had a fondness for drinking beer, and had just been to McDonalds.
I am calling your attention to the fact that our memories do not exist only in our brains. They exist at every level in our bodies - in every cell. If you look at a red blood corpuscle in a microscope, you will see an almost perfectly round cell with a nice dark outline, and depending on the health of that cell, either a solid coloring or a sun-burst effect indicating such conditions as anemia, iron-deficiency or other disorders. But most fascinating to me is the curious glow of light that surrounds every cell. No one can adequately explain that glow, but any medical doctor will confess that there is infinitely more going on within that cell than any of us can possibly know.
The "Galvanic Response"
In the technology of the polygraph, or the lie detector test, an instrument is attached to human skin by electrode sensors. It measures what is called the "galvanic response" of your body to certain stimuli. If your body becomes tense, as when you are lying, the galvanic response registers on a meter. If your body relaxes, as when you are being truthful, the meter registers nothing.
It has been demonstrated that if a person is shown something stimulating such as erotica or something violent, human cells register a response on the polygraph scale. In an amazing experiment, human cells were scraped from inside the mouth of the test subject, and placed on a glass slide in another room, and hooked up to electrodes. When the test was administered, and the person registered a reaction on the polygraph meter, the IDENTICAL response occurred in the next room on the cells on the glass slide. The man's mouth cells in the next room responded as if they were still in his body.
In another similar experiment, a World War II veteran was shown films of planes being shot down in the South Pacific. This man had horrible memories of WWII, and the films produced violent reactions on the polygraph machine. But not only that. Cells had been removed from his mouth, and they also reacted violently during the movie, even though they were in another building - SEVEN MILES AWAY!
It is a phenomenon science has yet to accurately classify. Has Science unwittingly discovered the forces of SPIRIT? I believe the Bible provides an explanation for it. The scripture says, "there is a Spirit in a man..." It is that human spirit that God breathed into Adam's nostrils. It is that miraculous part of me that did not come from the dust, but from the mind of God.
Human intelligence is derived from divine intelligence. Human intelligence is only possible because Almighty God shared His spirit with mankind. If man had no spirit,he could not know as he knows.
All living things spring from the original infinite intelligence of Almighty God. He is the order, thought, arrangement of all things living. All living things thrive on intelligence that Almighty God installed in every living cell of every living creature.My human spirit, or as Moses called it, "a living soul" is the fragment of God's intelligence that He bestowed upon us to live and breathe and have our being. That doesn't mean that I am a God, but that I have an impartation of His nature. After all, we are created "in the image of God." Because HE is spirit, we are also spirit.
I want to be careful to insert here that even though the above-given example of galvanic response supports the concept of a human spirit, that same polygraph would NOT produce a similar result if the cells of different humans were being used. My spirit and your spirit are not connected in the same way that every cell in one body are connected. At least some of the modern theories of connectivity are as yet unsupported.
One of the most intriguing examples in human biology is the phenomenon that occurs any time a human suffers a laceration on the skin. It is truly remarkable how every white corpuscle in the human body seems to INSTANTLY know when there has been a breach. A simple cut on your finger will trigger a shocking flight of billions of white corpuscles to the location of the injury. WHERE DOES THAT INTELLIGENCE originate? How does it work? How does a blood cell in your big toe INSTANTLY know that you just cut your finger? God knows. He knows every star in heaven by name (even though there are at least 100 BILLION times 100 BILLION of them!) and He knows EVERY CELL in EVERY HUMAN at all times. He discerns every thought and even every intention of a human at all times. THAT is an infinite God! THAT is the God I believe in. THAT is who I believe Jesus Christ is!
Is spirit at the Quantum Level? There is ample evidence that Divine intelligence in us makes us live. God's breath empowers my breath.Some Modernists would insist that we dwell in an altogether material world, where substance rules all, and spirits do not exist. I cannot accept that at all.
The Sub-atomic World of Spirit.
Even Einstein insisted that the great forces of the universe operate at the Quantum level. The Quantum level is that SUB-ATOMIC world - so small that no microscope or computer can see it or hear it or know it. The Quantum level is that deep inner space where protons and neutrons and electrons only occasionally whiz by. Quantum physics is the study of things much smaller than atoms. The atoms that we all are made of are so minute, that if you could magnify one single atom to the size of a football field, and take a look at the components of that atom, all you would see is a nucleus about the size of a grapefruit sitting on the fifty yard line, and an electron flying around it, equivalent in size to a housefly sitting on the goal post.
