Rebecca Beckett's Article in Health and Fitness

1751 It’s No Crime Scene at Your Office- It’s just Drug Follicle Hair Testing
Pre-employment drug and alcohol testing, random testing and testing in schools and in the courts is as common place as asking for your social security number but asking for bodily fluids is still intrusive.
Posted on Mar-27-2009

1464 Uncovering the Myths Surrounding Drug and Alcohol Testing
We’ve all heard that we shouldn’t eat a poppy seed muffin before we go take a drug test for a new job. This and other rumors and myths are common to drug and alcohol testing.
Posted on Mar-27-2009

1336 Random Drug Testing May Become a High School Reality
If it were an option would you allow your teenager to undergo random drug testing to participate in high school athletics? This may be more of a reality as high schools look to ways to limit underage drug consumption.
Posted on Mar-27-2009

1489 Economic Cut Backs Affecting Drug Testing
It is no secret that the economy is affecting areas we never thought possible. People are losing jobs and unemployment claims are up. However, how are more obscure areas being affected?
Posted on Mar-27-2009