Ronaldo's Article in Careers

584 Secret to get the best job
In this article, you will find five steps that leads in job search and interview.
Posted on Nov-28-2011

718 How to crack job interviews?
The articles mentions some of the important points or tips that would help you in focusing on your interview.
Posted on Nov-26-2011

552 Enhancing call center job skills
In this article, you will find what a call center job is and what are the specific skills required in call center jobs.
Posted on Nov-26-2011

554 Finding a job after college: Easier or tougher
In this article, it has been discussed about the points that should be considered after college to search or apply for a specific job
Posted on Nov-25-2011

487 Various skills required by an interviewee
In this article, you will find various job industries in Constanta and the various skills required for it.
Posted on Nov-25-2011

498 The educational system and ways to improve it
Modul in care reusesti sa asimilezi cunostintele primite in liceu si, mai apoi, in facultate a inceput sa devina un lucru tot mai putin important in momentul in care vrei sa te angajezi pentru prima data, cel putin in majoritatea cazurilor. Aici putem discuta, bineinteles, si despre ceea ce se ofera (ma refer aici la informatie) in cadrul majoritatii facultatilor. Nu discut aici despre liceu, desi si acesta ar trebui sa aiba un minim de pregatire practica.
Posted on Nov-17-2011

488 An outlook in the economy of 2011
Vesti relativ bune se preconizeaza pe piata fortei de munca pentru anul 2012. Dupa ce anul 2011 a adus cu sine o dezghetare semnificativa a pietei muncii, cand chiar si firmele mici si mijlocii au reusit (bineinteles nu la acelasi nivel ca si firmele mari) sa treaca de „valul” de concedieri din 2009 si de stagnarea din 2010.
Posted on Nov-17-2011

491 Ways of developing the recruiting process among companies
Indiferent daca esti angajat sau nu, un loc de munca iti cauti permanent. Pentru ca niciodata nu se stie ce se poate ivi mai "bun" decat ce ai acum.
Posted on Nov-12-2011

454 The internet labour market in the last 2 years in Romania
Regardless of the economic times we go through, one thing is certain now: technical profile is something that will remain stable. Why? Well, quite simply, the tech world will not stop and a good programmer will always find a job, at least within a multinational.
Posted on Nov-09-2011

336 The developing of the labour market in terms of investment domains
Labor market is still thawing. Even if compared with the previous quarter, employment rate declined over the same period a year ago because change was felt for the betterment in terms of number of jobs available.
Posted on Nov-05-2011

424 Labour market in the last trimester of 2011 in Romania
At present it is clear that Romania was given "free" to employment. A simple look at any recruitment portal attests this. If so, by 2010 the watchword in almost every country was "layoffs" a year or so the word begins to be forgotten or at least, replaced most of the companies 'employment'.
Posted on Nov-03-2011

570 Locuri De Munca Galati, Locuri De Munca Jurist
Piata fortei de munca este in continua dezghetare. Chiar daca, comparativ cu trimestrul trecut, procentul angajarilor a scazut, fata de aceeasi perioada de acum un an se simte o schimbare in bine in ceea ce priveste numarul de joburi disponibile.
Posted on Nov-01-2011

408 Obtine Joburi in Bacau si Joburi in Galati
La momentul actual este clar ca in Romania s-a dat "liber" la angajari. O simpla privire pe orice portal de recrutare atesta lucrul acesta. Daca pana prin 2010 cuvantul de ordine in mai toata tara a fost "disponibilizari", de un an si ceva acest cuvant incepe sa fie dat uitarii sau, cel putin, inlocuit de o mare parte din companii cu "angajari".
Posted on Nov-01-2011

395 Oportunitati de angajare in joburi IT
Indiferent de perioada economica prin care trecem, un lucru este sigur de acum: un profil tehnic este si va ramane un lucru stabil. De ce? Pai, foarte simplu, tehnologizarea acestei lumii nu se va opri iar un bun programator va gasi intotdeauna un loc de munca, cel putin in cadrul unei multinationale. Nu este, insa, limitat la aceasta pentru ca, in fond, orice companie incearca in momentul de fata sa se faca "vazuta" mai ales in mediul online.
Posted on Oct-31-2011

591 Romana De Locuri De Munca
Here the context goes with the stress, ho it freaks up an interview, what are the basic and natural precautions taken to deal with stress and what are the ten basic blunders, which should not be created, rather kept in mind.
Posted on Sep-30-2011

342 Ten Blunders During An Interview
Here the context goes with the stress, ho it freaks up an interview, what are the basic and natural precautions taken to deal with stress and what are the ten basic blunders, which should not be created, rather kept in mind.
Posted on Sep-29-2011

396 Aplica pentru un locuri de munca
Applying for a job, finding the right position of your interests all are in one bowl. Applying for locuri de munca needs few basic tips, which must be kept in mind. The process of making an application usually follows a relatively standard process. If you can find people who can provide advice and look over your application, it will be very helpful and they might give and support you with experience tips.
Posted on Sep-28-2011

305 Locuri de munca si ocuparea fortei de munca
Jobs and employment– well there will be a job requirement if there is an employment. According to the labour code of a country. An individual is able to worklegally at an age of 16 With a view to carrying out the specific locuri de munca appropriately, an individual needs skills and knowledge.
Posted on Sep-26-2011