That is the substance of an atom. Molecules are groups of joining atoms. And human bodies are made out of molecules. If one atom is 99.99999% empty space, and if the substance of that atom is purely electrical, then we humans are 99.9999% empty space, and the rest is electrical charges, arranged by the mind of almighty God. But more significantly, I do NOT believe there is ANY void space. I don't believe there are any voids in the universe. I believe that God inhabits all. Any place where nothing material exists, there is spirit yet. I believe that the presence of God's Spirit is everywhere. And, GET THIS: In the same way that every CELL in the human body contains 600,000 pages of encoded information, I believe that EVERY SPECK OF GOD contains ALL His wisdom, knowledge and power.
We are not just "brushing against" a God that lives on the other side of eternity. EVERY encounter we have with God's Spirit is a complete, comprehensive encounter with infinite wisdom, knowledge and power. And because we are made of a spirit that God created, we can know Him. Although most of our conscious intelligence focuses on our day-to-day experiences on earth,there is a spirit of man that is profoundly connected to everything God is and has done. The Spirit of a Man is rooted in the non-material realm, not the material. Whether our body lives or dies, our spirit remains forever.
Bible-believing Christians believe there is conscious life after death. How can anyone argue that God cannot preserve the spirit of a man when his body is rotting in the ground? Our spirit is infinitely more substantive than our material bodies. The spirit of a man is larger, denser, more potent, and more enduring than anything made out of flesh and blood.
The soul of a man returns to God who gave it. Not as a cloud of wind, or as a ghostly wisp. The soul of a man is more personified, more clearly defined as a person than our human bodies ever could be. The human body only lasts, on average, 70-80 years. The soul of a man never diminishes. My soul will be just as lucid, aware, mindful, and thoughtful a billion years from now as it is right now.
Even though a half-dozen pall bearers may haul my rotting carcass to a cemetery and plant my deteriorating body six feet deep in the dirt, my soul will forever be socializing with men and angels from all the ages in the presence of Almighty God in His glorious eternal presence. I will be walking, talking, seeing, hearing and feeling the glorious reality of the parallel universe I have been hearing about all the days of my earthly journey. I will no longer yearn for the temporal world from whence I came, because in that moment, I will suddenly realize that the world of spirits is infinitely more glorious and fascinating than anything I left behind in the old "teeny-tiny" material world.
My intellect, my soul, my mind was always God's property. If, in my days on earth, I acknowledge Him, and obeyed His instruction, He will receive me into His everlasting presence. If, however, I shun Him, disobey Him, ignore Him, or resist Him in my mortal days, He will refuse to allow me to enter into His eternal presence. He will send me to a place unknown, to a so-called "outer darkness," never ever to have any contact with Him again.
In the most technical terms, He is the Father of all Spirits, therefore He is the Father of MY human spirit, and my intelligence is a minuscule fragment of His intelligence. In other words, He programmed me. As soon as my soul leaves my body, it returns to Him (from which it came.) Most intriguing is the fact that spirit remains intact outside of the body, outside of the material packaging.
According to the Biblical doctrine of the new birth, if I have failed to be born into Him, then my soul or spirit will be rejected and cast out of His presence forever.My spirit must link hard and fast to His for it to be eternally sound. The redeeming thing is for the natural man to make a miraculous connection with the Almighty God and have God create for him a brand new Spiritual Body that would not suffer corruption. A new birth: A watery womb for a new body, and a new spirit to match.
Just exactly the way that God has, in nature, arranged for a brand new fetus to develop in the watery environment of a woman's womb, God has also arranged that in the waters of baptism a new spiritual body is conceived and born.
Then by the complete act of the new birth, God fills that new body with the Holy Spirit - the Ghost of Jesus Christ. And now we have an eternal soul, united with a new body and the mind and Spirit of Christ. "If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of His," Romans 8:9. That is why we must be baptized in the name of Jesus. He is the author and finisher of our rebirth.
The primordial work of God was life-giving.
The word PRIMORDIAL means the first occurrence. What PRIMORDIAL work that God did in creation is the basis for all that happens now. When God separated the"firmaments" above the earth from the "firmaments" below, He was creating an atmosphere that would support human life.
God not only breathed into Adam's nostrils, but He also covered the surface of the earth with stuff for him to continue breathing. By breathing natural air, the natural body is sustained. But human spirit is not sustained by air. Every man has a human spirit that is like a candle.
The scripture says in Proverbs 20:27 that the "Spirit of a man is the candle of the Lord." Job's friend, Elihu said, "There is a Spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty gives him understanding." So we have a candle, but only God can light it. My spirit is the candle, God's Spirit is the FIRE! Psalms 18:28 says, "For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness."
