Sowmya K's Article in Medicine

1446 What are 3 Ways To Enjoy Your Meals And Lifestyle With Diabetes
A lot of type 2 diabetes patients have a simple goal. They want to enjoy their meals, their life and have diabetes under control. Most diabetes specialists will tell you that it is possible.
Posted on Feb-12-2015

1412 How To Enjoy A Full And Long Life With Diabetic Diet?
One of the biggest challenges of living a life with diabetes is the diet. This lifestyle disorder is tough for everyone. Non-vegetarians do not want to live on veggies and fruits for the sake of diabetes. Foodies are not permitted to enjoy desserts.
Posted on Feb-12-2015

1067 How To Live An Active Life With Customised Diabetes Plans
Mostly a discussion about diet and diabetes revolves around type 2 diabetes because it is the most common one. It is much easier to achieve functional status with type 2 diabetes than others.
Posted on Feb-05-2015