Sheila Dodd's Article in Travel and Leisure

404 What to do if Your Baggage is Lost
There is maybe one thing more than others that can put a drag on traveling for vacation or business travel, and that is losing your bags. Arriving at a destination without a change of clothes, needed paperwork, or medicines can be frustrating and alarming.
Posted on Jul-20-2011

496 Top 3 Navy Pier Hotspots
No trip to Chicago is ever complete without a stop at Navy Pier. The 1916 pier designed in the Near North Side neighborhood was the biggest in the world when done.
Posted on Jul-20-2011

547 Packing Smart for a Holiday
Vacation travel is very different from business travel; therefore, the objects you bring won't be the same. For both sort of travel you still need the basic toiletries: toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hair brush, etc.
Posted on Jul-20-2011

569 Planning Ahead for a Winter Trip to Chicago
Chicago is -- as it should be -- one of the top destinations in the world. From its world-class dining, theater, nightlife and shopping; to its wonderful sports teams (baseball's Cubs, football’s Bears, basketball's Bulls and hockey's Blackhawks); and who can forget its world-famous deep dish pizza.
Posted on Oct-15-2010

488 Enjoying the Midwest with Charter Bus Rentals
Even from the middle of the 19th century, the need for mass transportation has been apparent. During that time, cities like Chicago, Grand Rapids and Indianapolis grew into some of the biggest cities in the United States and even the world.
Posted on May-20-2010

486 Tips for Business Trips to Chicago
Chicago is one of the most popular destinations for business travel in the United States. Consolidating costs during travels is a must during times of a slow economy. There are many ways to consolidate costs depending on whether the business trip is for a group or a few individuals.
Posted on Apr-20-2010

458 Saving Green and Going Green with Charter Buses
In a world that is challenged with the debate of global warming and general pollution to every part of the environment, going green with our choices is a collective initiative that must be taken regardless of what side of the arguments one may be on.
Posted on Apr-19-2010