While God is the primary source of life, there are many other spirits in the world which perform similar functions to the Spirit of God, and many men and women are misled to believe that ALL SPIRIT is God! This is a very, very important reality that we must understand. Not all spirit is God!
Although God is the original Spirit, and He created all spirits, many spirits are no longer in agreement with their Creator. They have rebelled against the knowledge,power and holiness of Creator God. The world is FULL of renegade, evil spirits. Things of the Spirit are not limited to those of us who believe in the God of the Bible.
There are many spirits of many different kinds which pose as God in many different contexts. Men have for eons set forth to discover the world of the spirit without recognizing the truth about the Spirit of God. There is a strong belief that surfaces in every society, primitive or civilized, ancient or modern. Every one of us can sense that there is something going on in the invisible world. There really does seem to be something that connects us all invisibly.
Connectivity and the Universal Field Theory
With every breath that you breathe in, you breathe in ten to the power of twenty-two atoms (trillions of atoms) from around the universe. That is an astronomical amount of raw material that comes into your body from everywhere else in this universe.
With each breath that you breathe out, you are breathing out ten to the power of twenty-two atoms that have their origin in every cell in your body. Every time you exhale, you are literally breathing out bits and pieces of your heart, kidney and brain tissue. Technically speaking, we are all intimately sharing our organs with each other all the time, a fact of physiology.
You can do mathematical calculations based on radioactive isotopes studies, and prove without a shadow of doubt to a scientist, that right now in your physical body,you have at least a million atoms that were once in the body of Jesus Christ or Buddha or Mahatma Gandhi or Saddam Hussein, or anyone else you want to think about. In just the last three weeks, a quadrillion atoms have circulated through your body that have gone through the body of every other living species on this planet. Talk about being connected!
Think of a tree in Africa, a squirrel in Siberia, a peasant in China; and right this moment, you have in your body at least a quadrillion atoms-- that's ten followed by fifteen zeros--that were circulating there about three weeks ago. In about one year, you replace about ninety-eight percent of all the atoms in your body: A new liver every six weeks, a new skin once a month, a new stomach lining every five days, even the DNA which holds the memories of every single ancestor you have ever had.
It is impossible to imagine how INTERCONNECTED we all are at the Quantum level - at that sub-atomic, invisible level.
Jesus was the greatest master who ever operated skillfully in the invisible realm - at the quantum level, if you please. Jesus could see, know, and perform in the invisible world. That is because He originated in the spirit world. He created it all, and knows precisely how things function at the quantum level. He knows how to reprogram a human body from the cellular level upward.
Jesus commanded miracles that no one else had ever dared. WITH HIS WORDS, He caused blind eyes to see. WITH HIS WORDS, He caused deaf ears to hear, crippled hands to stretch forth, crippled legs to walk, leprous skin to rejuvenate.
Jesus knew Philip's name simply by looking at him. He read the thoughts and intents of the Pharisee's heart. He yelled into a grave and a four-day old corpse came back to life and walked out. An old lady with pernicious anemia was instantly healed by merely touching the hem of His garment.
Jesus had great power in the invisible, quantum level that has rarely been understood and or made use of! He demonstrated in an unprecedented fashion that there are forces that interconnect us all that can heal and do miracles. He could accomplish things that no one before or since has accomplished.
Jesus Christ deserves credit for tutoring men in the most sophisticated and advanced medical procedures of all time. To this day they cannot be duplicated nor improved upon in the scientific community. And yet, the things we call miracles and unexplainable, were fully methodical to Him.
Even more impressively, Jesus knew the minds and hearts of men. He demonstrated abilities that would cause professionals in the fields of extra-sensory perception,psycho-kinesis, mind-over-matter, or metaphysics to shake their heads in amazement.
Methodism in the Mysterious
For centuries, the sages of every major religion have toyed with the concepts of spirit, and mind over matter, and metaphysical phenomenon. I will illustrate how the major religions of the world have toyed with the concepts of spirit for thousands of years.
Once you ever comprehend, however, that Almighty God, who is now incarnate in the man Jesus Christ, is the first and only God, then you must realize that all other religions are cheap, defective knock-offs of the one and true religion - the religion of the God of the Bible.
Article Source : There Scientific Proof That Spirits Exist?_95668.aspx
Author Resource :
Light, DNA, Cellular Memory, Einstein, Polygraph, Wikipedia, The King James Bible
Keywords :
Light, DNA, Cellular Memory, Einstein, Polygraph, horrible, billions, universe, Pacific, cells, science, spirits, donor, heart, brians, bodi,
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Reference and Education